Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1042: , I regret it anyway

Even the golden earth condensed from [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] could not withstand the creator's mighty power. The whole world began to crack and annihilate from under his feet, splitting the cobweb-like void.

The Sphinx in the distance felt a little bit, and when he turned his head, he saw a touch of "gentle" black light covering his sight!

The cold pupils of the cats instantly shrunk into a straight line. At this moment, the world is still, time is frozen, and the world belongs to absolute tranquility.

Immediately, a stern eagle came from the void, and the surging power enveloped the gorgeous glazed wings, shaking out sharp gilt afterimages.


It flashed tens of kilometers away at a speed that was almost teleporting, but the sphinx, which was as large as a mountain, did not dare to stop.

It can sense a horrible killing intent to lock it firmly, and the black sword of destruction not only has not been pulled apart, but has reached the vest and is within reach!

Can't escape!

Can't escape!

Between the lightning and flint, there was a glimmer of enlightenment in Sphinx's mind. This is a terrorist attack that transcends reality and touches the level of concepts and laws!

Is this really a trick that mortals can use?

A weaker **** may not be able to understand such a terrible technique!

With a tremor in his heart, the Sphinx frantically urged the power of the law, spreading its gorgeous wings, turning into a huge golden lightning in the sky, tearing everything along the way.

What am I doing to provoke him?

The sharp and dull sound of sonic boom swept the world, and just the wind brought by the movement uprooted the large rainforest on the ground and razed it to the ground!

With an explosive hurricane, I won a short opportunity, and the infinite brilliance gathered in front of the sphinx's forehead, lingering around the golden cobra's body to form a flowing colorful crystal.

The cobra was trembling and coiled, and the colorful crystal condensed into a mung bean-sized round bead on its forehead, constantly compressing and restraining!

The shadow of death caught up with the heels, and Sphinx had no time to continue accumulating, turning his head to face the terrible black light of destruction!

The golden cobra roared silently, its ferocious fangs ejected, and a mung bean-sized crystal bead exploded in front of it, forming a continuous and magnificent colorful beam of light, facing the crushed death sword light.

In Li Rui's eyes, he saw the continuum behind the Sphinx across countless time and space, spreading to the distance of the endless river of time.

Is this the secret of its [immortality]?

With a heart move, my own thoughts merged with the [Sword Intent of Slaughter God], a ferocious divine light broke out in the eyes of the ferocious Zerg, and the "gentle" pure black sword light silently extended to higher dimensions, trying to conceptualize Cut off the opponent’s [reincarnation]!

[Shenwei Crescent]!

[Heavenly Slaughter Sword] Released!

[Dead's Plate Armor] Crushing Slam: The next basic attack will cause 200% extra damage when activated!

Without any signs, the entire plane was brilliant in a ten-thousandth of a second, and even the "sun" at the top of the pyramid was dimmed for a moment.

The invisible chaos bloomed in the sky, and an obvious magnificent sword mark cut the plane open, revealing the indescribable rolling void beneath it.

The colorful beam of light spit out by the golden cobra was divided into two by the black light, and the stern sword of destruction poured into the Sphinx's chest before condensing into a sickle-shaped claw.


The Sphinx paused, and looked up at the savage beak that was close at hand.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at the emptiness spreading on his chest, where the "wound" was blooming with an indescribable black light of destruction.

Forget it, he won’t regret it later, I don’t know, I regret it anyway...

The mysterious black light spreads to a higher dimension along a certain incomprehensible causal connection, and this time it has caused it to lose far more serious than the source quality looted before!

not to mention……

Watching the monster's jaw expand infinitely like a snake, slowly covering his sight, the last thought flashed through Sphinx's mind.

Come back when they leave...can't send it anymore...

Immediately, the serrated fangs suddenly closed, and most of the Sphinx's body was crushed, wrapped in the insect's mouth, chewing and wriggling.


Amid the sour bones shattering, gilt blood flowed down along the corner of the giant insect's mouth. The waterfall generally dripped towards the earth, forming a rainbow of light in the sky.

Crazy urging the law of swallowing, the original divinity that was cracked by the [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] can no longer resist, turning into an endless stream of delicious "juice" and swallowing it!

The power accumulated over the years poured out like a tide, and the remaining thoughts of the Sphinx were like a knife.

The outer divine energy compresses and oscillates infinitely, condensing the authority that imprints its original information into a sharp knife. It once again uses the form of self-detonation to tear away the spiritual shackles of [Feast], and escape into the mysterious high-level dimension!

However, this time, the insignificant black light of destruction is like a gangrene attached to bones, tightly entwined with the origin of the Sphinx, vowing to annihilate it completely!

"The prey this's a bit difficult..."

From a far distance, the thin old man looked at the zerg chewing and swallowing, muttering to himself with an ugly face.

"Isn't this just right? The stronger the the sweeter the taste!"

The coquettish woman with dark gold skin stretched out her pink tongue, licked her lips with a blurred expression, swallowing her saliva.

"I really want to eat him! I want to eat him now!"

The black braid behind her head was like a cloak without any wind. It turned into a shadow invisible to the naked eye, pouring and spreading toward the earth like flowing water!


Two palms, one on the left and one on the right, pressed on her shoulders at the same time, shaking out an obscure and concealed colorful brilliance, forcibly blocking her movements.

"he's mine!"

The red-haired beauty had a grim expression, and slowly said word by word, her beautiful eyes turned into reptile-like vertical pupils, like molten high-temperature metal!

The man opposite her shook his head expressionlessly and murmured, "It's not time yet..."

Staring at the huge zerg in the void from beginning to end, the dark golden skin of the glamorous woman's eyes flickered fiercely, and there seemed to be terrifying power in her body.

Without being noticed by everyone, the brightness of the entire plane gradually declined, as if a thick cloud cover the sun.

But for a while, the madness in the glamorous woman's pupils quickly faded away, almost slowly retracting the shadow engulfed by the entire plane back under her feet, condensing into gorgeous black braids again.

It was not until the energy in her body completely subsided that the red-haired woman and the man looked at each other and released her shoulders tacitly.

"What a cute little bug, wait for me, I will come to you..."

Reluctantly whispering, the coquettish woman is like an obsessive bitter woman, stretched out her arm, grasping the sky in the distance.

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