A polite smile solidified on Li Rui's face. Hearing the continuous "maliciousness" in the heart of the girl opposite, his hand holding the book trembled slightly.

What kind of tiger wolf word is this?

【Diwu】Why are the female college students so hungry?

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

The smile on his face became stiffer and harder, Li Rui nodded dryly at her, swiftly put away the books and got up and left, with a slight panic as if he was escaping from some terrible carnivore.

Looking obsessively at Li Rui's back, Wei Qiao's eyes are dripping with water, her face is peach blossom, and a long love action drama with millions of words has already begun in her mind.

Unspeakable thoughts are rolling and entangled, waves of sour and soft pleasure invade the nerves, and the evil thoughts in my heart are like seeds emerging from the ground, growing into a towering tree at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Waiting until Li Rui disappeared in the corner, Wei Qiao, who was immersed in delusion, suddenly came back to his senses.

Don't go, brother! !

You and I are destined, I have time to sleep together after leaving a phone call!

However, when she rushed out of the corner excitedly, the figure that made her feel excited was no longer in her sight.


How can it be? !

It only takes him a second or two to get out of sight, where can he go?

Looking around in disbelief, Wei Qiao searched the library in despair, but never saw the ordinary and mysterious man again.

"Qiaoer, what are you doing?"

The familiar voice awakened Wei Qiao's attention, she turned her head stiffly, and suddenly slumped into her friend's arms.



Tu Duoduo looked confused, subconsciously hugged his friend's shoulders and softly comforted, but always felt that something was wrong.

Soon she realized that this guy has no boyfriend at all. Where did she get lost in love?

"What the **** is going on with you?"

"Uuuuu...I saw a little brother in the reading room just now, and...then..."

"Then what's going on? Say it!"

Taking out a bag of melon seeds, Tu Duoduo's eyes began to sparkle with excitement.


Wei Qiao, whose cheeks were flushed red, said, his voice gradually lowered, and his brows gradually frowned.

At this moment, she vaguely sensed that the desire just now was too blazing, like an explosion of flame, burning her sanity almost instantly.

As time went by, she slowly calmed down, and her eager evil thoughts retracted into the deep darkness of her heart, allowing her to think about problems without being disturbed by emotions.

"Something's wrong!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Tu Duoduo had a black question mark on his face, and the spiced melon seeds in his mouth suddenly stopped fragrant!

I took off my pants. You tell me this?

Regardless of the shyness in her heart, Wei Qiao originally repeated the story, and she was dumbfounded.

"You just stared at him and wanted to go to him?"


With a flushed face and a dry cough, Wei Qiao twisted her hand in a circle without a trace, glanced across the corridor of people coming and going not far away, and gave her a fierce look.

Tu Duoduo, who was pinched with a grin, rubbed his arms and lowered the volume pitifully.

"How handsome is that man? He can actually fascinate you like this?"

"Hehe, you may not believe him, his features are not so handsome, but his temperament is extraordinary, clean like a piece of white paper, people can't help but want to defile him..."

As he spoke, the evil thoughts in his heart seemed to surge again, Wei Qiao's breathing became heavy, and a twisted smile appeared on his face.

Seeing her face with a perverted **** smile, Tu Duoduo blinked, and without hesitation, he squeezed the tender meat on her hand and rotated it three hundred and sixty degrees.

"Wake up, don't be a nympho!"


With a nervous jump, Wei Qiao whimpered like a small animal and jumped three meters away.

"You dead mouse, really pinch?"

"Did you pinch me just now?"

Tu Duoduo raised his chin without showing weakness, and then went in front of her gossiping.

"Are you in estrus? You want to go when you see a man?"

Two red clouds blasted up on Wei Qiao's face, and white smoke appeared to the naked eye on his head.

"You are in estrus! Your whole family is in estrus!"

"Otherwise, I can't explain why you suddenly [exploded]!"

Tu Duoduo spread her small hand, patted her shoulder earnestly, and said with encouragement in her eyes.

"Don't break out in silence, just pervert in silence, Wei Qiao, face your dirty soul!"

"Your soul is dirty!"

Wei Qiao red eyes and patted her hand away, with a slight unnatural defense.

"I may have suffered some kind of mental pollution, yes! It must be mental pollution!"

"But how can mental pollution be scared away by your "hot sight"?"

Tu Duoduo shrugged, and stabbed her in her heart casually, and sprinkled a handful of salt by the way: "Obviously you are greedy, you are mean!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Tadoduoduo!! Do you want to die? Do you want to die?!!!"

Wei Qiao's mentality exploded, and she was so embarrassed that she grabbed Tu Duoduo's neck and swayed back and forth desperately.

Black belly mouse! Die to the old lady!

"Cough cough cough... let go of me..."

After finally breaking free of Wei Qiao's claws, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Tu Duo Duo stayed a few meters away with lingering fear, watching her red eyes vigilantly.

"I warn you! Don't come over! Wait... Ah! Sister I was wrong!"

"It's mental pollution!"

"Ah? What? Oh! Yes, yes, yes! It must be mental pollution! Our sister Bing Qingyujie, how could she miss a man?"

Tu Duoduo held Wei Qiao's arm and nodded wildly.

Slowly appease the grumpy old lady, and the gossip mood once again prevailed.

"What's the name of that mental pollution? What? You don't know?"

Watching Wei Qiao frowned and shook her head, Tuduuo scratched her head, her black eyes gurgling.

"Then what does he look like? The entire [Diwu] is only a few thousand people, and you can quickly find one by one investigation!"


Wei Qiao recalled the amorous feelings in that look, his face was filled with involuntary smirk, and he rolled his eyes wildly.

Say it's not in estrus?

Are you a liar?

However, under her gaze, the silly smile on Wei Qiao's face gradually solidified and disappeared little by little...

"what's happenin?"

"I suddenly found...I can't remember his appearance at all!"


Tu Duoduo let go of Wei Qiao's arm and also discovered the seriousness of the matter.

A silver pinnacle extraordinary person can't remember the face of an impressive man ten minutes ago!

The key is that they have directly looked at each other!

This cannot be explained by carelessness!

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