Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 67: Fail again

At this moment, standing under the mountain, looking at it with cold eyes, the person who had just rescued Oshemaru was really Zori!

"Sasuke, do you know how hard it was for us to find you?" Naruto was excited just about to rush, but was stopped by Yamato.

"Naruto, don't be impulsive, figure out Sasuke's position first."

"What's not a standpoint? Isn't we here just to find Sasuke? Now he is standing there but you stop me? What do you mean?"

"Then why did Sasuke attack you just now, haven't you thought about it?"

Naruto was taken aback, staring blankly at Sasuke standing on the mountain.

The gaze is so terrifying, it seems that they have forgotten their previous friendship!

When they were chasing Sasuke, the two of them had a decisive battle, but even though Sasuke wanted to leave the village, Naruto could still feel his pain in his eyes.

But now Sasuke's eyes were cold, completely ignoring the look that Naruto and others expected.

"Haha, Sasuke, doing a good job." Da She Maru was also very satisfied with Sasuke's performance.

At the same time, dozens of powerful ninjas suddenly appeared on both sides of the valley, seeming to encircle Kakashi and others!

"The opponent's strongest strength includes Oshemaru, Sasuke, and that pocket. The strength of the others should not be as good as ours. On the whole, we should be balanced."

Kakashi and others also quickly gathered together to set up a defensive position. Yamato calmly looked at the surrounding enemies to make an analysis.

"Naruto, now if Sasuke doesn't want to come back, we may not be able to force him away."

On the other hand, Hongdou got along with Dashemaru for a long time, and was also influenced by Xie Chen’s ideas. He also had the greatest opinion on Sasuke. “If Sasuke doesn’t want to return to the village at all, then we have to tell him whether he can be our companion Re-judgment!"

Naruto stared at Adzuki beans blankly, listening to her "relentless" judgment, a waver expression appeared in her eyes, and a tyrannical atmosphere began to grow.

"Naruto! Control yourself!" Yamato immediately noticed Naruto's abnormality, and suddenly slapped his right hand on his chest, and the power of Mu Dun penetrated into his physical strength. This kind of power has obvious restraint effect on Naruto's Nine Tails!

Naruto's eyes returned to clarity, but the power of the nine tails that he had leaked was completely sealed again, immediately separating Naruto from the power of nine tails.

"Haha, now you finally understand? Want to save Sasuke, haha, this is really the biggest joke in the world!"

"Sasuke, why are you still standing there? You are talking!" Naruto yelled, with a tone of despair in his tone.

However, Sasuke remained cold and did not respond at all.

"Let's go, pocket, Sasuke, if they dare to chase over, you are welcome to do it right away!" Although Oshamaru just blocked so many people with his own power, their strength is still beyond their imagination. , Especially his hands still haven't recovered, now they are a bit injured.

Under Kakashi, Yamato and the others, Naruto's roar was overwhelmed, but he couldn't rush forward.

Everyone can only watch them retreat.

"Why! Why does Sasuke want to protect Oshemaru? Does he really have become Oshemaru's subordinates?" When Sasuke finally disappeared before his eyes, all of Naruto's power seemed to be taken away, and he fell directly to the ground. .

"Naruto, don't despair, Sasuke might just be fooled by Oshemaru. From now on..." Ino comforted a few times, but when it came to what he was going to do, Ino also stopped.

Yeah, what can they do in the future? Sasuke's appearance is also very determined, and he has shown amazing strength in his previous blow. It is possible for them to defeat him, but it is almost impossible to capture him back to the village alive.

Of course Naruto was unwilling. But when they visited Xiaogu again the next day, they found that people had gone to Gukong!

Although you can still see the traces that have been created here, when Oshemaru and the others left here, they took away everything they could take away, and destroyed everything that could not be taken away!

Kakashi and Yamato have conducted a preliminary analysis of this place, but the Oshe Maru is not a vegetarian, and they do not leave them anything that can lead them to analyze intelligence.

Under such circumstances, even Naruto had no choice but to retreat without the support of intelligence, and waited to see if there was any other way to find them after returning to the village.

But when they returned to the fire country, Hinata suddenly noticed it and rolled his eyes to look into the distance.

"Hinata? Did something happen?"

Kakashi noticed Hinata's anomaly.

"There seems to be a strong chakra fluctuation there."

"Ah? Hinata, could it be that you felt wrong? If the chakra is really powerful, then why didn't we feel it?" Naruto said absently.

"Because that wave of volatility is the aftermath. The war there was over long ago, but because the players who fought at the time were too strong, so the power of Chakra can still be seen."

"Well, this is already within the territory of the Land of Fire. That location seems to be... go, let's go and see!" Kakashi woke up suddenly.

Everyone increased their speed and circled over there.

At the end, they seemed to see two black spots hidden in the extreme distance of their sight, but no one noticed there, everyone was stunned by the tragedy in front of them!

A huge temple has been completely destroyed, and there are ruins everywhere, and more than a hundred monks who are supposed to be this temple have all been killed. All kinds of miserable ninjas who have performed countless missions are also shocked. .

"It's miserable! Someone did this, who would attack these unthreatening monks!" Hinata muttered.

"Huh, since some people do this, there must be their reasons. Let's go, let us see what purpose we have done here for the evil murderers!" ..


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