Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 900: :It must be recognized [Guild for subscription]

When Sheng Hui was sitting on the sea thousands of miles away, in the depths of the lake, at the core of the temple, I was also meditating in the direction of "events.

"The victim will not, and it will not be difficult to meet", this kind of sincere language.

When a person's abilities reach a certain level, of course, there is also a relative chance that some things, suddenly, it is natural.

I must say that ten benevolent Buddha statues are more benevolent.

In his grand oath, the three most critical links, namely the corresponding restraint rules, are open solutions.

In every progress made, there is a portion of income.

Only in this way can I send out the message of "Sixth World Reincarnation", immediately unlock a legal prison, and break through the realm.

The breakthrough in the heavens, coupled with the unique application of Taixiao Shending, also made the fragments of the Dharma Kingdom that were originally like the stars in the sky suddenly easy to obtain.

It's actually not that difficult.

What I did was, at the most appropriate time, "fuck" the same beads and smashed them into the Buddha's bone furnace.

As mentioned earlier, there are ten benevolent vows and dharma in the Buddha bone furnace, forming the fire and dharma of the soul, and the pearl of equality comes from this.

In legal principles, using pearls to attack each other is an irrevocable contradiction.

From the standpoint of the Ten Benevolent Buddhas, in terms of priority, the great desire of the big oath must be the most important.

I was inevitably resisted, and the power of the Pearl of Equality made a comeback, heavily blowing up the core of his ignorance.

At this time, with the help of the Shangqing system, with the help of the emptiness of the soul and the unique image, I transformed almost all the resources into the image of Mingyue, achieving unprecedented integration.

With the improvement of his realm, Mingyue’s soul shines in the sky by means of "internal and external scenery" and "heaven and earth integration", and the corresponding legal system is printed in the form of light naturally, and all things can be projected to shine. Reflecting the "shooting" boundary in places where there are few omissions, and continue to integrate.

Unprecedented reports cover the entire real world.

It may lack depth, but it is sufficient for induction.

As a result, the spiritual core and the image of the bright moon were shattered by the bead, and the entire system was shocked. The special mana of the bead also expanded the structure of the system, and was instantly transmitted to the real world, even around the void world. ?

In such a wide range, there can be no more omissions.

Sure enough, when the power of the same source spreads in the past, it will be attracted by the big vows of ten Buddhas, and the fragments of the world of Dharma hidden in every corner of the real world can no longer be hidden and felt at the same time...?

Although some of these fragments sank to the bottom of the river, some were buried under the nine places, some even floated outside the country, and even sprinkled on the haunted house in the blood **** under the influence of the turmoil in the real world.

But even the smallest particles did not exceed the range of perception, and I followed the trend and locked them one by one.

I felt the fragments of the law of destiny, the curses of the ten benevolent Buddha statues were calm and calm, and the same beads were returned to my master. At the same time, the flame of the soul burns on the "stars" and transforms it into a part of an equal amount of beads according to the established pattern.

Constantly absorbing new "nutrition" equal amount of beads, but loses the appearance of metal beads and becomes illusory.

It is like layer after layer of clouds, as if it will dissipate when squeezed.

Look carefully, it is deep, endless, layers of clouds, as if there is a world.

When my heart moves again, the cloud beads unfold and spread in the equal sky, becoming a unique element of this paradise, becoming an important part of the equal sky frame, and being condensed at any time.

At this point, I have made the oath of ten Buddhas, and I have fulfilled it perfectly.

But in front of him, there were countless tiny cracks in the Buddha's bone furnace, and they were expanding rapidly until they collapsed.

Perhaps it was the theme of the "Pearl of Equality" that caused the harm. It is also a pledge to be fulfilled, and there is no need to exist again.

However, the Ten Benevolent Buddha promised that the fire of the heart has risen to the equal sky, like his last trace in the world, becoming a heart lamp, and the long-lasting light will not go out.

Also at this time, the power accumulated by the great wishes of the Ten Benevolent Buddhas is actually a power that has been transformed into destiny and discipline, and this power is constantly pouring in.

There is equal pearl suppression, the image integration of the bright moon, and of course, there is also a reservoir like the supernatant system that will never be filled. My absorption can be said to be convenient and fast. The solid foundation is not affected, but one layer. Consolidate and push the entire kingdom.

The so-called robbery, from chaos and emptiness, just stand in the way.

So far, I have three robberies.

