Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 45: parting

Thanks to Xie Chen's affirmation, Hinata was very happy.

But she soon discovered that she was still holding Master Fangchen. The confidence that had just gathered disappeared instantly, and Hina Tian's face turned red, and he lowered his head nervously, afraid to look at Xie Chen's gaze.

"Master Xie Chen, now you can put me down." Hinata's voice was so small that she couldn't even hear herself.

However, Xie Chen smiled sympathetically and gently placed her on the ground: "Okay, this enemy has been resolved. Let's start gathering with the other team members to check the completion of the mission."

Outside the emergency treatment room in Konoha Village, Xie Chen and others are anxiously waiting for the results inside.

Thanks to the timely support of Gaara and others and Xie Chen's personnel allocation arrangement, they can defeat their opponents with their superior strength. Although some people have suffered some injuries, they are all a big win overall.

Except for one place.

That's the heads-up between Naruto and Sasuke!

When Xie Chen arrived, Sasuke had already disappeared, only Xie Chen was still lying there.

Fortunately, his judgment was not wrong. Although Sasuke had decided not to go back, his brotherhood with Naruto was still there, so he did not kill him.

It's just that his injuries are quite serious, and he is currently being rescued by Tsunade and Silent himself.

"Huh, it's finally over."

Tsunade finally walked out of the room, and seeing the relaxed expression on her face, everyone's hanging hearts fell back.

"Tsunade-sama, is he okay with Naruto?"

"Hehe, I see you are worried. There is no fatal injury on his body. So it is easier to rescue him."

"Tsunade-sama! Why didn't you say this earlier. We saw Naruto dizzy all the time, and thought it was a very serious problem."

Xie Chen smiled and said: "Well, compared to this, I am actually more strange than this. I didn't expect that Naruto's popularity in the village suddenly became so good. I remember when I first met him, it seemed that the people in the village were still It rejects him more."

One sentence embarrassed many people.

But thinking of the bits and pieces they had spent with Naruto during this period of time, they did have a great sigh.

That stinky boy who has always been showing little brain, really has a strange contagious power, it seems that as long as he is there, even he will never give up the hope of fighting.

"Well, although Naruto has recovered, I still try not to disturb him. During this time, he needs to recover and rest. Xie Chen, I haven't had time to ask, Sasuke?"

When Tsunade asked about the mission, everyone looked sad.

No matter how good they played and how many enemies they defeated, there is one thing they can't justify, that is, their mission has failed!

Only Xie Chen's expression remained calm, and it seemed that he didn't treat this question as the same thing: "No way, you should understand what happened to Naruto? Sasuke, he wants to leave the village by himself!"

"It's impossible!" Sakura argued loudly for Sasuke, "Sasuke is also very affectionate for the village, and he gets along very well in our team, why should he voluntarily go to Oshemaru? There must be other misunderstandings. After Naruto wakes up, we can ask him again!"

"Sakura, calm down!" Kakashi appeared out the window.

"Kakashi-sensei, come and say a few words for Sasuke! He must have been abducted by Oshemaru's men!"

No one responded to her, and Sakura felt a silence that seemed to last for a year.

"Kakashi... Teacher..."

"Sakura, Xie Chen’s guess is probably true. I went there and saw it. There were only two chakra fluctuations of Naruto and Sasuke, and I could sense the remnants of Rachel’s power. Sasuke was on Naruto. People are cruel."

"How is this possible!" Kozakura was stunned for an instant, as if she couldn't believe the truth from Kakashi's mouth.

"Nothing is impossible. In fact, you, Naruto and Sasuke have a small team, and you should have felt that Naruto's strength has grown very rapidly recently, and Sasuke can't accept this."

"Is this the purpose of his defecting to the village?"

Tsunade patted her shoulder comfortingly: "At least for now, we can’t make a conclusion. I won’t charge Sasuke with defecting. But, Sakura, you’d better be mentally prepared and wait until next time. When meeting with Sasuke, it is not necessarily an enemy or a friend."

Everyone seemed to have a feeling of depression in their hearts.

Like Naruto, in fact, many people have already accepted this cold-tempered Sasuke who is not easy to get along with others. But at this time, if he is willing to go to Oshe Wan, few people can accept it.

"Well, now it's useless for us to guess, let's wait for the verification of time. In this world, nothing can be fairer than time."

A few days later, on the road leading from Konoha Village to the outside of the village, Naruto looked back at the village where he grew up, and couldn't tell what his emotions were.

"Why are you leaving the village so soon? Actually, your injury hasn't healed completely." Xie Chen walked to his side.

Although he has used him to complete his tasks, he still agrees with Naruto in his heart.

"Okay, Xie Chen, you don't know how Naruto is now. Let him leave the village earlier, it might be good for him."

Naruto was silent, and did not respond directly to the words of the two of them, but from his firm eyes, it was obvious that there was something different from before.

"Master Xie Chen, Master Jilaiya, do you know how long it will take for Da She Wan to reincarnate again?"

"Three years, I have some understanding of the ninja of Oshemaru. Three years is a very reliable estimate."

"Well, in the past three years, I will work hard to improve my strength. After three years, I must defeat the Oshe Maru and rescue Sasuke from him!"

"Then work hard, obsession, sometimes it is also the driving force for improvement. Naruto, come on." Xie Chen also sighed.

Three years, when Konoha will face the crisis, it will not only be a "small role" like Oshemaru! ..


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