Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 4: New task

On the coast, Xie Chen raised his head abruptly and completely dried the water droplets on his hair.

"Don't cut it again? Shangren's strength is really amazing." Although just a few times before tentatively fighting with no cut, it was enough for Xie Chen to judge the position of his current strength in Naruto.

If you only use physical skills, you will never output most of the upper ninjas in Naruto. With most of the skills sealed, your overall combat power should be similar to ordinary upper ninjas.

After he unlocks the seal of the skill or obtains a new skill, I believe that if I force Kakashi and don't cut such strength, the problem is still not big.

Called Olaos again, but still did not get a response.

However, there are new prompts on the task panel.

Xie Chen sighed, and immediately clicked to check.

Task: Resolve the conflict between Kakashiban and No More Kill, avoid No No More Death, and No More Kill and White Conquer. Task reward: get new ninju skills.

Task: Handle the relationship with Kakashiban and break into Konoha Village. Task reward: unlock the weapon seal.

I really want to play with me!

Xie Chen's mouth twitched twice and shook his head speechlessly.

Now there is finally a task to get offensive skills other than the auxiliary type, and the weapon has a chance to unblock it, and then he will definitely be able to win the battle without cutting it.

But with so many skills that I have been sealed, if you need to do tasks to unblock them, you must exhaust yourself!

Forget it, let's go to Kakashi's side and get in touch, let these thoughts aside.

Thinking of Naruto's live treasure, Xie Chen's mouth showed a smile unconsciously.

As for Carduo, Xie Chen didn't worry too much.

He had already revealed his strength before he didn't cut it. He definitely knew that the samurai under Cardo were definitely not his opponent.

And the focus of him and Bai must be on Kakashi, so he will "replace" himself to warn Kado, and will not send anyone to harass the people in the village.

Following the small road leading out of the village, Xie Chen easily found the bridge they were building.


Xie Chen didn't want to hide his figure, so he had just walked 100 meters away from the construction site when two strong men with wooden sticks had already forced him.

"This is our construction site, who are you? We don't know you, why are you here!"

Xie Chen spread his hands out: "Don't be so excited, and this is not a smart move for you. Even if it is Cardo's men, do you think you can stop them with two sticks?"

"What! Cardo!"

As soon as they heard the name, the two became even more nervous: "You, you must be someone sent by Kado! Apart from our village and the ninjas we invited, there are only Kado's minions on this island!"

"Mr. Dazna! There is a suspicious person here! Come and see!"

Although he was extremely suspicious of Xie Chen, the two people heard what he said.

If Xie Chen is really Mr. Cardo's men, then the two of them are indeed not his opponents.

So... hurry up and let all the big guys come and see him!


In a short while, a group of people rushed over from Broken Bridge, and the leader turned out to be two ninjas, who were younger than Bai!

"Is this one of Cardo's men?" The guy rushing to the front, just looking at the three lines on his face and his hairstyle allowed Xie Chen to judge his identity, "Well, it doesn't look like that. He looks fierce..."

Damn it!

The two who forced Xie Chen with wooden sticks almost fell to the ground, even Xie Chen himself was a little speechless.

As expected of Naruto, you can judge whether the opponent is an enemy by feelings, just look at the appearance...

Although it was indeed not hostile to come over this time, Xie Chen really felt underestimated after listening to Naruto's words.

On the contrary, Sasuke behind him is much more mature: "The tail of the crane! Step aside for me, don't be ashamed here!"

He looked gloomy, as if everyone he saw was his enemy.

Xie Chen touched his chin, deliberately sighed and shook his head.

This Sasuke is really not cute.

Although his previous experience is too burdensome for a teenager, if he can have half of Naruto's optimism, don't put all the pressure in his heart, it will not become like this.

"Strangers, whether you are under Cardo or not, this place is under the strictest guard, so if you are all right, you'd better leave quickly!"

Sasuke didn't have much patience. After speaking, he went forward two steps directly and grabbed Xie Chen's shoulder.

"Good skill." Xie Chen didn't intend to do anything with them, but appearing on this island at this time is in a situation of suspicion.

In this case, it would be better to show the strength enough to win the respect of the other party!

He didn't move his feet and his body was shaking slightly. To ordinary people, Xie Chen didn't seem to have moved at all, but Sasuke never touched the corner of his clothes!

"Sasuke! Don't act rashly!"

At this moment, another adult ninja suddenly appeared behind Sasuke and looked at Xie Chen vigilantly.

Dressed as a standard ninja, and one eye is covered by a hood, there is a fierceness in the whole person's laziness, which makes people afraid to take it lightly. It looks like this is Kakashi.

Kakashi was also looking at Xie Chen warily.

Sasuke himself has a very good foundation, and after his own special training, his current strength has changed completely.

I don't want to, but I can't even test the details of the other party!

"Oh, you seem to be their captain, right?"

"Yes, who are you? Why do you appear on the island at this time? I'm afraid it's not easy to come here!"

"Huh! I think it's obvious, this guy is trying to hide inside us under the guise!" Naruto rolled up his sleeves and made a look like he was about to open a fight. ..


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