"The allocation of the second team is complete, please select the trophy for the third team!"

"The allocation of team No. 3 is complete, please team No. 4 to choose the trophy!"


Before Li Rui wanted to understand, the system distribution continued to proceed in an orderly manner. In addition to the [Atrium] team, the surviving alien contestants also received a considerable amount of flesh and blood, and they were happy one by one.

You know, Rose's divine body is several kilometers long after unfolding, even if most of it is in Li Rui's bag, the remaining bits and pieces can be piled into a big mountain!

These are genuine [God's Flesh], whether it is used to refine potions, used as a primer to break through the bottleneck, or made into weapons and armors, it is enough to make a large power crazy!

Having seen Li Rui and others’ destruction of the [War of the Gods], they are already extremely satisfied with the harvest.

With the release of [Runeland]'s imprisonment, [War Academy]'s transmission power was restored, dense auras flickered, and soon there were only a few [Atrium] teams left on the scene.

"This is really your [God Kingdom]? How did you do it?"

Siwaya looked back and forth around Li Rui, her beautiful little face full of suspiciousness.

"Is it difficult? Isn't it enough to have a brain? Ah? What? Have you not yet? That's all right."

Shrugging, Li Rui drew back the corners of the evil charm's arrogant mouth, and his high expression made Siwaya angry!

This person is too bad, stare at him with his eyes!

Ignoring the sight of Siwaya's fierce milk, Li Rui disliked the gods who were not walking in [Rune Land], and his unabashed expression clearly conveyed his inner thoughts.

I'm waiting for you to roll, what are you waiting for?

However, he still underestimated the faces of these immortals, and he spied the world one by one "if nothing happened", and by the way, he wandered back and forth with curious eyes.

"What did you say to Tiamat? Why did you let him go on purpose?"

The white gauze skirt swayed and fluttered, and Sae Kazema faded from the majesty of the **** king, as if an innocent girl asked unsuspectingly.

"Thanks to the Eastern education you received, you haven't heard the story of the snipe and the clam competing for the profit of the fisherman?"

"I heard it, but how can you guarantee that they won't make peace after they go back?"

"Make peace? How do you make peace? Is Rose hurting her bones this time?"


"Then as long as we go back and vigorously promote the [fact] that Tiamat will retreat, guess what Rose will think?"

"But aren't you afraid that Tiamat is deceiving you from start to finish?"

"Rose’s blood loss is [fact], and Tiamat’s cutting off the spider silk and retreating all the way is also [fact]. When two facts are put together, the two sides have already forged a feud, regardless of the complicated reasons. It doesn't matter anymore..."

Li Rui raised an icy smile and looked deeply into Sae Kazema's eyes.

"According to Rose’s divine power, this [fact] can be verified by paying a small price. At that time, even if he guessed that I had deliberately let Tiamat leave, the hatred in my heart would not be subdued, and I would definitely embark on conflict and confrontation. The road, this is a conspiracy, and they cannot choose between them."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but their eyes lit up, staring at him in surprise.

"Li Rui, I didn't expect you to be like a naive person who would play scheming, I saw you with admiration!"

Grace's words caused Li Rui's forehead to be blue, and she wished a **** funeral knife to open her.

Can you speak?

What is hanhan? Lao Tzu is a wise mage!

However, even though they ridiculed Li Rui, everyone's heart echoed with a hint of throbbing.

You are a mortal, but dominate the fate of the two gods, do you know how to hang on [China]?

"Okay, the game is over, you guys go quickly, don't want to eat my spider meat here, tell you, there is no door!"

The unfinished gods were driven out of the [Rune Land], and when the last gleam of light dissipated in the air, Li Rui's tight muscles relaxed, like a rock falling to the ground, his blush and blood faded quickly.

Originally [Tian Jue Slaughter Sword] should enter a long period of weakness after squeezing out the flesh, but he forcibly restored his combat effectiveness.

The deficiencies in the body can be made up by blood sucking, and the dryness in the soul can only be resisted by him!

So don’t look at him gnawing happily in the later stage, but by observing it by yourself, he rarely uses other offensive powers except for [Feast]. It is completely dependent on Aya Xiyi, Wang Lei, and Zhao Youxuan to explode Rose. Residual blood, then jumped out to harvest.

Otherwise, would he only gnaw a few hundred undead dragons, and then "shut up" after filling up the blood deficiency?

It's not that he doesn't want to knock off all of Farazul's summons, in order to launch the final [Feast], he has no extra soul power.

In fact, after swallowing Rose, his soul was on the verge of collapse. If it weren't for the greed in his heart to support him, the remaining [Night Dragon] would "cannot eat" anyway.

As if a red steel needle was inserted into the brain to stir, the pain of tearing the soul caused Li Rui's body to convulse unconsciously. His hollow eyes looked directly at the sky, watching the white silk thread and the pitch black congeal into a petite shadow. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"You... why... did it... so long?"

Seeing Aya Xiyi land next to him, Li Rui reluctantly pulled out an ugly smile.

"It took a while to experience the real [death] after a while, sorry."

With a cold little hand touching his face, Li Rui seemed to feel a sweet spring seeping into his soul, and the heart-piercing pain was immediately relieved.

Supporting Aya Xiyi to stand up, a black light shining directly from the distant sky, condensed into a plump body beside Li Rui.

He couldn't help but push Li Rui into his chest, and the tears on Teacher Hannah's face were like broken pearls, one by one on him.

"Ruijun... are you okay?"

"Woo... it's okay."

The sound of the urn shook his head angrily, and Li Rui struggled to pull his head out of the fat of the fragrant ball with all his energy, and dressed roughly with lingering fears.

It's so dangerous... Almost killed!

Aya Xiyi on the side looked solemnly at the murder weapon of Teacher Hannah, then looked down at herself, her eyes becoming sharper.

"Brother Lei is all right?"

"On the side of the altar, the injury has stabilized."

"That's good."

With a breath of foul air, Li Rui regained a little vitality and followed his telepathy to the outskirts of the battlefield.

After cutting away several meters of floating soil, a "corpse" slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Youxuan! Wake up! Wake up!"

There was a red envelope the size of a baby's fist on his forehead. No matter how Li Rui shook, Zhao Youxuan was like a dead snake without bones, paralyzed.

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