Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 16: Sudden signal

Bring Kakashi to the place that had been negotiated with them, they were already there waiting for Xie Chen's return.

"Now I am really grateful. Fortunately, I agreed to cooperate with you last time. Otherwise, I really don't know how much trouble I will encounter this time."

After finally seeing Fengying's body, even Kakashi was shocked, and there was no more cynical expression on his face.

"Rather than saying these useless words, it's better to give them something practical. Remember to speak more for me and Don't Cut them when you report back to your Naruto-sama, and let other ninjas remember our benefits."

Xie Chen was a little depressed. Isn't he still accepted by Konoha? Why isn't the task of unlocking the weapon seal considered complete?

If it weren't for Olaoqi that he couldn't call it now, he would definitely suspect that he was playing with himself again.

"Of course. It's just that the situation in the village is also very complicated now, so we can't let you openly enter the village. Please forgive me for this." Kakashi must have suffered from three generations of old men when he came here. Face, so they did not directly let them enter the village.

No more anger flashed in his eyes.

It is one thing whether he is happy to enter the village of Konoha, but Kakashi's current attitude makes him very annoyed.

Xie Chen thought of this a long time ago: "Don't worry, we are not interested in entering the village now. That would be equivalent to exposing our hidden combat power. With the strength that will not be cut, it can be used as a surprise at a critical moment. "

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief, and Xie Chen's "reasonableness" saved him from embarrassment.

I didn't cut it again and didn't say anything. Although his style of doing things likes to go straight, it doesn't mean he has no brains.

This time, if he can really play a huge role in responding to the crisis in the village of Konoha, even if it is impossible for Konoha village to persuade the village of Wuyin to give up the pursuit of himself, he can be generous in the village of Konoha. Activities around.

Unless Suijing is ready to go to full-scale war with Konoha Village, she would never dare to extend their reconnaissance range to this area.

"But Kakashi, I must fully understand the progress of your Zhongnin exam. Only by mastering the progress can we judge the timing of the launch of the Oshe Pill." Xie Chen also took the opportunity to make his request.

"No problem." Kakashi realized that his conspiracy must be related to the Zhongnin exam when he knew that Ono Shemaru had faked Fengying, so he agreed without hesitation.

After Kakashi left, Xie Chen told them about the process of meeting the three-generation old man. At the same time, it also explains the strategy that Konoha Village is preparing to adopt.

No more contemptuously curled his lips and said: "Since Konoha Village is ready, it is impossible to take advantage of Dashemaru this time. I really don't know why you are so honest and want to take all the clues we have. Tell Konoha Village!"

Xie Chen smiled and said: "I know what you mean. It is generally better to reserve a certain amount of chips to give yourself more room to play, but this time it is an exception. Because even if you have enough preparation, Konoha Village will definitely suffer a big loss this time!"

Bai was very surprised by Xie Chen's words.

Because of the reason that she has never slashed since she was a child to avoid the fog and hide, in her heart, the five ninja villages are extremely powerful, and they are unable to resist with the power of ordinary people.

If the powerful ninja named Oshemaru used a surprise attack to hit Konoha village heavily while they were unprepared, she could still accept it.

But now that they had taken precautions, and even knew the incarnation of Oshemaru, she really couldn't understand the possibility of Konoha village losing.

If he didn't cut it, he showed a look of attention: "You mean, it's not just Oshemaru who attacked Konoha Village this time?"

In the face of them, Xie Chen had no need to reserve anything, and nodded: "Yes, the power of colluding with Oshemaru in the sand hidden this time should not be underestimated. With their combined power, even if it is a frontal conflict with Konoha Village. , Can also gain the upper hand. Not to mention that Oshe Maru may have a secret weapon!"

If you don't cut it again, you don't understand Xie Chen's "meaningfulness". But with the strength of Oshemaru and the preparations made for so long to disappear, he can still understand that he has obtained a secret weapon as a surprise.

Thinking of not slashing here, the fighting spirit rose high.

"Hehe, now I'm hoping that Sha Yin and Da She Wan's men will be more upbeat. It's been a long time since my decapitation knife was full of blood."

In the next few days, the development of Konoha Village did not seem to be different from usual.

Before Fengying's true identity was revealed, the Zhongnin exam went on smoothly. All the big names and nobles who had a good relationship with Konoha also gathered in Konoha.

For those who don't know the inside story, seeing such a scene must think that they have reached the culmination of Konoha Village, and they will usher in a glorious history that is not available in history.

But only Xie Chen knows what kind of damage Konoha Village will encounter after this battle.

It's just that that kind of thing doesn't have much to do with him, he just needs to find a way to complete his task and get the reward.

"Master Xie Chen, that, should it be a signal from Master not to kill again? Could it be that he encountered an enemy?"

Bai pointed to the purple stream of smoke that flashed in mid-air in surprise.

After reaching a tacit agreement with Konoha Village, although Xie Chen occasionally went to Konoha Village to show her face, he spent most of the time with them.

Only with the passage of time, coupled with the strategy of loosening and tightening inside Konoha Village, this area has increasingly fallen into the grasp of Dashemaru.

In order to prevent a large number of masters from being sent to ambush after being discovered by others, Xie Chen and Zaibuzhan often went to the periphery of Xiaogu to conduct inspections, while the other stepped up time to conduct special training with Bai.

Neither he nor No Slash is a Bing Dun blood follower, so she has limited guidance on her development, and more is to enhance her actual combat ability and push her own limits. ..


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