
Taking a deep breath, Feng Hanran covered his forehead and groaned in pain.

"In order to help him advance, we also made him take charge of [Xing Tian Axe] in advance."

"Indeed, with Xing Tian Axe, his growth rate is even more as if he is on the hook."

"As a result, [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] has reached the seventh level, and the energy level is still stuck in gold..."

With a gleeful smile, Li Rui felt helpless for Brother Lei's head.

A normal person should realize that he has a problem when he slings the secret diamond. He is better, and he will follow the guidance of the body with his mind, and he has no brains to the end!

Of course, it is also possible that [Xing Tian Axe] gave him self-confidence, and felt that the sling of the higher order was a routine operation, and that he had hands.

But you should be sober when you can beat one of them with a bunch of rough stones, right?

No, he still feels like he is a hot chicken, he can't even break through the golden rank, he must be too weak!

So he didn't decide to practice his physique in case of trouble, squeezing himself crazily on the wrong road!

Then I practiced...【Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation】is the seventh stage...

No wonder he complains that the exercises are too expensive, using the golden rank to stimulate the angel rank's power, if you continue to practice, there will be ghosts!

Shixiao shook his head, Li Rui restrained his emotions, and his eyes gradually became silent.

"However, the issue of qi and blood is just appearance. The reason why he really can't advance is because he hasn't practiced [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie]!"


As if a thunder blasted in his head, Feng Hanran clashed his fists excitedly.

"Sure enough! It really is!"

Li Rui gave him a surprised look and blinked suspiciously.

"Someone already guessed the reason?"

Feng Hanran's chest rose and fell, and he took a few deep breaths to calm his emotions, and then raised the corners of his mouth in relief.

"Xiao Rui, [Zhonghua] has dozens of secret realms, hundreds of [Zhen Country Dragon], and millions of talented brains. We have counted almost all theoretical possibilities, but there is no substantial evidence. "

"It's not that we haven't considered the reason you mentioned, but in theory, these two exercises are independent of each other. Only by demonstrating from a metaphysical perspective that [the lone yin does not grow, the lone yang does not grow] can find a basis. "

"And if you can break through the Secret Diamond Step, this hypothesis suddenly becomes louder."

Nodded, Li Rui couldn't help feeling that there are still many smart people in this world, but they don't have two kinds of magic skills concurrently, so they can only talk at the theoretical level and can't produce substantive evidence.

In fact, Li Rui had a faint hunch when he broke through the gold in [Blood Contract].

His qi and blood are too large, and his spiritual strength is too weak, the two sides are out of balance, and ultimately they cannot be transformed!

You know, this is still under the addition of a series of magic equipment such as [Extraordinary Evil Power], [Death Cap of the World Destroyer], [Mega's Soul Stealing Volume], [Time Staff] and so on!

At that time, his [Chaotic Return to Origin Zihuang Tribulation] was not weak anymore, and with the help of system power, even so, he could barely complete the transformation of vitality and blood by upgrading [World Destroyer’s Death Hat]. Secret diamonds lay the foundation.

And what does Lei brother have?

An extremely naive [divine body], and an equally "sturdy" [Xingtian Axe].

Up and down, from the tip of the toes to the top of the hair, every cell is shouting "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!"!

Just highlight a reckless word!

Walking lame is not terrible. What's terrible is that one foot hits the moon and the other is only five centimeters.

But at that time, Li Rui only had a hazy feeling in the subconscious, and did not clearly realize the seriousness of the problem.

Just subconsciously put more energy on [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie], so that the power of the two gradually restored balance.

It wasn't until the battle with Wang Lei and his own situation that he realized that this guy's power was deformed.

"Hey...If you say this, Wang Lei will never have any hope of breaking through."

Feng Hanran sighed regretfully, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

A stunningly talented transcendent was trapped forever in the golden rank, and could only watch as time went by and watched him weaken and grow old. In a daze, he seemed to understand Wang Lei's mood a bit.

Rather than die so ugly, it is better to burn your life at the most glorious time!

Won, completely degenerate, cut off the inheritance of [Indestructible Dragon], embrace the power of darkness and break through gold.

If he lost, he used his corpse to form a step, and let the younger generation step on him to the seat of God.

Anyway, do not lose money!

It's pretty beautiful!

Raising his eyebrows, Feng Hanran's eyes flickered as she gritted her teeth.

"According to Brother Lei's aptitude, there is no need to think about [The Return of the Chaos, Zihuang Jie], but this spirit of blood and blood that swells to the level of the gods may not be unable to be restrained."

After comforting Feng Hanran and sitting on the sofa, Li Rui immediately threw a nuclear bomb.

"What? Do you have a way?"

Feng Hanran almost stood up again and was held down by Li Rui abruptly.

"Don't get excited, it's just an idea at the moment, you know, I joined the [Secret Banquet Association], they have some power... it's amazing..."

The excited expression condensed, Feng Hanran's face was like water, staring solemnly at Li Rui's eyes.

"Did they contact you?"


"Not through this world contact?"

"Why do you say that?"

"If they can often go deep into the core area of ​​[Shenzhou Enchantment] to contact you without being discovered, then we will re-evaluate the threat of [Secret Banquet Association]. UU reading"

"Yes, they used [War Academy] to contact me."

"It turns out that there are not many sealed objects in the world that can break through [Shenzhou Enchantment] and pass messages. [War Academy] is indeed the safest one."

Rubbing his chin, Feng Hanran faintly stared at Li Rui, lowered his voice and asked.

"Your power to purify Wang Lei's pollution also comes from the [Secret Banquet Association]?"

Li Rui's eyes moved and his face was silent.

"Soul contract, can't you say it?"

Keep silent.

Feng Hanran looked at Li Rui's calm and unwavering eyes, and nodded with enlightenment.

"I see, that doesn't involve specific power, what can you say?"

Aya Xiyi: "..."

What do you know? I don't understand it!


Li Rui let out a sigh of relief, leaning closer and lowering the volume mysteriously.

"Their authority in [War Academy] is beyond imagination. I suspect that behind the scenes creation has...participation."

Gods talk, but the vague words made Feng Hanran's expression change drastically. He really didn't expect [Secret Banquet Association] to be involved with this level of sealed artifacts!

Reminiscent of the [Holy Grail of Destiny] in [Holy Grail War] that can realize any wish, he seemed to see a terrifying shadow covering the earth.

"Damn! I understand, [Secret Banquet Association] This is the next big game!"

This time Li Rui didn't hold the button, Feng Hanran stood up excitedly and walked around the room.

Aya Xiyi: "..."

Do you understand again?

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