Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 106: , [Eye Collector]

Thinking for a while, Li Rui shook his head and focused his attention on himself.

【Li Rui】

Race: Human

Energy Level: None (Spiritual Awakening)

Level: Level 12

Experience: 1173/1200

Health: 329/420 [Undigested extra life 18 points] (Minor injury poisoning state·Recovering)

Mana: 48/339

Armor: 44

Magic Resistance: 45

Attack Power: 23

Spell Power: 24

Gold coins: 143

9 basic rule fragments

It has to be upgraded again, even though Li Rui has not deliberately accumulated experience during this time, the rich rewards brought by the big season still let him step into the edge of level 13.

But after the formation of a set of hero skills, his desire to upgrade is not as urgent as before.

A new talent, or upgrading a skill, cannot bring qualitative changes instantly, and then he will enter a process of accumulating quantitative changes.

This process may be very long, until he breaks into the next energy level!

But he can feel that according to his growth rate, this time will not come too late!

Concentrating, Li Rui focused his attention on his life.

Looking at the state of poisoning that is continuing all the time, he suddenly showed Luo Li's appearance in the smoke.

As soon as his thoughts moved, he opened the panel of his teammates and saw the combat record at the time.

"Suffering from extraordinary toxin invasion, paralysis resistance reduction!"

"Surrounded by extraordinary toxins, resist slowdown!"

"Successful to the invasion of extraordinary toxins, immune to poisoning!"


Is this the talent of the vampire and the werewolf?

Looking at the dense relief, resistance, and immunity, Li Rui felt a little shocked.

After practicing [eternal immortality and immortality], his physique resistance is definitely the top group among human beings of the same rank.

But compared with different analogies, the gap is so huge!

The gap between ordinary humans and aliens is even more terrifying!

This does not include magic resistance, armor, attack, spell strength, and other obvious attributes!

The gap is so great, how did humans become the world's hegemons in the ancient times when technology was not yet flourishing?

Li Rui couldn't help raising a trace of doubt.

Tianma was empty and thoughtless for a while, Li Rui shook his head and threw these thoughts behind his head.

Take a deep breath, the blood runs at high speed, and the undetectable tide reverberates in the bedroom.

The injured skin slowly hardened and a layer of dead skin formed.

The nasal cavity, bronchus, and the tingling that has spread to the lungs gradually disappear. The dead cells are absorbed and carried out of the body, and the new cells thrive on the wound!

A slight naked eye could not see that Qingyan was forced out of the body by qi and blood, and Li Ruifaqing's complexion gradually recovered.



Luo Li twisted her body in the air and avoided Li Rui's [Fear of Sting].

But the transparent energy spike still rubbed her body, making her center of gravity shift uncontrollably.

Taking advantage of the gap in her posture adjustment, Li Rui rushed to her face, transported the [skeletal plating], opened the knife with a hard frame, and pinched her finger.


Middle finger bounced fiercely on Luo Li's head, hitting her with her head squatting.


"You defeated a hero unit and gained 31 experience points."

"Complete the first daily victory mission and gain 20 experience points."

"You have upgraded!"

Looking at the prompts on the system panel, Li Rui smiled and nodded. He didn't care that the tool man was crouching on the ground and "shaving his nails" with a long knife that he didn't open!

"You guide the other team members, I will go to the toilet."

Touching Luo Li's head, Li Rui found an excuse to hide in no one's corner and clicked on the system panel.


The dark red rune page with a rusty breath magnified in his mind, [June] The rune in the third row of the series faded the mysterious veil.

[Zombie Guard], [Ghost Polo], [Eye Collector]

After looking at the introduction of the system, Li Rui's eyes lit up.

The effects of these runes are very different in the game!

After comparing and thinking for a while, Li Rui chose the last one.

【Eye Collector】(Level 1)

Collect eyeballs when killing heroes, and each collected eyeball will be turned into a rune card with Mystic Eyes printed.

You can release the rune card somewhere and gain its vision through the system link until it is destroyed or removed.

Current number: 0/5

(The level 1 mystic eye is very fragile, and once released cannot move, it will be destroyed by any energy level attack.)

This is a rune that cannot directly increase combat effectiveness, but if used well, the effect can be called a bug!

Peeping into the female, monitoring important places, it might bring surprises.

Such as his secret base!

Thinking of this, Li Rui found Luo Li who was abusing Xiao Huangmao.

"Is there something in the afternoon?"


Luo Li cut her angrily on Huang Juncai's buttocks, making him cry out in pain.

"Take you somewhere."

"where to?"

"It's a bit far away, you will know by then."

"Give up! Giving up! Ruige, take me one!"

Huang Juncai, who had no vision to see, suddenly rushed to the edge of the ring, and frowned at Li Rui.

"Um... well, we'll be together later."

After a moment of pondering, Li Rui readily agreed to come down.

Huang Juncai is his default teammate, many things will not hide him.


"Oh oh! Luo Li, why are you hitting me? You all admit defeat!"

"Look at you!"


"Oh ah!"

Half an hour later, sitting in the car of Huang Juncai's house, the three of them drove towards the suburb of Modu together.

"Captain, when did you get your driver's license?"

Sitting in the co-pilot position, Luo Li looked at Li Rui's skilled driving skills curiously.

"We went to the exam together some time ago. Look, I got it too!"

Huang Juncai proudly took out his driver's license and came over from the back row to show off.

"Humph! I will take the exam in two days!"

"Useless, is it a matter of two days a day to take a driver's license? According to your qualifications, it would be thankful to get it before graduation from high school!"

"You can get me and you will definitely get it!"

"Cut, how can a young child compare to our old driver? Milk clothes!"


Hearing that Huang Juncai was ready to drive again, Li Rui quickly coughed and interrupted to distract from the topic.

"The place that takes you this time is my secret base. After the completion, only me and Xiaowei have gone in. You are the third and fourth."

Hearing this, Huang Juncai and Luo Li looked at each other and asked in unison: "Who is the third? Who is the fourth?"


Is this important?

Li Rui looked at the road and frowned gradually.

"This...whoever is the most advanced is the third..."

After talking, Huang Juncai and Luo Li's eyes collided fiercely in the air.

"You don't want to be a third party?"

"What third party! Obviously the third place! I'll take the third place!"


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