"[Secret Banquet Association] has enough time, strength, and patience, waiting for you to grow."


Cutavia hesitated for a moment, his eyes gradually became firm!

"But your progress is faster than ours. If this continues, I will never be able to stand in front of you and become your strongest shield!"

Upon hearing this, Li Rui glanced at her in surprise.

No way? No way? Wouldn't you really treat me as a crispy mage?

No matter how big your meat is, can you still have the thigh of Brother Lei?

Unexpectedly, the seemingly calm Katavia still has such wild thoughts in his heart.

But soon, Li Rui reacted, rubbing the scum on his chin and narrowing his eyes.

Brother Lei is the kind of offensive meat shield. In actual combat, he often roars "unmatched power", then rushes into the enemy line without thinking and hacks, regardless of whether the back row is dead or alive.

Of course, his own fighting style is also destined that he is not a front row who is good at protecting teammates.

The correct way to use it should have him go up and be beaten... No way, take the damage ahead.

Anyway, a sprinting promise hits your face, it depends on whether you can fight or not!

Therefore, it is often the case that Wang Lei and himself blast the enemy's skulls first, but the teammates behind still need the real crispy mage Aya Xiyi to protect!

If there is a thick and hard thigh at the back and the amount of milk from Olena, this crispy mage can feel relieved and go bravely!

With caress in his heart, Li Rui's eyes towards the two sisters changed slightly.

In fact, following [God Eater] went through a series of "high-end games", the sisters got to experience gold coins far beyond their level. These intangible things were transformed by the system and condensed into true and true power, which pushed them up crazy. Their strength!

In just a few months, their true combat effectiveness has gradually changed, vaguely showing the basic operation of the [Secret Banquet Association]-rolling across energy levels!

More importantly, the two cute new numbers were forced to play various mythological games by Li Rui, and under pressure that did not belong to their "ages", the sisters were only close to being promoted to the next level.

If you advance at the same time, the two toolmen will not say how crucial they are in actual combat, at least they will not only be delayed like before!

In a daze, Li Rui felt like he was playing a nurturing game.

Two amazingly talented top products seem to be taking shape under his hands!

In the end, they will become an indispensable part of the Valoran God System!

God of the Aegis?

God of healing?

Looking at the two sisters, Li Rui's eyes became more gentle.

"I don't approve of pulling out seedlings to encourage..."

Upon hearing Li Rui's words, the bright eyes of the two sisters quickly dimmed.

If placed before, their rocket-like growth rate during this period of time is enough to make them ecstatic.

But there is no harm if there is no comparison. Watching the president and the seniors sling various gods every day, they can only feel their insignificance... and powerlessness again and again!

Apart from other things, among a group of flying teammates, they actually need the president to be caught under the armpit in order not to slow down the overall speed. The picture is so beautiful...

Although the elders did not complain or discriminate at the time, the two sisters were still ashamed and wanted to commit suicide by cesarean section!

It's not this kind of hard-core dragging method to drag it back!

It was as if two black iron horns were mixed into a group of kings, and the sense of inferiority that was out of place was spreading in their hearts a little bit.

However, the repeated blows did not crush their confidence, and the huge pressure became the driving force for progress.

This is why the two sisters are eager to seek a breakthrough!

They don't want to hold back anymore, they don't want to be mascots anymore, and they don't want their teammates to be distracted to protect themselves at a critical moment!

They also want to contribute their strength!

As if feeling the inner emotions of the two sisters, Li Rui raised the corners of his mouth, and the conversation changed.

"However, you are only a certain opportunity away from the next level. It is not impossible to speed up the progress..."


Two pairs of beautiful eyes bloomed with dazzling luster, looking up at Li Rui from bottom to top with praying eyes.

"Hehe, everyone's breakthrough opportunities are different, but there is one of the simplest and most effective methods..."

Scratching the scum on his chin, Li Rui gave a smirk in the expectant eyes of the two sisters.

"Have you seen a gladiator?"



Two hundred-meter-high imaginary methods exploded the huge boulders on the top of the mountain, and thousands of tons of gravel and sand poured down, forming a mighty "torrent" along the river valley.

"Madan, another barrier lake has been blocked, and we have to clean it up later!"

On the mountainside not far away, two golden rank transcendents looked at the huge face in the distance, one of them complained angrily.

"The barrier lake is still a trivial matter. The point is that they will leave no man's land if they move like this. There are two villages over there!"

Another extraordinary person looked worriedly at the direction of movement of the two behemoths, his eyes full of entanglement.

To let the gold of their two small arms and legs stop the elite secret diamonds of other worlds, UU Reading www.uukánshu.com is clearly embarrassing them.

But if you don't, you have to watch innocent people being affected, and the desire to survive and the sense of responsibility conflict in your heart, making him feel uncomfortable and want to vomit blood.

"Isn't it said that reinforcements are coming soon? To suppress these two alien Secret Diamonds, maybe there will be a [Zhen Country Dragon], then the problem will be solved, Lao Liu, don't worry about it."

Acquiring keenly the emotions of the old partner, the Golden Extraordinary patted him on the shoulder, softly relieved.

"I hope so..."

There was a bitter whisper in his mouth, but the divine light in Old Liu's eyes gradually became firmer.

Even if he is a car, he still has to stand up when it is time to stand!

For a hundred years of national patriotism, the Day of Rebellion and Death is today!

However, the situation quickly moved in a direction that the two did not want to see.

The two powerhouses from outside the realm of real fire gradually let go of their scruples, unscrupulously showing infinite might!

Nearly a natural disaster thundercloud storm enveloped nearly a hundred miles, the thick mountain peak was interrupted by the waist, the terrifying energy was consumed, the earth cracked, the river valley was filled, in just a few tens of minutes, the terrain in the line of sight was completely unrecognizable!

"Is this the power of the Secret Diamond Rank? It's terrifying!"

After swallowing, the golden transcendent who was pushed back hundreds of meters by the energy wind and stunned to himself.

"No... Ordinary Secret Diamond Tier can't achieve this effect. It is estimated that these two people are also Tianjiao-like figures in their respective planes... They are not far from the rough transcendents I have seen..."

Old Liu took a deep breath, mobilized the energy of the whole body, and took a firm step forward.

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