The real world of the heaven robbery is Taixiao Shending, Shadows and Ghosts. He is mainly engaged in "rebellious" work, and his personal interests are not high.

The starry sky is guided by the starry sky, and the incarnation is "reflected in the sky" as long as it is built on the basis of real laws, it can penetrate into a nihil world. Even with a big change, like the witch god, it reduces the impact of the empty barrier.

Such an avatar can cross borders, just like witchcraft.

However, at this stage, the most important thing is to help me spread the coverage of the system, which is very meaningful.

As for the robberies that emerged from the chaos and emptiness, this is an equal day.

But this is not just an equal day.

In the same days, there are the primitive power of Luocha Ghost King, Taixuan Magic Mother, Infinite Sky God Master, and the true imprint of the true meaning of Feifei Sword. Now it has added the compassionate Buddha's ten-faced heart to practice the fire of Dharma. .

At the beginning of the establishment of "Equality Day", its inspiration mainly came from the incarnation of "Xinyi" Tian, ​​seeking a relatively simple balance, but only partially mentioned the legal principles of equality and the cycle of destiny.

At the time, it was a "simple balance" and it was difficult for me to do it. In many cases, this is too mysterious to make up for the imbalance between various forces.

However, with the continuous improvement of his realm and knowledge, people's understanding of "balance" and "equality" is far from comparable to the past. These understandings were subtle and gradually changed the structure of Equality Day, making it more and more stable.

The day of equality has gradually become a true "day of equality".

Whether it is the power of the source or the imprint in the true sense, there is no question of more or less containing power, because it is a kind of balance found in "equality."

What is equality?

Some people say that the way of heaven is the most common, but for practitioners, the operation of the law of heaven and earth, no matter how detached, is meaningless.

From the moment the spirit was born, the difference has always existed.

Inherent inequality of qualifications, acquired environment inequality, and inequality of opportunity ultimately lead to higher and lower fields and different concepts.

However, no one can deny that when they embark on the path of spiritual practice, the mechanism of the unity of nature and man is equal and there is no difference.

How the mind is practiced and how the laws of the heart of heaven react.

Regardless of whether the Xuanmen or the Buddha, the unity of nature and man, we must always follow this mechanism, this law, with it as the core clue, and allow thousands of roads to develop, all circling, not leaving the left and right.

This is naturally a great balance.

As long as we stabilize this clue, let alone equality contains five different factors, even if it is or, it can also ensure balance and stability.

This is the essence of Mingyue, which comes from extensive, complex and huge resources.

The bright moon rises, the inside is outside, and the sky is shining on the sky, which is a symbol of the unity of nature and man.

Because of this, I simply linked the "External God" system to this place.

Under the framework of equal number of days, the feedback from the "external gods" to him was adjusted and reconstructed over time, and then transformed into a bright moon.

In this way, I was equivalent to bringing thousands of "foreign gods" with me to pass.

Of course, in the past, my interests were huge, and the interests of all gods were not small.

At least, in order to indirectly feel the natural robbery of foreign countries, there must be some understanding.

This feeling is very pure without my intervention. It is not like a witch God, leaving its own mark. This is great.

For the time being, I don't have time to pay attention to the reaction of the "external gods".

For him, the fate of equality is far from over.

Today, the earth’s world, stars, and equal sky are ravaged, including:

The realm of the world is the foundation of Taixiao Shintoism and the foundation of the world's trust.

The starry sky is not only the basic method of the Qing Dynasty, but also the basis of control.

The day of equality is all the external ways of the gods, and it also symbolizes the basis of the system;

Then there is the devil's pool, and the opening of the sky is still behind it.

On the other hand, the situation is very complicated.

The predecessor of the World of Warcraft Pool was the Spirit Slaughter Prison, which was originally built to adapt to the transformation of the Devil's Light. Later, some demonic impurities were deposited, then the prison passages and debris from industrial fires, and then the demoralizing power of Lei Chi and the Dillon Army. Of course, the real big head is still the huge information injected by the Yuan Dynasty gods?

It can be seen from the above that in the magic pool, the proportion of things that really belong to me is very small, or, in fact, this is a collection of all factors that he cannot control, understand, and absorb.

He just provided a place of restraint.

When I came out of Mingyue, I really came here because I couldn't explain it at all.

For a long time, the Viking Pool has always been a "guest house" in his emptiness, even more independent than an equal sky, Rosa's source is unlimited, and so on. Most of the time, I can use God's bronze mirror, unlimited resources, etc. to use it.

