"The price...maybe it will always be bound to my soul..."

   "Oh, hate, Captain really!"

   Luo Li's serious expression suddenly broke, and her white cheeks flew two blushes, and slapped Li Rui crazy.

   I'm going, don't fight, your 27-point attack power is higher than mine!


  Li Rui flies with his head.


  The dark night, the neon lights of the magic city are colorful, covering the darkness and sin behind the prosperity.

   A ricket figure walked in the corridor of a high-end apartment, his face shrouded in his coat.

   walked in the blind spot of the camera, and Rick figure quickly came to the target's door.

   dingdong dingdong~


   "Network debugger, did your family report a malfunction just now?"

   "Yes, yes, why did you come here? It's been a day of disconnection!"

   There were mumbles from far and near inside the door, but at the moment the door was about to open, a thunder burst in the corridor.


   It seems that a shell exploded outside the door, and the shock wave penetrated the door of the room, directly knocking the owner who opened the door three steps away.

   He sat on the ground with his buttocks, his head blank.

   And the people outside the door are even more miserable. The destructive power of [Wild Scream] is mainly concentrated on his body, and a spit of blood spouts on the spot.

   Li Rui, who was hidden in the dark, sprinted at him while he was silent. Powerful magic waves were brewing on the iron fist, only to enter the attack range and hammer the enemy's dog head.

   However, the recovery time of the enemy was shorter than he estimated. He quickly broke free of the stiffness of the sonic boom and fled in the opposite direction without hesitation, and sprinkled light yellow powder.

   These powders quickly turned into smoke when they encountered air, spread like living things, enveloped the entire corridor, and blocked the view.

  Li Rui just hesitated for a second, relying on his extraordinary energy and blood resistance, he rushed into the yellow mist.

   "You inhale hallucinogenic gas and you feel interference."

   "You inhale paralyzing gas and your physical function decreases."

   "You inhaled corrosive gas and the internal organs were damaged by corrosion."

   "You enter a mildly poisoned state. As the inhaled dose increases, your poisoning state will become more and more serious. Please leave this environment as soon as possible!"

  Seeing the prompt on the system panel, Li Rui's heart sank, and he continued to chase his footsteps in front of his teeth.

   "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

   Sister's voice came to mind, Li Rui shook his head: "Nothing, don't come out!"

   The thick fog in front seemed to be endless. Li Rui felt that his exposed skin seemed to be soaked in hot chili water, which was hot and painful.

  The trachea to the lungs is with a corrosive sting.

   The head is dizzy and the steps are getting heavier.

   But as he subconsciously chased forward, several blue steel needles cut through the mist and enveloped his vital point.

   There was a thrill in his heart. Li Rui's pupils shrank to the size of the pinhole, and he exhausted all his energy to evade laterally, avoiding several poison needles.


   crashed **** the wall, and Li Rui inhaled several poisonous mists uncontrollably, choking his tears and his nose.

   leaned weakly on the wall, Li Rui's body slowly slipped and seemed to have lost his ability to move.

   A shadow in the yellow mist gradually approached and stood a few meters away, staring at Li Rui quietly.

   After several tens of seconds, Li Rui's breath became weaker and weaker, the talent asked.

   "Who sent you? Where do you know my whereabouts?"

  However, his position was determined, and Li Rui, who was dying, suddenly broke up, his feet stomped on the ground, and he rushed at him like a tiger.

"Ha ha."

   But the man seemed ready for a while and disappeared into the mist instantly.

   Li Rui continued to pursue without hesitation. After a few seconds, the horrible magic wave erupted in front, and the yellow mist surrounding the surrounding instantly faded.


   There was a scream in front of him, Li Rui heard the sound of flesh and blood hitting the ceiling, and then fell hard and hit the ground.

   Lao Tzu makes you huh!

  Li Rui's mouth twitched a grin, and in this closed corridor, as long as the enemy's speed was calculated, the road could be closed with his eyes closed.

  However, when Li Rui rushed to the front, only a cracked groove in the ceiling and a pool of blood were left on the scene.

   There was a panic and rapid footsteps in the fire tunnel, and Li Rui nodded his ears.

   "Bloodwing, the target escaped from the fire escape on the 13th floor, intercept him!"

"To understanding!"

   Luo Li's excited voice came from the headset, and Li Rui followed the mist to push the enemy down.

   After a while, there was a fierce fighting sound in front, Li Rui and Luo Li blocked the enemy on the sixth floor.

   fits up without hesitation, the two hit back and forth, and the mist emitted from the target turns from yellow to green.

   Just took a few breaths, and Li Rui felt dizzy and unable to exert his energy.

   On the contrary, Luo Li still had a dragon and a tiger, and a sharp sword cut the enemy up and down.

   "You are affected by extraordinary toxins, your physical function is greatly reduced, and your spiritual intuition is dulled."

   "You enter a state of severe poisoning and lose 1 life per second, please leave the environment as soon as possible!"

   Paralysis from you!

   While Luo Li was pushing back the enemy, Li Rui bit his tongue, and the pain stimulated his spirits~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was a punch!

   [Indestructible Grip] + [Fear Sting]!


   Inflicts 41 points of magical damage, 23 points of physical damage, and slows down the enemy's movement speed by 30%!

  【Taste of Blood】

   Restore your 30 health!

   Emerald green light that was invisible to the naked eye emerged from the enemy, and was instantly sucked into Li Rui's body along his arm.

   Life +1 permanently!

  Feeling the vigorous vitality injected into the body, the amount of lost blood skyrocketed, and Li Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

   Lao Tzu is also a blood-sucking man!

   And the enemy was hammered **** the wall, and his body finally showed a dark red light.

  Li Rui's eyes lit up, and rushed to his face again, taking advantage of his sudden drop in speed.

   [Dark Harvest] + [Fear of Sting]!


   The dark red energy exploded, and a piece of blood-red soul fragments entered Li Rui's heart, and he slowly melted into one.

   Deal 64 adaptive damage + 23 physical damage!

   Skill damage growth +1!

   The enemy flew out by the hammer, like a smoky tear gas, slamming through the air and hitting the wall hard.


   spit out a black blood again, the man no longer dared to fight the two head-on, looked at the window next to his eyes, and gritted his teeth fiercely.


  In the sound of broken glass, the man broke the window and jumped from the sixth floor.

   "Rigor, a smoke bomb came out on the sixth floor, wrong, my grass, that is a person!"

   "Xiao Huang, stop him!"


  Li Rui jumped from the window, and the height of nearly 20 meters could not pose a great threat to him.

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