Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 58: mission accomplished

"Be careful!" Hongdou immediately used two giant pythons to form a huge shield to block the fear storm when the dragon took off.

Although this clay dragon is not particularly huge, its power is obviously not something that ninja can take lightly.

Taking off into the air, the huge dragon occupying a high position opened its mouth, directly spit out countless detonating clay and attacked Kakashi and others.

In the face of such a behemoth, Kakashi couldn't keep his hands.

"Temari! **** the clay for me!"

Kakashi clasped his right wrist tightly with his left hand, and the powerful Chakra was condensed on the palm of his right hand.

Temari's big fan turned and swept all the small clay in the air with a strong hurricane to clear a path of attack for Kakashi.

And Naruto immediately released a dozen shadow clones, one holding the other and aiming at the dragon.

Kakashi didn't have the slightest politeness, and flew into the air directly on the "human ladder" formed by Naruto.

Although the size of this clay dragon is very huge, its height and flexibility are also far less than the big bird that flew before, so it gave Kakashi a fatal chance!


Kakashi's speed is so fast that Deidara can't even explode the dragon before Kakashi has penetrated the core.

And Deidara also lost control of it, and could only watch his clay dragon fall to the ground to pieces!

"No, it seems that Big Brother Scorpion and I are a bit careless. These Konoha ninjas are very troublesome. If I'm singled out, I'm not afraid of any of them. But with so many people now, it is indeed very difficult to deal with. what!"

Now Deidara also started to retreat.

"Just take advantage of it now..."

A fierce color flashed in Deidara's eyes, and while flying back toward the highest point of this small valley, he spit out some clay again in his hand.

"Hey, don't you want to know how Gaara defeated me? Let you taste the taste of the eighteenth too! I want to blow you to pieces!"

As Deidara yelled arrogantly, a huge clay puppet slowly fell towards the center of the valley!

"Be careful! It is very powerful!" Hinata saw its internal structure and quickly reminded others.

"It must be prevented from detonating here, otherwise we don't have enough time to escape from the valley!" Kakashi opened the forehead and prepared to use that technique at any cost.

"Bing Dun! Space of Fantasy!"

Bai has already taken action in front of him. First, four ice mirrors surrounded the huge clay puppet, and then countless ice crystal fragments rose up, disguising the sky as a beautiful and illusory world.

Except for Hinata, who opened his eyes, everyone's eyes became blurred, and in the beautiful sky, it was no longer possible to distinguish between the fantasy and the reality.

The clay detonated.

Everyone saw that a huge impact seemed to be pouring toward them, but that impact seemed to be completely different from themselves in the same world. They seemed to be looking thousands of miles away through a mirrored world. A firework in a certain space! "Boom!"

White's four-sided ice mirror broke at the same time, but the explosive power of the 18th clay inside was also reduced by half, and the remaining power was simply not enough to pose any threat to others.

However, Bai suffered a rather strong shock, and his face turned pale.

"Damn it! I used this method to reduce the explosion of my 18th, and I can't see the blooming of the most beautiful scene! Huh?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something different. When he looked sideways, in the distance, there were two amazing flaming reds that seemed to approach him quickly.

"not good!"

Deidara didn't have time for any defense, so he could only rush forward and dodge the attack dangerously. But just when he breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt the rock under his feet slide and he couldn't stand at all. Steady, and then fell back to the valley!

How could this be possible, the locations of those two fiery red attacks were clearly so far apart, they could even directly cut off such a thick rock!

But now no matter how much he sighs in his heart, Naruto and Kakashi will never let go of such an opportunity.

"Vortex pill!"


At the same time, the two of them attacked the fallen Deidara.

This time Deidara couldn't even stabilize his figure, let alone defend or counterattack.

Directly hit his body by these two fiercest attacking ninjutsu.

The figures are staggered.

Naruto and Kakashi fell steadily back to the ground, while Deidara's body had two huge blood holes.

"Uh, this, this ending is really not beautiful at all. But, but, this blood is so beautiful!"

Deidara felt that she was still so bored on the last turn, and her whole body fell straight down.

"Huh! It's not easy." Naruto was very excited when he succeeded.

"This time it is also thanks to Xie Chen. Without his blow, we would not have a chance to kill Deidara." Kakashi said as he looked to the left.

Xie Chen and Sakura appeared in his sight at the same time.

"Whether we are companions, we should help each other. The important thing is that we not only successfully rescued Gaara in this attack, but also solved two of their members, which greatly weakened their strength."

"But it's hard to estimate how much this will help us." Talking about this mysterious organization, Kakashi's expression became more solemn, "From the ferret to the ghost shark, to the scorpion and this Deidara, they have already The strength of each of these ninjas who showed up is extremely powerful! The more critical problem is that we don't even know how many of their masters have not shown up!"

Others thought of Dedala or Itachi and others' formidable strength, and their faces changed.

The excitement of victory in this operation disappeared completely.

"In fact, you don't need to be so pessimistic." Xie Chen quickly comforted, seeing their reaction. "Whether it is a ferret, a ghost or a scorpion and Deidara, their identities are all traceable and can be judged among them. Most of them are rebels from major ninja villages."..


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