To robbery in such a place, God knows what kind of robbery will happen!

However, there is no doubt that the magic pool is a treasure, let alone anything else, but information from the Yuan Dynasty. In terms of level and value, it is immeasurable. For many years, I have been analyzing and producing results.

Every analysis of a new achievement will have a positive impact on his practice.

On the other hand, under the command of Emperor Chen, almost endless Taoist soldiers are actually those who are willing to convert and obey me. They have "reincarnated" in the world, which is now the Supreme Filial Court, according to the laws of the Shang Qing system. .

They already possess the characteristics of the demon system. In the muddy sea of ​​blood, for a long time, they have been highly resistant to popular virus magic. This is also a matter of course. From the above point of view, the magic pool is just the "cornerstone" of the role.

Just like "Weng", the steady next set, so that I will not reach the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

This is a considerable resource, not to mention whether it is a pity to give up. If you want to give up, how can you give up?

This is the most important thing for me to suppress demons. If I did it now, we can imagine an outbreak of robbery devil.

What is the difference between a war with Senolina and an anti-war?

I have not forgotten that there are still two extremely deadly factors buried in the devil's pool.

Shen Lina, Mrs. Huang Quan!

The origins of the two were left in the magic pool, especially Mrs. Huang Quan, who was just the "spiritual armature" here.

Once a robbery happens, no one knows what will happen.

It can be placed, cut, and negatively affected. Compared with the unknown crime of robbery, it is not inferior.

I am not weighing that the determination to do so has already been made and will not change again.

He believes that what he did was to make more preparations for the hijacking of Surprise Pool.

Because of this, I'm already considering the follow-up action when the robbery has the same "sexual" quality.

When the chaos and emptiness were over, I applied the things he got in the heavenly robbery to the demon pool.

In particular, it applies to the primitive power of Xianluolina and Madam Huang Quan.

"The unity of man and nature" is the core clue of "equality".

On the other hand, the sky is one end, and people are the other end. Of course, there are tens of thousands of ways to connect. The length of the line is different, but back to the source, the "nature" of the "line" will not change. What people do is " "Pull" it and change various images.

Of course, the relationship between man and sky is not as simple as "a line". The situation will be more complicated.

The orderly structure formed by splicing is the achievement of the monk, that is, the collection of all elements such as knowledge, realm, mana, and incarnation.

This is the power of origin.

From my current point of view, Xianluolina's force structure is almost perfect.

Because of its perfection, rejection is strong, and it is endless and spiritual.

I want to eat it on an equal day, but due to spiritual existence, I have to give up.

This point, that is, the ghost king of Rocha, the infinite and empty God is not reflected.

As for Mrs. Huang Quan.

I must emphasize again that every time he observes the origin of Madam Huang Quan's mental armature, he does not see any defects, nor lacks mentally, but he is not as hostile as Shen Luoli.

No wonder the ghost king Luosha chose her instead of the Great Black Sky Buddha and Bodhisattva Bodhisattva as the core of the seven great sacrifices to the five pillars. The gap between the two parties is too great. This gap is at the cognitive level, and it is almost impossible to catch up.

As long as this legal principle is complete, no matter which system it is, it can achieve eight columns, six columns, and nine columns.

However, Mrs. Huang Quan's own strength is very weak and very abnormal, but she seems to have deliberately stripped the general's skin. It is not impossible to eat her on an equal day, but I cannot find a very accurate "expression", nor can I incorporate it into the balance system because in this case, it may be a "system coverage", The consequences are not known, and it can also cause unpredictable interference.

In the beginning, he even pretended to "turn the armature" of Mrs. Huang Quan. If it were not the final freezing process, he might make a big mistake in the final stage.

Because it is impossible for him to reproduce the nature of Mrs. Huang Quan.

At that time, did he "describe" Mrs. Huang Quan, or did Mrs. Huang Quan "influence" him in turn?

I woke up like a dream with a cold sweat brush on my back!

For a long time, his body was not that abnormal, but his beating heart could not stop beating at all.

Is this Mrs. Huang Quan's plan?

Yes, if you think like this, there will be a fatal contradiction:

Since he could not "describe" Mrs. Huang Quan's original "nature", how did he "transmit the mental armature" to swallow Mrs. Huang Quan into the void of his heart?

There is no doubt that to explain this, you can only think:

From the moment he "transferred the armature", he had already won.

