Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 31: Tsunade's "fall"

"Tsunade, why are you doing this? Is it so long that you haven't let go of that incident?" Jiraiya saw Tsunade's appearance and couldn't help sighing.

"Hehe, for me now, there is nothing I can't put down. It's because I can put it down too much, that's why it's so good to drink and drink every day and live a relaxed life. I heard that you have also figured it out recently. Oh." Tsunade didn't sigh because of Jiraiya's words. Instead, he smiled and started to "mouse" Jiraiya.

Jiraiya seemed to be very scared of this woman, and smiled bitterly: "Okay Tsunade, this time these little ghosts are looking for you for something important, you just listen to it seriously, really don't want to agree to discuss it again."

"Oh? Really?" Tsunade's eyes turned, and he paused for a while on Xie Chen's body. He seemed to see his troublesomeness, and immediately turned to Naruto's body. "Little devil, it seems that you are just Konoha's Xia Ren. Is Konoha so unbelievable now? You only sent a Xia Ren to find my old lady?"

"Drunk lady, don't pretend to be old in front of me, huh, you are not much older than me." Naruto originally wanted to pull the legendary one of the three ninja Tsunade to be the fifth generation Naruto master , But now seeing her look, Naruto completely changed his mind.

No matter what the three generations of grandfathers say, they are still a bit of Hokage's majesty. If this woman is dragged away...not to mention that she gets drunk every day and cannot handle official duties. I am afraid that it will take less than a month to export the entire village. Right!

"Huh? You seem to be unconvinced, kiddo, do you want me to teach you a lesson?" Tsunade said defiantly.

"Okay! Let me see how much you drunk lady can do!" Naruto could not stand this. No matter how strong the opponent in front of her might be, she suddenly accelerated forward and slammed her forehead with a palm.

"Huh? Even a Shinobu can also shadow the avatar technique?" Tsunade was a little surprised this time.

However, it was just a surprise!

Ignoring the "Naruto" in front of him at all, the drunkenness in Tsunade's eyes disappeared instantly, and he bent his elbow with his right hand and pushed directly behind him.

At this moment, another Naruto appeared in the direction of her attack!

Unexpectedly, he received such a swift blow as soon as he came out, Naruto's face was pale, but at this time, it was too late to use other means to avoid the attack.


Suddenly, a shattered mirror sounded. Tsunade's blow should have hit Naruto's chest, but Naruto's figure suddenly transformed into an ice mirror, taking the blow instead of Naruto.

Of course, this was Shirakawa’s shot. She saw that Naruto faced Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, so carelessly, she had long felt that he was going to suffer a big loss, so she had Kaijiu in advance and was ready to save him at a critical moment. .

"Naruto boy, do you know how good it is now?" Zi Lai Ye and Xie Chen have already felt the white chakra fluctuations, so they did not look surprised.

Naruto, who was barely converted by Bai Yi's ice escape technique to his side, raised his head embarrassedly, thinking that he hadn't put the beauty in front of him in his eyes just now, but he almost suffered a big loss with a single blow. His cheeks couldn't help but blush.

"Ah, it turns out she is really Tsunade-sama. But isn't it that Tsunade-sama is about the same age as Jira? Why does she seem to be only about thirty years old!"

When Tsunade saw that Shiro had rescued Naruto, he was not irritated, but gave her an approving look: "I don't know who trained him at such a young age, and he can save people from my hands. As for me. Hehe, young is the biggest asset of a woman. Because I get disgusting every time I see myself aging, so I invented a little ninjutsu to make myself a little younger."

"Huh! You are obviously a lie! Obasan is Obasan. He must turn himself into a young man. Such an approach is disgusting!"

"Whatever you say, I'm happy anyway. Well, my time is limited. If you don't explain what you want, then I won't be with you!"

Naruto stared at her viciously, still very angry. However, thinking of the village’s current situation, I can barely endure the anger: "This time I came to ask if you want to become Konoha’s fifth-generation Hokage. Because of the previous attacks by Osamaru and Sain, the village has now suffered a lot. Loss, even the three generations of now the village needs a strong figure as a pillar, not only to take the village to persevere, but also to prevent another attack after the Osna Maru is injured."

"It turned out to be like this." Tsunade listened calmly to Naruto's words. Only when he heard the news of the passing of three generations, a strong sadness flashed in his eyes, but he quickly concealed the past.

"Then, Tsunade-sama, are you willing to agree to be our Hokage?"

"Such a good seat." Tsunade teased him deliberately, "I'm so embarrassed. I! No! Promise!"

"Ah? Why!" Although Naruto was very angry with Tsunade's current depravity just now, he couldn't help feeling disappointed after hearing Tsunade's rejection.

"It's very simple, because I don't have to go to this muddy water! Hey, kid, you probably weren't born when Dashemaru became famous. Do you know how strong he is? Although I and Jilai also follow He is also ranked among the three ninjas, but Oshemaru has been a genius among geniuses since he was in the ninja school. Against him, I don't have much confidence in winning." Tsunade made a very realistic appearance.

Xie Chen calmly observed Tsunade's appearance.

Although she is very "chic" and "realistic" now, she can still see a look of loneliness and hesitation in her eyes.

The real reason for her refusal is by no means these on the surface.

Naruto said anxiously: "But how can I know if I haven't fought? And now the people in the village need you!"

"Cut, what does that have to do with me." Tsunade's words pierced Naruto's heart! ..


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