Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 101: Ancestor-level civilization meme

   "Hahaha, fun! I can see the scenery behind you, it's so interesting!"

  Li Wei seems to be an invisible little mouse running around in the body, having fun.

   "Okay, stop playing, come out first."


  The invisible streamer rushed out of Li Rui's body and instantly solidified into Li Wei's appearance.

   "Hahaha, my brother is so fun!"

   My body is not for you to play with!

  Li Rui rolled his eyes and hugged her and walked down.

   lost his power, the "sun" in the sky slowly fell, the light gradually extinguished, fell into the groove, and turned into a football-shaped hollow golden sphere.

   The surface of the sphere is covered with mysterious patterns, the streamer is splendid, and the entire universe seems to be hidden inside.

   walked to the entrance of the passageway, Li Rui looked back, the whole pyramid was reborn and changed its appearance.

   The surface of the original reinforced concrete pouring was covered with luxurious metal plating, and the golden lines spread from the central platform to the surroundings. It looked like a huge pyramid made of gold and silver!

   "System, how many times can this temporary altar be used?"

   "2 to 3 times, if you want to make full use of the power of the system, please host to upgrade the energy level as soon as possible to establish a permanent rune land!"

   "What are the requirements for establishing a rune land?"

   Gradually figured out the urination of the system, Li Rui had to ask everything clearly.

   "The host is at least silver level, and has a private plane. According to the size of the plane, a lot of law fragments are needed, of course, the host can also..."

"and many more!"

  Li Rui suddenly interrupted the system.

   "What the **** is the private plane?"

   "It is the plane that controls the core of the host."

  Well... your explanation is the same as no explanation!

  Wait for a long time without waiting for the following, Li Rui couldn't help but ask: "And then?"

   "Then you can build a rune land."

   "I'm not asking this! What is the concept of a private plane? How to get it? You explain it to me!"

  Li Rui held her sister to block the base and returned to her home.

   in his mind constantly exchanges information about the private plane with the system.

   The deeper you can recognize, the stronger the feeling of powerlessness in Li Rui's mind.

   It's so hard to buy a house this year, let alone build a private world!

  Although the plane is large or small, it is not too difficult to get a tiny crystal wall plane.

   But this so-called not difficult is systematically said, Li Rui now has no clue at all!

  Forget it, and waited for the order to ask Lei brother, now even if I know it, I don't have the strength to get it.

   Shaking his head, Li Rui temporarily left his long-term goal behind his head and digested the information obtained today.

   contacted that great will when building the altar, and made him understand many secrets!

  Although most of the information is chaotic and broken, the source of the power of his true **** order is particularly clear.

  The system also recorded the contact information.



  Ancestor civilization memes

   Energy Level: True God

   No wonder, no wonder the last sentence of the oath is to protect China!

  Li Rui figured it out in an instant!

   Or that I am China, I must fight for my existence!

   This is the modernization of civilization jointly inherited by the Chinese nation. It is the collective consciousness of every Tianzhao people throughout the ages. All Tianzhao people form part of Him.

   Correspondingly, civilization also flows in the blood and soul of every heavenly man.

  Wu is China, and China is Wu, one side and two sides, common prosperity......

   A sense of tremor rose from behind, and Li Rui seemed to be able to communicate and sense the sleeping will of civilization.

   "Brother, what are you thinking?"

   has been back home, Li Rui is muddled, today's impact is too huge for him, can not digest for a while.

   "Nothing, are you hungry? I'll cook."

   rubbed his sister's head, Li Rui digressed and went into the kitchen.

   After a while, Li Wei stepped on his toes and quietly walked into the kitchen, turning into a stream of light and rushing into his body.

   "Xiaowei, don't mess around, come out!"

   "No, I want to cook with my brother."

   "Obviously I am doing it, you are watching!"

   "Same, hey, so sweet~"


   "Xiaowei also awakened?"

In the conference room of Mingde Middle School, Huang Juncai and Luo Liqi all exclaimed.

   Li Rui had already trusted the two for a long time, and this time they did not hide them.

  The whole process of Li Rui only concealed the existence of the system, saying that Li Wei accidentally awakened his talent and gained some inheritance.

   "Well, so in the future "event" Xiaowei will also participate."

  Li Rui said to Huang Juncai.

   "Is this a bit dangerous?"

  Huang Juncai was upright and frowned.

   "Her ability can be attached to my body, as long as I am not dead, she is not in danger."

   "Wait! What kind of activity are you talking about? I won't finish talking to you without telling me today!"

   pinched Li Rui's neck, Luo Li's little tiger teeth scratched back and forth.

   She had also asked about this before, and was confused by Li Rui's activities between men, but it seems that today is not going to pass, Li Rui can only share with her what? You're hiding me from such a fun thing! "

   Luo Li's eyes fainted with a bright red light, pinching Li Rui's neck and flicking back and forth.

   "Cough, so... do you want to join?"

   broke free from Luo Li's smoldering, Li Rui held out her palm to her.

  Looking at his palm, Luo Li's mouth slowly raised.

"of course!"

   The two hands were held tightly, and then Huang Juncai's palms were also covered. The three smiled at each other, and a comrade-in-arm's tacit understanding slowly formed in his heart.

   In fact, Li Rui had long wanted to drag Luo Li in, but she had never made up her mind to expose her to these dangers.

   But since he knew the dawn of the gods and the divinity returned, he has always had a sense of urgency in his heart.

   The best people around you can quickly become stronger, so that you can get more vitality in the coming crisis.

   Taking advantage of this time, Li Rui simply pushed the boat and sent an invitation to Luo Li.

  Unsurprisingly, she also readily agreed to come down.

   This way his garbage collection team expanded to 4 people at once!

  Why do you want to go head-to-head?

   One person is more safe, which is the most important reason why Li Rui invited Luo Li.

   "Oh, I have a legacy of alien heroes here, do you want to try it?"

   "Heirloom inheritance?"

   Huang Juncai and Luo Li looked at each other, and there was a trace of suspiciousness in their eyes.

   "Captain, wouldn’t you have worshipped any evil gods and gained knowledge of evil? Those are not fun, if you lack skills, I can steal some from the family database..."

   Luo Li looked at him worriedly.

   "Absolutely not an evil spirit, rest assured!"

  Li Rui couldn't help crying or laughing.

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