Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 8: Subdue

"If you don't cut it again, you're defeated!" After Naruto was settled, Xie Chen had to find a way to convince him not to cut it.

Now I finally avoided Bai's tragedy, but the matter is not over yet. If he doesn't continue to use his brains, not only will he have no way to survive, even Bai will be burdened by him!

"I'm defeated? I won't be defeated! Kakashi, come back, I can beat you!"

Not cutting it again seemed to be irritated by Xie Chen's words, but after desperately moving two steps here, he couldn't move his footsteps anymore. The serious injury on his body made him unable to exert his strength at all!

"Don’t be impulsive, I should have told you about my conditions, right? The conditions are still valid. As long as you and Bai can accept my employment, I can keep you safe. Not only the safety here, but also the fog. Hidden Future’s pursuit of troops is still effective!"

Kakashi frowned on the side.

In terms of strength, Xie Chen's words really cannot be doubted.

Needless to say, I won't be cut anymore. Although I won, not only was he cut, and the Chakra consumption was very huge. Now he is not Xie Chen's opponent.

And even though he was no longer in a hostile position with Tao Di, he never thought about killing him.

Now let's see if Xie Chen can really say anything and stop cutting it.

Although he didn't have much confidence, he was willing to give Xie Chen a chance.

"Fuck! When did I be afraid of death? I wouldn't lose to Kakashi if it weren't for you, but now I ran out to pretend to be a good person!" Sure enough, I didn't appreciate it, but was irritated by Xie Chen's words. !

"You really are not afraid of death, so do you want Bai to die with you? You should understand what Bai wanted to do just now?"

I didn’t stop for a while, but quickly recovered his fierce look: "So what. White is a tool that I cultivated! Her mission is to die with me! Just now I knew she wanted to stand in front of me. , But this is what a tool should do!"


Although Naruto in the distance was helping Sakura, he couldn't help cursing when he heard the "wrong theory" of not being cut!

Xie Chen looked at the state of not cutting, and saw that although he was still very tough in speech, but when he said that insulting remarks to Bai, his fists clenched, and it was obvious that he was struggling.

"Don't cut it anymore. Did you say these words?" Knowing that "warmness and silence" is of no use to this product, Xie Chen directly pierced his heart with the most intense words!

"Bai was indeed nurtured by you, but think about the bits and pieces you get along with her! Do you dare to say that you have always looked at her as a tool? Anyone has a heart and affection! Don't cut it, it's not me I see a lot of people who look down on you, unfeeling and unrighteous, do you think how much you really pretend to be!"

There was no rebuttal before he did not cut. Suddenly, a gloomy voice rang from the shore.

"Oh! As expected, it is really embarrassing if you don't cut your current appearance!"


Everyone was taken aback and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Cardo walking over with a large number of warriors and thugs.

Roughly speaking, there are at least a hundred of them! Although everyone's strength is very weak, they add up to an incredible combat power!

"Why are you here!"

"Nonsense! Don't cut it again, you don't think I really trust you, do you? I already knew that you ninjas are unreliable. I didn't want to involve you, but it made me run into you and Bai who are rebellious. Haha, those of you stray dogs who are being hunted and killed by people everywhere should be taken in. Let you go east, how dare you go west!"

"However, the white boy is so arrogant, dare to break Laozi! Since then, I have spent a lot of money to buy more samurai to come, this time no matter how you fight with Konoha's ninja, Lao Tzu is ready to kill you all at once. You lowly ninjas, there will only be one end, and that is death!"

Cardo arrogantly insulted not to wait for the ninja, especially when he heard that he wanted to kill all the ninjas here, and it made everyone vigilant!

"Hehe, I should have heard the words earlier, if I killed you earlier, there would be no such things!"

Xie Chen said coldly: "Who just said that you just use Bai as a tool? Since you are not afraid of death, and you don't care about Bai's death, I think you can just open your arms to welcome death. Don't resist!"

"You!" Xie Chen blocked himself with what he had just said, and then gave him a fierce look.

"What I am, people have already deceived you. Whether you are living upright or being humiliated to death, you choose yourself. As I said, the price I offered before will always be valid!"

This sentence once again stabbed the weakness of not cutting again.

He can die, and he is not afraid of death, but he is going to die gently and violently. If he died in the hands of a villain like Cardo, and he might be humiliated by him, then he would do everything possible to resist.

If it were in the original comics, if you didn't cut it, you just had your arms scrapped, and there was enough power to bite Kuwu and die with Kaduo. But now he suffered much more injuries than then, and he was unable to fight anymore.

"I! Xie Chen, remember it! I am employed by you, not sold to you!"

In the end, if he didn't cut it, he could only say a depressing sentence.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xie Chen's mouth.

As long as you are willing to agree to it, even if you are unwilling in your heart, I will still have time to consume with you in the future. And as long as this trouble is solved, even if the task is completed, improving one's strength is what he values ​​most.

"Kaduo, you have heard it now, now that you don't cut and white is already my subordinate, if you want to touch him, you have to ask me first."

Cardo didn't expect that someone would stand up and speak for Xie Chen at this time, and said angrily: "What do you think you are, kill him for me!"

"Bang!" As soon as the voice fell, a crossbow arrow suddenly burst out and hit Kado's feet! ..


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