A thousand chapters, the end is so flowers~~~~????(ˊωˋ*)????

   Okay, kidding, but when I first opened the book, my expected goal was 2 million words and more than 1,000 chapters.

   So the first chapter is not 1, but 0000.

   Now that he has basically reached his goal, it will depend on good fortune how far he can go.

   Here, I would like to thank all the genuine book friends for their support. Without you, I would never be able to go today.

   In addition, I have to apologize to you. I also know that anti-theft is annoying, but...I really have no choice.

  Because I told myself that if the post-order falls below 1500, it means that not many people have read the book, and I have to bear the pain.

   Before anti-theft, the minimum order for this book was 1498.

   It happened that my body was in a bad condition at the time. In my frustration, I was actually ready to go out with the outline.

   After all, the life of a dog is important, so many white prostitutes are not worth sacrificing health codewords.

   Isn’t it good to have dinner after get off work, watch movies, and play games?

   Why should I make myself tight 24 hours a day?

   Since I wrote this book, I haven't been in a movie theater for more than a year, and I am either working or codewords every day.

   So sometimes I see people who are squeaky and crooked with the title of apprentice, and I find it very boring.

   I'm not shaking M, and the white prostitute was sprayed? What do I picture?

   Just when I was about to give up, my friends in the author group gave me an idea.


   At that time, I was very tangled inside, and I wanted to give up, and I felt a little guilty.

  Because of that time, countless genuine book friends continued to encourage me and made me stick to it even Zhou Gengyue.

   said they will always support me.

   It’s okay if I don’t say it, but I’m more psychologically burdened when I say it.

  The white prostitutes are certainly hateful, but you are lovely.

   So, I will try to prevent theft and see if I can increase the order to 1500+.

   At that time, I planned to continue writing if I could hold 1500+, cut the branch line, and give an ending as soon as possible.

   As long as you write two million words and one thousand chapters, then you are worthy of your support.

   Then... After booking, the anti-theft pulled it to 3000+!

   I'm stupid.

   So many people are reading my book on the street?

   Really rely on genuine book friends to support pirated editions?

   is just two words, true!

   So, you guys also know why I insist on preventing theft, right?

   It's not that I am making you mentality, but that they are really inappropriate.

   No matter if I can prevent it or not, as long as it makes them feel uncomfortable for a while, I feel good!

   Finally, from today onwards, I have no worries and my heart is clear.

   How much can be written in the future, as long as the order falls below 1500, the prepared outline is thrown directly, swing the knife in place, and become a Buddha on the spot! (*??︶??*).

   At the end, thank you again for the support of the original book friends, and hope I can accompany you to the end!

   I love you~(??????????)??



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