Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1090: , You are not right!

As a result, the sharp gaze crossed the long distance, causing the two sluggish evil dragon gods to shudder and recover.

Bathed in malicious gazes, they seemed unaware, and looked at each other suspiciously.

"Have you been eaten like this last time?"

"Last time he was not so scary...No, I was not eaten, it was just a temporary divine body!"

"What kind of god? I saw you being braised in one bite and crunching."

The beautiful mother of the evil dragon blushed, the blue veins on her forehead bloomed, and she argued: "The incarnation being eaten can't be counted... can the incarnation matter be counted on me?"

"Then it will definitely count on you this time..."

Realizing that Farazul's gaze was horrified and sluggish, Tiamat seemed to have sensed something. He turned his head stiffly and saw a pair of greedy, bloodthirsty purple dragon pupils floating above his head, staring at them like an abyss.

"Don't think about it!!"

Several soft drinks sounded in the far distance, and the light of all colors was surging, as if the tide swallowed the world.

However, the weird black dragon head didn't turn back either, an ice blue pattern lit up between his brows, and endless void cracks once again covered the crowd behind him.

【Gaowei Magic Net】·Void Exile!

"Damn it! Li Rui! Eating alone will not end well!"

The vague roar seemed to come from the end of the world. Listening to Kazae's incompetent rage, Li Rui didn't fluctuate at all in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Give you a chance, you are not useful...

[Qing calm and free] The rune transforms Rose's huge divinity into golden thunder and injects into the soul, falling into the gray and cooling [Feast] to light up again.

Looking at the top of his head slowly opening, as if replacing the huge abyss of the sky, Farazul turned his head calmly and said to Tiamat: "You solve the Rose matter by yourself, don't get involved with me... "


Before the words were finished, the black night dragon, which was refined white by the three seraphs, disappeared in the closed fangs. The thick keel was like a crispy biscuit, wrapped in its huge mouth and chewed crunchingly.

Enjoying the wonderful taste of the evil dragon god, Li Rui squinted happily and let out a pleasant swallowing sound.

The concept of emptiness is drawn away by the law of the system and condensed into some kind of marvelous [trophies].

After the [Festival] was cooled down again by [Qing and Shenxian], the joking glances with a smile but a smile gradually turned to the silent dragon mother.

"Don't resist or run away, Tiamat, have you finally accepted your destiny?"

Jumei's eyes rolled her eyes, and the desperate dragon **** did not have the slightest fear, looking directly at Li Rui's appetite purple and gold vertical eyes.

"In your country, where can I escape again?"

"Smart, but I can't see your dying resistance, this last dessert is less fun!"

The mountain-like head slowly dropped, and the ferocious black dragon stared at the "tiny" red-haired beauty, and opened his mouth with emotion.

"Wait! We can make a deal!"

The predator paused briefly, but it quickly continued: "I am not interested in the Cthulhu deal."

"Don't you want revenge on Rose? He killed many of your teammates!"

The whole person was wrapped into the huge mouth of the abyss, but Tiamat asked calmly as usual.

With a thought, the law of [Feast] that had been halfway through was retracted, and the huge black dragon's body quickly shrank, returning to a slender and strong perfect human body.

"Talk about your plan!"

The playful smile on his face was completely reduced. Compared to the "main contradiction" with Rose, Li Rui chose to let go of the "secondary contradiction" with Tiamat.

Hot eyes shot back and forth on Li Rui's body, Tiamat swallowed and couldn't help but lick his lips.

Frowning, Li Rui glared at her dissatisfiedly, revealing a certain danger in his eyes.

"Ahem, this time I offended Rose to death. Even if I don't go to war after returning, there will be a lot of friction. If you ask him for trouble, I can provide you with a certain degree of help."

"It's not enough!"

"This is only the most conservative situation. When the magic tide continues to rise, the friction is likely to develop into a real battle of gods. If it gets to that point, I hope I can have a strong enough ally!"

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui fell into a long silence.

Tiamat personally cut off Rose's hope and absolutely vomited blood.

The two sides are already in a state of fire, and if they can provoke their internal fighting to escalate, it can be considered an indirect realization of their own revenge!

Moreover, while letting the enemy's power internalize, he improves his own strength. When he reaches the position of a demigod or even a true god, he can easily enter the [Abyss Demon Net], break through Rose’s kingdom of God, and swallow his real God body!

Anyway, he did not naively think that he could erase an old evil **** from the universe in a short time. Li Rui had already prepared the [God War] for decades, even hundreds of years!

"I can't be an ally of the evil god..."

"The nominal concept doesn't matter, we can do our own things, UU reading does not interfere with each other, just maintain a certain tacit understanding!"

Seeing that Li Rui seemed to move, Tiamat stepped forward excitedly, staring at him with bright eyes.

"This kind of tacit understanding will only include the power I control, and cannot extend to [China] behind me."

"sure, no problem!"

Tiamat raised his hands up, as if everything were negotiable.

Seeing that he was so eager and eager to promote the "Alliance", Li Rui felt a little uneasy inexplicably.

"So... what's the price? What do I need to pay?"

He was not naive to think that letting the human body of Tiamat a bargain.

Unlike Rose's divine body, the loss of an incarnation is like cutting a piece of flesh to their old deity. Although painful, it does not hurt the bones.

And a true [God War] is likely to affect the entire plane, sweeping all intelligent races!

Once the war begins, it is up to those who cannot initiate it to decide when it will end!

Even the superlative gods are in danger of falling!

On the premise of having a common enemy, Tiamat doesn't need to please him so blatantly, the effort is not proportional to the gain!

Hearing Li Rui's inquiry, the charming red-haired beauty showed a fascinating smile, her plump body leaned on him, her red lips were close to her ears, and the sweet and gentle fragrance blew into her ears, making a dreamy murmur.

"Combine with me and create a new dragon race!"

Shocked all over, Li Rui turned his head stiffly in disbelief, staring at Tiamat's face.

You greedy my body, you are not right!

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