Mrs. Huang Quan used his "calculation", which in turn "calculated" him and influenced him.

From an unrelated position to his core.

So from a realistic point of view, Mrs. Huang Quan's power is too weak to be ignored. I didn't see any harm for a while, but it was like a bug entering your stomach. Will not work very hard.

Moreover, this situation is a bit like the law imprinted by the witch gods on the monks in this world. Before touching the real law, a contact is like this. Regardless of whether it will be corrected in the future, let alone the impression left by the mind, this is the most terrifying.

In my opinion, Mrs. Huang Quan's legal system is closer to the real law, or even worse.

Because there is no way to distinguish so that she will never be preserved in the depths of the form and cannot be uprooted?

From this perspective, is this an ancient parasite?

I suddenly remembered something.

So what about such a nearly perfect building, what about Loha Ghost King?

If Rosha's knowledge level is higher than her, but from the comparison of the force structure of the two, it seems that there is no....

So, isn't it that Rocha Ghost King Heart also has the brand of Mrs. Huang Quan?

Then what should I do?

The more realistic question is, what should I do?

Thank you Green Shirt for Avatar's Wine Alliance, thank you, song can not be grabbed, new support.

There were no seven minor robberies.

In the devil's pool, blood was surging, and the devil roared.

Especially under the hanging moon, around the beam of light ascended into the sky, thousands of ghosts and shadow demons fought to the death, in order to compete for the "separation" opportunity.

It is in this chaotic field, but there is a rare clean land, dry devil, far away.

Here, there are layers of spiritual light, among them there is a vague figure, and the vague figure is Mrs. Huang Quan.

This is the spiritual armature of Mrs. Huang Quan, which means "spiritual cardinal". Through Xuanyuan's basic spirit and methods, this is the meaning of my heart.

Of course, it has now been confirmed that this "painting" is a complete lasso and trap. It is a hoax set up for him by Mrs. Huang Quan, making him "quite complacent" to connect this deadly parasite to the core of his own land. Together, it is difficult to remove it again.

Madam Huang Quan's initial strength lies in this mental armature.

However, the brand with a complete system that she has should enter my cognitive level, and "the mind is taking shape."

It's like a witch making a mark in real life.

Although the mark of the law of the witch **** has collapsed, it is still carved on the heart of every real life.

The so-called imprint is the basic law of his understanding of the world and the resulting law system of the real world. It has a ubiquitous impact on life in the real world, especially on the cognitive level.

Also after I reached the realm of a real person and broadened my knowledge, I knew that the real laws of the alien sky are completely different from the laws of the real world. At least in the natural environment of the alien sky, there can never be one The "real world" of stars spanning hundreds of millions of miles is shaped like a disk that makes the sun revolve around the empty world.

From another perspective, the witch **** is actually very kind.

At least his law of change, as long as the monk has reached a certain level and is rich in knowledge, it will be easier to distinguish and correct. That is another matter.

But as far as Mrs. Huang Quan is concerned, I am sure that this is a complete legal system that must be based on the true laws of the universe.

I'm dying.

My knowledge of the law now tends to the real law. In terms of integrity, it is much worse than Mrs. Huang Quan. The whole thing is "all-encompassing."

Because of this, it is difficult for him to know how many traces of Mrs. Huang Quan's involvement in his own understanding of the true laws of the universe.

In addition, the real basis of the laws of witchcraft is the real world. In front of him, King Rosha destroyed the foundation of the real world by destroying the real world, and completely got rid of the shackles that could not be broken or cut.

It must be recognized that this is the most effective way to eliminate terrorism.

But did he apply this method to Mrs. Huang Quan to destroy the entire universe?

When I thought about it, I suddenly realized something again.

He found that comparing Mrs. Huang Quan with the witch was inaccurate.

If you want to say that this situation is most similar to that of Mrs. Huang Quan, it is obvious.

Early Lord of Yuan Dynasty!

...This **** thing!

I can't think about it anymore, I'm afraid I can only despair.

Another way of thinking, maybe you can learn from Lu Shen?

Just like the true monarch of Donghua, he has practiced to the extreme, through the nine laws of the unity of nature and man, perfection, may be like the original power of God Lorina, with extreme exclusive "sex", or can destroy Madam Huang Quan" Parasitic" state.

However, since five robberies in the real world, only one piece of land has fallen; since dozens of foreign robberies have occurred, only one person has participated in the activities of Raolina. ..

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