Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 29: Looking for jiraiya

"Mr. Xie Chen! Why did you deliberately let them go!"

At this time, they remembered to be anxious, Hong and Asma walked to Xie Chen. Now he has already withdrawn his power, in a careless manner, it seems that the battle just here is just an illusion of everyone.

"How can you say that, you all stood here just now, didn't you have no one to stop them?" Xie Chen didn't have the consciousness of a person being questioned, and asked them with a calm smile on his face.

"Uh, we, we are not the same. I am afraid that none of our attacks will pose a fatal threat to both of them. Only your blow to Oshemaru at the time can leave them behind, right?"

"You can't keep it." Xie Chen said indifferently. "The strength of the two of them is higher than you think. Although Dashemaru is strong, it is not their opponent. Even if I can barely hit one of them, What's the use of wounding? They are not our main enemy."

Asma and the others were speechless. These words of Xie Chen sounded a bit perverted, but they couldn't find a refutation.

"Forget it, it's okay to drive them away this time." Kakashi finally recovered at this time, "Now let's see how Sasuke and Naruto are doing."

Xie Chen sighed and said: "I have seen them when I first arrived here. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the child of are a teacher who takes a lot of trouble."

Kakashi nodded silently: "Okay, but in this case, the matter of going to Master Jiraiya will be left to you."


Xie Chen rolled his eyes.

This Kakashi's acting skills are enough. These two eight-poles didn't work together, but it was because of Kakashi's acting skills that I couldn't refuse it.

Of course, the more important thing is your own task, otherwise, Xie Chen will be able to show it to you no matter how difficult it is to draw a face.

"Okay, but, lend me Naruto. I heard that he taught himself the art of spiritism by Jilai himself?"

"Of course it's okay, and Jiraiya-sama seems to have an agreement with Naruto, let him go and maybe learn something new."

"Well, let's see Sasuke's situation first."

Originally, whether it was the action in Nami country or the battle with Oshamaru, under Naruto's influence, Sasuke did not become more cheerful, but at least the dead knot in his heart tended to ease.

But the appearance of Itachi immediately stimulated the deepest hatred in his heart.

Seeing that kind of hatred in the eyes of this child whose height could only reach his chest, Xie Chen could only shake his head helplessly.

It's no wonder that Naruto didn't call him back with such hard work. The **** spirit of this kid may have penetrated into his bones.

He has no hope for Kakashi's "psychological counseling".

"What's the matter? Are you absent-minded because you are with me?" On the streets of Konoha, Xie Chen looked at Naruto with a downcast look, not at all as lively as usual.

"No!" Naruto finally raised his head, "Mr. Xie Chen, I saw your strength up close last time, and I am very happy to be able to move with Bai. However, I still can't worry about Sasuke."

"He is a genius of the Uchiha clan, do you need to worry about him?"

"Master Xie Chen, Naruto can't figure it out so easily." Bai persuaded softly.

"Forget it, the most important thing for us now is to find Lord Jiraiya. Naruto, where do you think Jiraiya is most likely to appear?"

Naruto's attention was finally diverted, and he looked around and said: "It's actually very easy to find that old pervert. Just look around where there are most beautiful girls in the bathhouse."

"What!" Even if Bai's temper has always been calm, he can't help but blush when he hears Naruto's words. "I've heard of Sannin's name before. They are all Konoha's great ninjas, how can they look like an old man? Where is the pervert?"

"Cut! What a great thing, it's just that others don't understand his nature. In fact, he is a lustful and wretched old man!" Naruto was very disapproving when he saw that Bai was so admired for Ji Lai.

"Well, now we are not discussing the character of Jiraiya. Since Naruto has said so, let's find a bathhouse that meets the conditions."

Although Konoha Village is not small, there are just a few bathhouses where beautiful women often visit.

Naruto was able to exclude the places that he had visited before, and they quickly locked the most suspicious place in the house.

"But, how are we going to find him?" Naruto was a little bit puzzled. "Now that old guy must be at the women's bathhouse. We will definitely be regarded as perverts if we break in directly?"

Bai smiled and said, "It's okay. You can't go in, but I can. As long as Naruto tells me the appearance of Lord Jiraiya, I can definitely find him."

"It's useless," Xie Chen said disapprovingly, "With Jilaiya's strength, since he deliberately hides in the dark to peek, you may not be able to find it. Moreover, if one fails, he takes advantage of him."

"What should we do? We can't wait here all the time. Who knows if he is really in this bathhouse?"

Xie Chen smiled ill-intentionally at the corner of his mouth, "In fact, we don't have to be so troublesome at all. There is an easier way, you two stay away."

Naruto and Bai didn't understand what Xie Chen wanted to do, but they obeyed his instructions and stepped aside.

"Everyone, catch him! Someone is peeking in the women's bath! Catch that pervert!"

Xie Chen suddenly yelled to the inside of the bathhouse, and the inside of the bathhouse broke out!

Hearing these words, which woman can take a bath at ease, all looking for the so-called "pervert" in every corner of the shadows.

The bathhouse is so big in total, even if Jiraiya can hide, it is impossible to avoid everyone's search.

Soon Xie Chen saw a ninja with long white hair being forced out of it embarrassingly. ..


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