Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 8 Chapter 56: After all, they are enemies and not friends

In Xie Chen’s slightly changing look, the red nun stood up slowly. She opened her lips as if she sighed slightly. The torture device on her waist was cold and unidentified. She lowered her eyes and turned and walked towards the depths of the woods. go with.

Xie Chen's guard was slightly loose, instead he narrowed his eyes and looked at the red nun, showing no defense at all.

He secretly estimated the possibility of a hit in his heart, but finally dispelled the idea when the red nun completely disappeared in the dark woods in his vision.

At his feet was a criminal lying alone on the ground. He was wearing a prison uniform with his limbs twisted into a strange shape. Obviously, some places had broken bones, but he was useless now.

Xie Chen looked at him one last time, then turned around and turned back.

As we approached the seaside homestay, we could hear a loud noise coming from the darkened room. A group of people didn't know what had been agreed upon. After cheering, the whole homestay regained its light.

When Xie Chen walked in, the store owner was taking Shangtiao Daoye and they came out of the basement. The handyman with Steer's body followed him timidly, carrying a long ladder in his hand, probably Shi Tyr's body was replaced by the handyman's soul.

Then Xie Chen saw her from the last place in the crowd, the red nun.

His gaze became more subtle now, and he unabashedly showed a trace of hostility. From the previous position to here, although he came back from a walk, the young girl surpassed him and approached Kamijo Toya and them, no matter what he They all escalate the degree of danger in their hearts. Maybe this is not just a game. Although we know who is the last "ghost", the process of "ghost hunting" will eventually be complicated.

As if aware of Xie Chen’s hostility, Shen Li immediately followed his sight and looked at the particularly inexistent nun in red, “She is a member of the Russian Adult Education’s'Annihilation of the White Book', not an enemy.”

Xie Chen nodded.

It's just that the speed in this is as if there is no hesitation, so Shen Li and Tu Yumen Yuanchun subconsciously feel that Xie Chen is perfunctory.

Tu Yumen Yuanchun immediately added, “The British Puritanism is good at'hunting witches', then the Russian adult religion is good at'hunting ghosts'. She is Misha Kleve, this time it is the ghosts. Thanks to her. So quickly understand."

"Really?" Xie Chen said unclearly.

The deep red pupils of the blonde nun stared at Xie Chen from behind the neatly flowing sea. When Xie Chen’s voice had just landed, Mi Xia seemed to have crossed the boundary of space, and appeared in front of Xie Chen in an instant with her right hand. Pulling out the cross of unknown material on the belt, he pointed the sharp side of the cross at Xie Chen's neck without hesitation.

It was just a flashing room, and the people on the side had no time to react, but Xie Chen, who was the person involved, also appeared in another corner of the room when the incident happened.

The expression in Mi Xia's eyes was cold, without any hesitation, her eyes seemed to be ready to cut off Xie Chen's head at any time. "You are not a human being, what are you?!" The mechanical voice, with a severe question.

Xie Chen's expression suddenly became deep and solemn, and then raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Misha Klojjev, do you suspect that I am the caster of the'Angel Fall'? But instead, I think the timing of your appearance is too coincidental, you It was the prisoner who caused the'Angel Fall'!"

Mai was so frightened that he couldn't speak, and even the Tumimon Yuanchun and Shenchuan were caught off guard by the words of the two.

Faced with Xie Chen’s questioning, Mi Xia’s eyelashes trembled and her eyes rolled, “I came here to prevent the'Angel Falling’, so your creature with unknown aura is hugely suspicious.”

Kamijou Mai’s nervous heart was about to jump out. She knew exactly what Mixia had said before. Xie Chen was indeed the demon she summoned, but even if he didn’t help her, she didn’t know when her feelings were silent. She didn't want to see him burned to death by the church as a heresy.

Using the domineering look and hearing to pay more attention to the space around his body, Xie Chen looked towards Mi Xia with cold aura.

He knew a long time ago that his demon identity could easily be discovered in the Forbidden World, first Aleister, and then when Inticus performed the light magic, that kind of obvious repellent breath change Any monk in the church can perceive his identity.

"Forty, nine, thirty, seven. Eighty-six in total!"

Mi Xia's cold eyes were fixed on Xie Chen's face, and her lips moved slightly and whispered these inexplicable values. When her voice ended, the floor behind her suddenly sprayed out a water column like a fountain.

"Echo, water! It turns into a snake, stabs like a sword!"

Blasting the underground water pipes, Mixia controlled the water column like a snake to be scattered into countless water snakes, swaying at Xie Chen, and suddenly protruding to Xie Chen's convenience. The soft and flexible water became sharp. Water gun.

Xie Chen's eyes condensed slightly. Although there was a domineering look and feel to capture the direction of these water columns, which could be avoided, Xie Chen stood there unavoidably, the thumb and **** of his right hand flicking together.


The lasing water column did not have a clear direction, but most of them went straight to Xie Chen, but when they touched Xie Chen’s body, it was as if light had been refracted by a mirror, and the water column burst at a faster speed. Rushed towards Mi Xia.

Mi Xia’s figure turned into light in an instant, melted into a faint shadow in the air, and all the water jets fell on the ground as splashing water droplets. Only then did the illusory figure reappear solid, and she was thoughtful Looking at the water droplets and then at Xie Chen, his expression finally turned hard.

"No matter who you are? I still want to kill you!"

"It has been explained that he is our companion and friend of the adult education. If you continue to be so stubborn, we will be forced to shoot!" Shenchuan touched the sword on his waist and stood in front of Xie Chen for the first time. ..


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