Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 7 Chapter 105: Strongly intervene in high-level meetings!

"Do you know the current situation in the city?" She stopped directly on the stairs, turned her head, her eyes could not hide her sharp scrutiny and inquiry.

"Although I'm back, it's nothing more than all the autodolls that have lost control are again controlled by the black hand behind the scenes, and the battleship is out of control. If you don't guess wrong, the other party will definitely take the opportunity to propose their own terms and send someone to negotiate with the college and mayor ."

In a sloppy tone, Kimberly’s eye pupils continued to enlarge with the content of the words, and finally returned to normal. Under the cover of the glasses, she covered her lips with her hands and coughed slightly, “If you didn’t know you just returned to the college, I must have thought that you must have spies installed in the city. Yes, things are roughly the same as you guessed, but the details..."

The tone that converged in the ending became meaningful, "After the other party took control of the Liverpool Puppet Show and all the intricacies in the city, and dispatched envoys to announce to the British government that they had occupied the intricate city of Liverpool, and that there were 500,000 of us in the city. His life is a hostage, threatening the incumbent king to abdicate and make the virtuous."

"So the Mage Association can't stand by and just help me, and can also test out what the Academy is thinking?" Xie Chen was not moved by what Kimberly said, but after Kimberly finished speaking, she smiled. The next sentence.

"Don't be so direct, you can simply think of it, I will help you."

While they were talking, they had already arrived on the second floor. Kimberly turned and knocked on the door behind her. The closed door revealed a dull and luxurious atmosphere. There was more than one aura inside. The dean was holding a meeting.

"Who is it?" The head of the academy couldn't hear any waves in his tone.

"I'm Kimberly, can I come in with a student?" Kimberly asked.

"It doesn't matter, please come in." Edward was not surprised at all. Obviously the visit of Xie Chen and Kimberly was also expected for him.

Kimberly opened the door, and the hall was extremely luxurious. It looked empty and huge. The chandeliers on the ceiling were in the shape of branches. The ground was covered with red carpets. The long table was placed in the middle and sitting on the long table. Surrounded by many high-ranking faces in the college, in front of them, the color and smell of black tea in a white porcelain cup are alluring.

Xie Chen glanced around, with a slight smile on his face. Not only were some authority figures, but even the powerful people in the academy stayed in this room, such as the silver-faced Magnus.

Kimberly took a step aside, and Xie Chen appeared in the field of vision of everyone in the room without letting it go.

With short black hair, a student who looked very friendly, in fact it was not easy to get close to each other. The rumored strength was also very powerful. Even the burning giant sword among the thirteen people was defeated by him.

Examining different eyes, Xie Chen's expression remained the same in such oppressive gazes, even the arc of his smile did not change a bit, the academy dean who looked back quietly, watching the academy dean wrinkled in fear. Raised brows."This is really an interesting guest, Professor Kimberly." Edward said slowly, except for Xie Chen and Magnus, no one knew that in the lane by the square, Edward had Fight against Xie Chen briefly, and did not gain the upper hand.

No dolls were used, so this does not mean that Xie Chen has the ability to be equal to Edward, but the magical power and sensitive reaction ability of Xie Chen have attracted enough attention from Edward.

"Master the academy, and everyone, I do know a very important news, and I have to interrupt this important meeting." Xie Chen's gaze quietly scanned everyone behind the long table, Magnus The gaze that came over was obviously locked, he seemed to know what Xie Chen wanted to say, but he couldn't believe that he would say it directly on this occasion.

"In this kind of emergency situation, interrupt our meeting, if it's just nothing insignificant and I don't know where to hear the news, classmate Xie Chen, you should be solely responsible for this kind of responsibility!" He said in a calm tone. With a calm threat, the old man sitting in the second right hand of the academy's head looked like a deep pool, staring at Xie Chen.

The heavy pressure on the face caused Yiluli and Yeye, who were following Xie Chen, to hold each other's hands, and because of inexplicable fear, the two simultaneously shrank from behind Xie Chen.

Xie Chen's expression did not change the slightest, as if there was a vacuum barrier around him, all the aura and oppression disappeared here, and there was a sharp smile in his eyes, in the oppressive aura. Taking a step forward lightly, those oppressive auras seemed to be pierced by a sharp spear.

"I know who is behind the manipulating robot and Didelis? You don't want to hear the name now, and I don't want to say it so easily, so arrange for me to meet Arrianti first."

The understatement, like a blast of thunder, suddenly detonated in the room.

Even a person in a high position, staring at Xiang Xie Chen at this time, immediately changed his color, and the whispering talk was filled with surprise in his eyes.

"This can't work. Arianti is an important insider in this matter. She has an illicit relationship with the rebels and used the funds and facilities of the academy to privately provide the research results to the ambitious rebels. The crime is serious."

"whispering sound!"

The clear disdain was like a dagger, instantly making everyone including Jin Baili stare, as if their throat had been cut. Where is this to allow Xie Chen to be so presumptuous? Who does he think he is talking to? This is the highest-end conference room of the Royal Academy, and the object of his disdain is the highest controller of the Academy, the Dean of Edward.

Is he looking for death?

After the frowning astonishment, a sense of humiliation that was despised by the lower class spread in the hearts of everyone behind the long table almost at the same time. They stared at Xie Chen, who was standing tall, with murderous intent in their eyes.

"If Io is really executed, then the real situation cannot be dealt with. Do you think anyone can manipulate the robot puppets in the entire Liverpool city at will?"..


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