Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 62: Danzo

"No!" Tsunade hesitated, but his attitude was still more determined. "Naruto, you should know how important your relationship as Renju is, and you should consider the overall situation at this critical period!"

"A good one for the sake of the overall situation."

As soon as Tsunade's voice fell, he heard Xie Chen's mocking tone.

"Master Xie Chen, do you still support Naruto's leaving the village?" Tsunade thought that Xie Chen, who first analyzed that the opponent's goal was Renjuli, would stand with him.

Xie Chen said indifferently: "Whether you want to send Naruto to it is your village's own business, I am too lazy to intervene. But there is one thing I must remind you. That is, when the Akatsuki organization is fully dispatched, even the inside of Konoha Village will It's no longer safe! Don't think that you can be foolproof by putting Naruto in the village. Just ask, can anyone of you stop so many members of Akatsuki?"

"Besides, if Naruto doesn't show up, they will look for Naruto everywhere, instead, they will put the rest of the village in danger. Instead of doing this, it's better to attack openly and see if they dare to come directly. Naruto attacked!"

Tsunade turned his head in silence, and saw Naruto's passionate eyes again.

"Then, all right! I agree with your action."

"Really? Grandma Tsunade, I knew you were the best!"

"But! I will send many people with you in this operation. Once you start the operation, it is strictly forbidden to disobey the command! Understand Naruto!"

"Okay, I promise!"

Naruto's promise is always the fastest, but when the conditions he promised conflict with his wishes, he has never taken care of his own human status.


At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded from the gate.

"You are Danzo! Why did you come here!"

Naruto and others turned their heads and looked, only to see a man with injured eyes and a very gloomy face walking in.

"Danzo? Who is this person, Mr. Kakashi, I've never heard of this person before." The younger ninjas such as Naruto were all a little inexplicable. How can such a person enter the Hokage office casually?

"Danzo! Don't you knock on the door before you enter!" Tsunade was also very angry at Danzo's behavior.

"Hokage-sama, let's talk about Naruto first, rather than such a trivial matter!" Danzo looked serious. If there is no gloomy air that can't be removed on his face, it's true. A bit worried about the public.

"Hmph, didn't you hear that I just made a decision? Naruto will take part in the action in the village to bring Sasuke back!"

"I'm against!" Danzo refused to let go, and his tone of voice to Tsunade was like talking to his own Shimo. "Tsunade, do you know what Naruto means to our village! He is Our renzhuli is a weapon that can play an important role at a critical moment! Sasuke is a rebel who has abandoned our Konoha village! How can we put our renzhuli into danger for such a person!"


Danzo's statement shocked everyone.

As they have regarded Naruto as an indispensable partner, they absolutely cannot accept the view that Naruto is just a weapon!

Moreover, his characterization of Sasuke is also very dangerous!

If Sasuke is really regarded as rebellious, then they will not only not be able to save him, they will probably put him to death!

"Danzo!" Tsunade's eyes also showed a dangerous breath, "You better understand that the qualitative decision for Sasuke is in my hands, not you! How to arrange the ninjas in the village to perform what kind The task is also determined by me, not you! Hokage in this village is me! Not you!"

Danzo looked at Tsunade gloomily for a while, and finally lowered his eyes: "Okay, I see."

Xie Chen fixed his eyes on Tuan Zang's face. He could feel that although Danzo seemed to retreat in the end, his decision has not changed. This old guy will definitely use various methods to ruin their plan!

But now I can't take care of him. Among their enemies, Danzo is still not the number one.

"Okay, Naruto, but you have to promise me to take care of yourself. I will give you the detailed information. Now you can go out first. I want to talk to him."

Everyone could hear that Danzo did not invite people to like him, but he still had a terrible power in the village, so even Tsunade would be so jealous of him.

"Yeah! That man named Tuan Zang is too hateful. If I were to meet him alone, I would definitely teach him a lesson!" In the small woods outside the village, Naruto yelled and punched him. On the tree, a big tree hugged by the four was slammed.

"Naruto, don't be annoying there anymore. Even if you interrupt all the trees here, it's useless. Fortunately, Tsunade-sama still supports us." Others can't do anything with Naruto, but Sakura directly puts her hands on her hips. Open your mouth and reprimand.

Naruto really has no temper with her.

"But Tsunade-sama is also obviously hesitant. If it weren't for Naruto's resolute attitude, I am afraid she would not agree with Naruto's actions." Yamanaka Ino also analyzed it well, completely "not losing" to Sakura.

"So, Naruto, you have to behave well this time. When you act, you can't be too risky as before, you know?"

Naruto was speechless, although he was unwilling, but thinking about being controlled in the village and not going out, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him.

"I will try my best, but if I see Sasuke, I can't guarantee that I can control it."

Kakashi sighed speechlessly and turned his eyes to Xie Chen's body: "Mr. Xie Chen, in order to ensure the absolute safety of Naruto this time, I hope you can act with us."

"No interest!" Xie Chen almost knocked everyone down.


"I said I'm not interested!" Xie Chen said indifferently, "If you want to control Naruto's temperament, thinking about it makes people heady. I have never been interested in troublesome things, so you can solve it yourself."..


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