Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1008: 、Are all people on earth a monster?

   "You don't have to blame yourself, everything is a trick of evil things in ghosts..."

   casually comforted a few words, and pushed all the responsibilities to Jia coconut, watching the negative emotions of the group of people lower a step, Li Rui nodded in satisfaction, and stopped putting his mind on them.

   If it were not for fear that they would become a nourishment for the enemy, Li Rui would not bother to care about these people.

   To put it bluntly, everyone has come out and fate, and Li Rui is not a Virgin, so why bother to protect them?

   "Hei, can you sense the position of the anchor point?"

   and Li Rui walked to the edge of the "gorge", and through the wound that penetrated the "heaven and earth", Aya Xiyi's eyes lit up with a dark purple light, his eyes seemed to penetrate the netherworld, and he patrolled deeply the tumbling darkness.

   After a long time, she reduced the divine light in her eyes and shook her head helplessly.

   "This kind of domain maze cannot be cracked by violence alone. We must go deep enough to eliminate interference and expose the hidden anchor point."

   "Deeper? That's simple, I'll send it a shot to make sure it goes straight to the center of the earth!"

   Li Rui's eyes lit up, and when he raised his hand, he was ready to make a move [Shenwei Crescent].

   However, Aya Xiyi glanced at him disgustingly, and the contempt in his pupils was almost solidified.

   "The direction in the physical sense is meaningless here. Even if you create a "tunnel" that is thousands of kilometers long, it is useless. All that awaits you is an endless loop of space."

   Li Rui: "…………"

  讪讪 put down his hand, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

   "What should I do then?"

   "Ghosts are not without context, we only need to follow its "growth" branches to find the deepest roots!"

   Aya Xiyi sneered, and raised her head to look at the "sky", her empty sight seemed to pierce the dimension, winding back along a certain mysterious connection, and glimpsing the evil thing hidden in the dark.

   "I see, the road to the bottom is on top!"

   pointed to the space above the layers, Aya Xiyi snorted coldly, and was about to move forward, but her footsteps suddenly stopped, and she listened in doubt.

   Soon, a small noise came from the darkness in the distance.

   "It seems to be attracted by the movement you made, do you want to give them a good time?"

   Wang Lei shook the Xingtian axe and asked in a low voice.

   Li Rui: "…………"

  Lei brother, we are good people, don't you want to be happy with others?

   But his vision penetrated the darkness, seeing clusters of scorching eyes, Li Rui immediately nodded happily.

   "Wait for us to get an assist first."

   So a group of ruthless characters who have managed to survive have just walked out of the darkness. Before they figured out the situation, they were beaten up by an AOE.

   "Three secret diamonds, seven gold, this time you will earn blood."

   Except for the long-range attacks of the two sisters of Cutavia, which are almost negligible, the destructive power released by other teammates can pose a huge threat to them.

   Xiao Huang even severely injured a certain piece of gold with a single shot, and most of his lower abdomen was bombarded into exploded meat.

   "All the villains on the opposite side, Brother Lei, leave it to you."

   In order to help Wang Lei improve his level as soon as possible, all the mobile phone clubs in the early stage, Li Rui, are ready to give him. When his skills and equipment are formed, the fairy gate in the finals will understand why the order is called Dad!

   "Wait, we are not malicious! This task is too dangerous, our summoners should unite!"

   The muscular weird man with a full face and a height of more than three meters also tried to communicate and negotiate, but he saw a burly man as a hill pulling out a giant axe higher than others, and walking towards them with a grinning grin.

   "Don't get excited, it's a big deal we will go our own way."

   Feeling the volcanic tyrannical hot energy compression and condensation, the muscular weirdo led his teammates back slowly.

   However, when they moved, Wang Lei rushed over at a faster speed. The whole figure looked like a heavy tank, as if to crush everything along the way.

   "Damn it!"

   Knowing that things can't be good, this group of people also aroused fierceness, and they all showed bloodthirsty and murderous intent.

   "The other party is just gold. All of us try our best to kill him in seconds and teach these arrogant people on Earth a lesson!"

  Through the communication between Li Rui and Akiko Jingu, they already know that this is a group of local teams on Earth, and they can't help but feel a little bit of the same enemy in their hearts.

   Of course, after killing someone's team member, he must immediately drive off. The captain on the opposite side is really unfathomable, and even the three strongest Secret Diamond ranks have no courage to challenge him.

   As long as he can kill or injure the brash man who rushes over, he can show his own strength and believe that the other side will not dare to press too much.

   The rabbit bites when he is in a hurry!

   All their attention was put on Li Rui, but they didn't care much about the idiot who came on.

   In their opinion, the three secret diamonds and the seven golds are all well-tested heroes. Are you afraid of you alone?

   It is reasonable. Normally, their judgment is correct, but as long as there is an earthly transcendent among these people, they will not commit such a fatal misjudgment.

  [Indestructible Dragon]'s gold, is the horse called gold?

   That is a mythical monster in golden skin!

   So, the ultimate move that destroys the heavens and the earth hits a layer of pale gold film, splashing small ripples, and then... there is no more...

   Seeing the unscathed figure rushing out of the tyrannical energy, a group of people instantly contracted their hearts.

   What is this?

   Before they could think about it, the terrifying figure had been crushed in front of him. The muscle weird who was more than three meters high roared, his whole body rolled like a giant python, and it swelled to more than ten meters high in an instant.

   "It's not a Dharma form, it's a body, wow, it's really ugly."

   Outside the battlefield, UU reading, Li Rui led a group of teammates to watch the game leisurely, and pointed.

  The way he didn't care about Wang Lei's life and death made Dito frightened.


   Why did they let a golden rank challenge ten enemies?

   There are even three secret diamond steps!

   Could it be...

   In a daze, he recalled that Wang Lei chopped off poor Lipa's head with an axe...

   As an evil spirit who has reached the golden rank according to the [War Academy] hierarchy, Lipa is not without the power to fight back even if he goes to the secret diamond rank.

   But he was such a powerful teammate, but his head was chopped off like a pig. Before he died, the big eyeball was still spinning around, revealing an unbelievable horrified look.

   The cruel picture still lingers in his mind, Dito shivered, not daring to think about the strength of this team.

   Are all people on earth monsters?

   Fortunately, we did not resist just now...

   subconsciously exchanged eyes with his teammates, everyone's pupils were full of fear.

   On the frontal battlefield, what stood in front of Wang Lei was an ugly freak with blue skin, sarcoma on his face, and a height of nearly twenty meters.


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