Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 22: Be trusted

"Don't hurt Gaara!"

At this moment, Temari's voice sounded, desperately rushing to Gaara's side and blocking him.

"Naruto, I'm sorry, it's all our fault, but Gaara is also a very poor person! Now he has recovered and will no longer cause any harm to Konoha, please forgive him! "

"Hand, Temari..." Gaara looked at the back of this "sister" in front of me, and suddenly felt the corners of his eyes moist.

"Gaara, you..." Temari turned her head, but was surprised to see a scene she had never seen before.

Gaara... actually crying?

Naruto looked at the appearance of Gaara and Temari, and for a while, he burst into laughter, "Huh! It's a shame that you have a good sister! This time it's cheaper for you! But it is just like a normal person." Well, keeping a straight face all day, as if everyone owes you something, it's easy to get old quickly!"

Temari looked at Naruto in surprise: "So, Naruto, you already forgive Gaara?"

"Well, that's right, as long as he doesn't hurt our village again in the future. Stinky boy, there is such a good sister, but you must cherish it!" The anger disappeared, and Naruto's strength just now seemed to be completely taken away. Yes, I can't even lift my neck, almost sticking into the dirt.

"Cut, it's really boring, it seems that Naruto can make a great ending anywhere." Xie Chen also fell here.

"Master Xie Chen, thank you very much just now. If you didn't intervene in time, Gaara would not recover so easily." Temari said sincerely.

"Nothing, I never do anything unpaid, just remember your promise. Naruto boy, didn't you just live alive? Why don't you move now?"

Naruto gave Xie Chen a gloomy look: "Are you still talking cool words next to you? Come and treat me soon! My bones all fall apart!"

Xie Chen said in a funny way: "Deserve it, who told you to force Gaara to fight back against you from the front? And I didn't lie in the same place just now, and wanted to beat people. Slowly, I said. After that, I never do anything that is unpaid, and Sasuke will come to help you when Sakura finishes it."

Naruto said annoyedly: "Then you are ashamed to stand by and watch?"

Xie Chen sighed and shook his head: "Do you think I'm so fateful as you? The battle at the main venue hasn't ended yet. And I'm more worried about Bai's situation, so I must go to deal with it quickly. Temari, here it is. I leave it to you and Sakura!"

"Master Xie Chen, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me here."

Xie Chen knows that the current masters of Oshimaru and Shayin must be concentrated in the venue, and most ninjas will see the momentum of the battle that took place here before, and I am afraid they will wisely avoid this place, Temari and Xiao Sakura is enough to handle most of the affairs.

"The barrier...disappeared!"

"Everyone, hurry up and help Master Naruto!"

The sudden changes in the center made the ninjas of Konoha Village all see hope.

Even Kakashi, who has always been known for his calmness, breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, the color of their faces all changed!

At such a close distance, they couldn't feel the breath of Master Naruto!

The light of the enchantment disappeared, and Dashemaru and Sandai stood on both ends of the roof. Although the breath of Dashemaru was very weak, and his arms were unnaturally hanging down, it looked like he was traumatized, but Hokage-sama stood there silently, not only did not have the action of chasing, but even breathing made people feel Not!

The gray face has a serene expression, so serene that makes people feel cold!

Da She Maru knew that he finally succeeded, but the price he paid was something he didn't want to bear anyway!

Own arms! His arms were hit hard by an incurable injury!

The hateful Konoha, the hateful three-generation old man!

"Kill all these people! I want Konoha to pay for my anger!" Oshemaru ordered word by word.

The subordinates of Oshemaru, who had been guarding the enchantment with all their strength before, suddenly agreed and immediately launched a counterattack against the ninjas in Konoha Village.

"Protect Hokage-sama first, and don't let them hurt his body!" With a ten thousandth hope, Konoha's ninja also rushed towards the three-generation old man.

Da She Maru didn't mean to stop them from doing anything.

Although the technique just paid a painful price for himself, the old man of the three generations would definitely not be able to save himself. This, Dashewan was certain. Using his body to contain some Konoha's elite Shangnin is still very cost-effective!

Judging by the strength here in the venue, Konoha's Shinobu has already overwhelmed Osamaru's men. However, when the two sides fought again, the back of Konoha Ninja suddenly went into chaos!

"It's Sha Yin's ninja, they still have the strength to support!"

"Sha Yin!" Kakashi's voice contained hatred.

"Everyone, don't mess with Fang Cun!" At this moment, a calm voice covered the panic of some ninjas. "These Shayin are probably the ninjas who made trouble in the village before. They must have separated a few ninjas now. The chaos restrained our village companions, and took the opportunity to come here to cooperate with Dashemaru's men. But they will not be able to draw too much power, and as long as our village stabilizes, we can immediately send reinforcements to double them. !"

"Who is this?"

"Huh? Xie Chen!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, but most of them couldn't recognize the identity of the young man. Only a few people like Kakashi knew him.

"Kakashi, if you trust my judgment, then use all your strength to smash the Oshemaru, don't let him escape easily, Sha Yin can't raise any big storms here!"

Looking at Xie Chen's confident expression, Kakashi felt that he was actually infected by his power. After weighing it a little bit, he nodded heavily: "I agree with Xie Chen's opinion!" ..


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