Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 34: Hinata's efforts

"Why! Tsunade-sama, isn't this Mr. Xie Chen talking about a very good opportunity?"

Tsunade looked at Xie Chen: "Do you think you are sure to take the Oshe Pill?"

Xie Chen thought about it for a while, and finally smiled bitterly: "It's easy to kill him, but it's really impossible to catch him alive. Especially this guy has too many weird methods. If we really want to catch him alive, maybe in the end we might Instead, it will give him a chance to escape."

"So, I can't take this risk. After so many years, I finally waited for this opportunity. Even if Dashewan may be lying to me, I still have to try!"

Although Xie Chen also made some preparations for rejection when he came, he couldn't help feeling disappointed after hearing Tsunade's answer.

But he did not try to follow Tsunade.

It would be possible if he didn't "snap the grass and startle the snake", but now Tsunade will definitely guard against this move.

Coupled with the suspicious nature of Oshemaru, and there are pockets around him, it is almost impossible to track Tsunade without hiding their eyes and eyes.

Now, I can only look at Naruto.

He didn’t go back and met with Jiraji and Naruto to disturb his progress. Xie Chen returned to Konoha first, lest the conspirators in the shadows really couldn’t sit out anymore, but with the strength of himself and No. I'm busy.

"Master Xie Chen, who are these two people? Why are there Shayin's people here?" Bai looked at the Temari standing beside him warily.

"I didn't expect that your taste for your subordinates is really unique. There are various types, but... all of them are women." And Mitarai Hongdou looked at Xie Chen with an "evil" expression, as if he had already seen through. What kind of like.

Temari said very impatiently: "Master Xie Chen, now it is also a very important occasion for Sha Yin. My time is very precious."

Xie Chen looked at his three new subordinates with satisfaction and nodded and said: "It's nothing, this time I will let you know each other. Bai, don't worry, Temari is the subordinate I conquered in the last war, she is my own. As for the reconstruction of Sha Yin, Gaara will be more capable than you think."

"The purpose of gathering everyone this time is to strengthen everyone's strength. It also helps me deepen my research on ninjutsu. You must cooperate well."

Xie Chen said bitterly in his heart.

Even if it seals most of his power, he can still acquire new skills by deepening his understanding of the world. I really think he has no tricks?

In addition, he is really interested in the way Chakra is used.

He has seen many uses of ninjutsu which is completely different from his previous understanding of energy and magic.

And based on previous experience, the conversion between magic power and chakra can be completely smooth, which is a very interesting phenomenon.

If you can study it thoroughly, it will definitely be of great benefit to your own strength improvement.

Of course, improving the strength of them, especially Bai and Temari, cannot be relaxed.

Although according to normal development, Temari's progress will be very fast, and Bai's talent and hard work are definitely not under the Temari.

But as long as he thinks that what he will face in the future is Akatsuki, an enemy with countless amazingly powerful players, Xie Chen cannot be optimistic about Konoha's prospects. Those masters will not gather together obediently and wait for them to solve them one by one.

And he doesn't have a clone technique. If his hometown is overturned by others when he strikes, then he will really make Xiao Ao laugh!

Therefore, in this limited time, the rapid progress of the strength of several subordinates is the most direct way.

"Oh? Can our strength be greatly improved?" Temari stroked his chin thoughtfully, and the complaint disappeared instantly.

"Yes. First of all, I need to understand your strength first. Now the three of you can attack me with all your strength!"

"Eh? Even me?" Mitarai Adzuki beans didn't doubt Xie Chen's strength.

How could a person who can defeat Oshomaru be weak.

The key is that according to Xie Chen's meaning, it seems that he must only defend but not attack, so that he can exert his greatest strength.

To know how he said it was also a Shinobi, plus the strength of Shira and Temari she had seen. Although they still bear the name of Xia Ren, there are actually many people in Zhong Ren who are not their opponents.

"Don't worry about me, if I can't even take such a joint attack, I won't be qualified to talk about improving you!"

As an "veteran" subordinate, Bai proudly said: "This is the strength of Lord Xie Chen! We can attack with confidence, I am afraid that even if we run out of Chakra, we will not hurt him!"

The three people dispelled their doubts, and when they were about to attack with all their strength, they suddenly felt a chakra wave not far away.

Although this wave of volatility is not comparable to anyone in the field, there is a strange feeling of determination!

"Huh? This power seems to be very weak, but that person still insists on using Chakra. Is this who is doing penance?"

Mitarai Adzuki murmured to himself strangely.

"It's possible, let's just go and see it?"

After getting permission from Konoha Village, Xie Chen has been hiding here with Noizhan and Bai, and he is very familiar with this area.

Confirm that no one else is here besides them, and it's obviously not the breath of not cutting.

Who would it be?

Gently pulling away the branches and leaves in front of him, Xie Chen saw a girl practicing palms against a big tree.

Pure white clothes, forehead guards tied around the neck, pink and lovely face, especially eyes without black pupils.

This person can only be the eldest of the Hyuga family, Hinata Hyuga!

"Huh? How could Hinata be here alone? What about her classmates? What about her people?"

As the eldest eldest of the chief celebrity of Konoha Village, Hina's popularity in the village is far greater than her strength. Mitarai Adzuki recognized her instantly. ..


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