Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 1090: : Great Glory [Kneel for subscription]

The main entrance is open, but only six people are allowed to enter today.

Commander-in-Chief Duan Ming, the founder of the Feng family, the fat man, the thin man, the hidden door high priest behind him, and...the elder Longgeke!

Today, the five directions have arrived, and only Dragon’s house is left.

With the sound of breathing, thirteen figures whizzed out.

Square, nearly a hundred silhouettes saw at the same time, the investigation of the eyes.


Please turn to the end of this book without expression. When landing, there was a slight cough in the mouth.

The sound was not very loud, but it reached these people's ears like thunder, making their hearts tremble, and they hurriedly lowered their heads.

Mo Yan turned around and said, "You are waiting here."

"Yes, eldest son." Long Xuan opened her mouth respectfully.

Mo Yu walked into the door of the army.

There was no sound in the square.

But soon, all eyes returned to me.

In the dragon corridor interweaving and taking the lead, a group of dragon monks exudes different colors from time to time.

Suddenly, a sneer sounded, "Unexpectedly, Tang Tanglong went home, but now he has to rely on the protection of other people's wings to survive."

You can say so!

The dragon was furious.

Long Xuan's eyes were cold, "Xu Qiuliang, it seems that the injury that year was very serious, I still can't let you have a little more long-term memory."

Xu was surnamed Xu, and his master, the high priest of Yinmen, also had the surname Xu.

However, for some reason, their relationship was not made public.

But anyone with sufficient background knows that they are father and son.

Therefore, although Xu Qiuliang behaves aggressively, which means he has no bottom line, but he dares to provoke him, but he is still rare.

Long Xuan of that year was of course qualified, so after a conflict, he would be seriously injured in anger!

For this, he was severely punished by the emperor and was imprisoned for years.

But this is also a dead end.

Xu Qiuliang was very angry, but the teacher did not allow it and could only suppress it.

Now, the emperor is dead. Although the family has found a patron, it is different from before. Xu Qiu's mouth opened. "I'm standing here. Can you do it?"

Long Xuan clenched his fists abruptly, his expression was extremely ugly, but he said nothing.

"Hahahaha!" Xu Qiuliang looked up at the sky and laughed.

There are twelve people in this big family, and their hearts are full of grief and anger.

The hall of the military command.

Six broad chairs were specially made and allocated around the round table.

Mo Yu's facial expression was calm, as if he didn't feel the slightest feeling about everything outside the hall.

Duan Ming is tall, with a thick beard, and very powerful hands and feet. At this moment, he smiles slightly. "They are all ignorant children, let them go."

When the words fell, the eyes gleamed across everyone, "Tomorrow, you and I will enter the wormhole together and fight for the species. I hope we can cooperate sincerely!"

This matter, the little disciple is rude and rude, I will scold him severely in the future, and please don’t blame the older brother

Mo Yu raised his head and looked at him, "The disciples who sacrificed so much, I really need to be reprimanded."

When he spoke, he reached the end of his hand, turned and left.

Xu Beidong's smile remained unchanged, but his eyes were cold for a few minutes.

The expression on the face of the ancestors of the Feng family, seeing this scene, the corners of his mouth showed a hint of taste.

Walking out of the military headquarters, the square has calmed down, Mo Yu looked at the faces of Honglongxuan and others, and said lightly: "Let's go."

"Yes, Master."

Today’s meeting is just an illustration to confirm mutual participation.

Tomorrow is a big day!

The wormhole opened, and the battle for the seed of the sword wood was about to begin.

In addition to the best conflicts, the team led by Grand Masters is also an important part.

When the two sides are evenly matched at the superpower level, it is up to them to fight each other.

Therefore, every Grand Master is qualified to form a team with fewer people.

Selection takes place in the army, and anyone selected is an absolutely loyal elite member.

This is both a great danger and a great glory!

The moment I pray for rain is in excitement and burden

As the captain of the Dragon's direct legion, he had clearly notified two days ago that he was selected into the Long Gallery team! ..



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