Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1044: 、Crossover【death】

The air became greasy and dark, and the matter within a radius of tens of meters quietly deformed and changed.

The glamorous woman with dark gold skin looked directly at the colorful and hideous pupils, her eyes full of jokes that seemed to be smiling.

At a level that is not observable by the naked eye, the power of terror surging endlessly, causing the space around the two to tremble with faint ripples.

The surrounding teammates exchanged their sights without a trace, and sighed silently.

Several obscure and mysterious forces forcibly intervene between the two, as if a transparent glass cover separates them into different "worlds".

"Okay, the prey hasn't gotten yet! What use are you talking about now?"

The withered old man sighed and changed the subject silently.

"Furthermore, those guys are not as immature as ordinary new gods. According to our strength, they may not be able to win all. At that time, maybe who will eat whom..."

"Gluck, no matter how strong the new **** is, before he ascends the throne, he is just an ant..."

The coquettish woman showed a charming smile, pinched two fingers, and slapped gently.

"I can squeeze him to death at will!"

"Hehe, don't be chopped off by your so-called ants and devour the original divinity, then it will be beautiful!"

The red-haired woman put away her hideous appearance and cursed viciously in her eyes.

However, the glamorous woman with dark golden skin cast her a look disdainfully: "Do you think I am you?"


The red-haired woman's eyebrows jumped and was about to break out, and the teammate on the side quickly came up to separate the two.

"Okay, okay, after the plan is completed, you can play whatever you want. Before that, the overall situation is still the most important thing!"

I didn't know that the enemy behind him almost had an infighting. Li Rui fell to the river Styx and urged everyone to board the ship.

The crystal clear ice crystal boat is as hard as iron, standing on it does not have the swaying feeling of an ordinary boat, but as stable as standing on the land!

"Do you feel it too?"

Perceiving a trace of worry between Li Rui's eyebrows, Aya Xiyi asked quietly in the spiritual network.

"Well, it feels like someone is watching us."

"Indeed, but the source cannot be confirmed!"

"It won't be there..."

Faced with Nunu's mouth, the increasingly majestic pyramid, Li Rui looked confused.

If this is the case, it means that part of the opponent's will has awakened from death.

Being watched by an ancient **** of this level, even he didn't have the confidence to retreat.

"Don't panic when you encounter an enemy, hack him to death and it's done!"

With a fist that was big as a casserole, Wang Lei looked straight ahead without fear.

Li Rui and Aya Xiyi glanced at each other, and both saw a bitter smile on each other's faces.

This mentality is good!

Brother Lei must have been sleeping soundly at night and never insomnia...

"Woo...Li Rui...I'm seasick, sick..."

Zhao Youxuan groaned and grabbed Li Rui by the corner of his clothes, and retched her head against him.

"Who told you to lie on the ship's side and look at the Styx? A mortal thing dare to look at death directly, something stupid!"

Aya Xiyi sneered and sneered ruthlessly.

"I just want to see if there are fish underneath... I'm hungry..."

Zhao Youxuan got into Li Rui's arms aggrievedly, and hummed pitifully.

"Eat, eat, eat! You know how to eat, are you a pig? Look at Xiao Huang, you know you are a waste wood, and you pretend to be blind as soon as you get on the boat.

Huang Juncai: "?????!!!"

Huang Juncai, who was watching his nose and his heart, suddenly raised his head and looked at Aya Xiyi with grief.

What is self-knowledge?

This is called maturity and stability!

I just took one more look just now, and the result was almost gone!

I didn't even watch the road as an ADC, so you still persecute me when you step on a horse?

If I can't beat you, I will talk to you!

However, the other cute creature was not afraid of her at all, raised his head angrily, and quietly asked Li Rui.

"Li Rui, she called me a pig, can I use a snakehead against her?"

"No, we are still on her ship!"

"Well, I'll beat her when I go back."

Li Rui: "..."

Under the seemingly calm Styx, the waves are actually turbulent, and vortices and turbulences appear and disappear on the surface of the river, but Aya Kiyi's boat is like a car driving on a flat road, without a trace of bumps.

At the center of the river, the hazy black mist began to permeate, and a purple-black transparent barrier enveloped the hull. Numerous simple hair-like cloud patterns were indefinite, annihilating and expelling the black mist from the outside world.

"Why haven't you reached the shore? This river is not so wide, is it?"

After a long time, the distance that seemed to be traversed in one step never shortened, Li Rui couldn't help asking quietly.

"Do you think crossing [death] is such a simple thing?"

Aya Xiyi gave him a helpless look, and her breathing faintly became a little quick.

It can be seen that she spent a lot of energy manipulating the boat, and Li Rui touched her head encouragingly.

"Come on, go back and make you full!"

She squinted her eyes in comfort, and after a while, Aya Xiyi suddenly recovered, curled her neck in disgust, avoiding stroking, and focused her attention on the mysterious and mysterious spiritual dimension.

As if an invisible boost was added, the ice crystal boat instantly accelerated, breaking through the hazy black fog, and quickly magnifying the sight of the other shore After just a few minutes, the ice crystal boat shook slightly and rushed into the dazzling sight. Golden beach.

Aya Kii jumped off the bow first, stepped on the fine and bright sand, and nodded to his teammates.

With her promise, everyone jumped off the boat one by one.

When everyone landed safely, the ice crystals formed by the force of law melted rapidly, and in a blink of an eye the nearly ten-meter-long hull turned into a purple-black hull, quietly disappearing into the air.


After swallowing, Huang Juncai held up a handful of sand on the ground and leaned to Li Rui in disbelief.

"Little plum, we sent it, this is real gold! It's all over the floor!"

Li Rui's brows twitched, twisting the fine sand in his hand and rubbing it slightly.

A delicate touch came from his fingers, and a thin piece of gold leaf appeared in his hand.

"It's not right, it looks like gold, and it feels like gold, but if it is real gold, it shouldn't feel so soft when you step on it, and it should be too light..."

The fingertips burst into hot red light, and the gold foil instantly melted in his hands, condensing into a red, bright, high-temperature liquid ball.

"Do you dare to touch things in the kingdom of the dead? Do you want to die?"

Slapped off the floating liquid ball in Li Rui's hand, Aya Xiyi glared at both of them in an angry manner.

But at this moment, a dim, colorful divine light condensed not far from everyone.

A whistling tornado suddenly blew up in the calm and silent space.

The golden sands on the earth converge in a spiral in the tornado, and combine with the power projected from distant dimensions to form a majestic giant with a wolf-headed body wearing a gorgeous golden armor.

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