Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1127: God of the world

Upon receiving the news, use the [Rune Land] to jump and return to the secret base outside the magic city, and then use a [Void Walk] to come to the city center, and finally "walk" hundreds of meters to find the target.

In just two or three minutes, Li Rui spanned thousands of kilometers, and the most time-consuming process was the [Return to City] casting guide.


The middle-aged man stared at Li Rui sluggishly, and it took a full three seconds to react, and his body was full of excitement.

"You... Are you really Li Rui-sama?"

Shifting his doubtful gaze on Li Rui's face, the middle-aged man was still unable to connect the ordinary young man in front of him with the star-like young man in his memory.

Didn’t he look like this before?

And... concealedly glanced at the timer not far away, the middle-aged man's eyes became more suspicious.

It took less than 200 seconds from hanging up the call to now, even [Zhen Country Dragon] can’t come over from the imperial capital so quickly, right?

That's a distance of more than a thousand kilometers!

Could it be that some desperate kid heard my call and deliberately spoofed to amuse me, right?

All kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, and the eyes of the middle-aged man looking at Li Rui became more and more dangerous.

Looking back from the door of the dark and distorted building, Li Rui's brows slightly shrunk when he saw the middle-aged man still stupefied.

"Report your situation!"

The icy voice seemed to contain some indescribable terrifying power. The hearts of everyone present suddenly tightened, as if they were severely gripped!

Unlike those rookies who don't understand anything and only tremble, the middle-aged person, as a secret diamond step, naturally knows how terrifying this seemingly ordinary action is.

The mountain is not dew, the appearance is as light as a feather, but it is as heavy as Mount Tai!

Whether it is a gentle wind and drizzle or a thunderbolt, it is all between his thoughts, sending and receiving from the heart!

Obviously the other party is standing in front of him, but he feels that those majestic and deep pupils are looking down at him from above nine days! a god!

Rough! Angel on the ground! God of the world!

The legs were slightly soft, and countless terrible words flashed through the middle-aged man's mind, and it was only after exhausting the strength of breastfeeding that he did not kneel down.

No longer daring to doubt in his heart, he cheered up and poured out the information like fried beans.

"The anomalous point of MS671 is the most dangerous [Ghost Mythical Mythology] in the Devil City, directly connected to the deep space..."

"I know this, it was originally broken by Sister Xiaojun and I, let's talk about the point."

Interrupting him without hesitation, Li Rui turned sideways to look at the familiar and unfamiliar ruined mansion, with purple light in his pupils that could not be observed by ordinary people, staring thoughtfully into the dark depths.

"Uh... After the last incident, three [Zhen Guo Zhilong] adults worked together to set a seal prohibition, cut off the coupling between the entire building and the deep space, and set a forbidden area within a radius of several hundred meters. Our advisory bureau conducts daily surveillance."

"It hadn't been a problem for so many years, but just six hours ago, the expert group routinely strengthening the seal this month lost contact after entering the building."

"In the beginning, we didn't care. Because of dimensional interference, various communication methods are very unstable at this coupling point. It is normal to occasionally lose contact for several hours."

"But until three hours later, the expert group that should have completed the reinforcement task still did not come out, and we realized the seriousness of the problem..."

Li Rui turned her head blankly, her cold and indifferent eyes seemed to suppress a certain tyrannical mood.

"Then Sister Xiaojun went in alone?"

"Uh...we tried to discourage her, but the Chief Director..."

He lowered his head in awe, cold sweat bursting out of his forehead, and the middle-aged man felt that the air between his mouth and nose had become thicker than glue, making him unable to breathe.

"The seal has been completely broken, and this ‘hole’ is leaking bigger and bigger. You must go in and fill it in again."

Just when the middle-aged man felt as though he was about to suffocate, a cold and melodious voice sounded beside him, and the invisible pressure like Mount Tai suddenly disappeared, causing him to stagger slightly.

When he raised his head, he suddenly realized that beside the fearsome youth, there was a girl who looked like a cold moon and floated like an immortal.

"Can you fill it in?"

"No problem, but you must find the reason that broke the seal, otherwise problems will arise after a while."

"I'll talk about these things later, and save Sister Xiaojun first."

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, the middle-aged man frowned, but he did not dare to ask.

"You continue to expand the blockade to clear ordinary people around."

An indisputable command came from my ear, and when the middle-aged man returned to his senses, there was already no one in front of him.

"Bureau... Director, is that [Zhen Country Dragon]?"

After Li Rui left, a group of shivering rookies came up and asked curiously.


The middle-aged man looked at the entrance of the building with a complex complexion and whispered in a low voice.

"Why do you feel like he is very irritable? [Zhen Country Dragon] is all like this... so... domineering?"

A young man talked to himself, and it took a long time to find a suitable adjective.

His words also made the middle-aged people feel a little

Yeah, I didn't offend him either. How do you feel that he looks upset at me?

Does he think it was me who put the director in danger?

Carefully recalling just a few minutes of getting along, the middle-aged man was suddenly taken aback.

No, his pupils always seemed to have a touch of anger and violence in the depths of his pupils, and it was not aimed at me!

That state seems to be seen somewhere...

The middle-aged man was thinking hard, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind.

By the way, when I was a child, I was tortured by a toothache and my mentality exploded. I was upset when I saw anyone, and I wanted to fight everybody. The state was somewhat similar to the youth just now.

But... will the original stone steps get tooth decay too?

Scratching his head, the angry middle-aged man didn't know that he had guessed part of the truth.



The hard soles made a faint sound when they stepped on the floor, shaking back and forth in the empty and silent corridor, spreading to the invisible depths of darkness.

All the sundries have been emptied by the advisory board, but there is always a musty smell of disrepair in the air.

There was no light at all in the depths of the building, the passage was swallowed by endless darkness, and some weird noises could be faintly heard.

It was like the sound of wind, and it was like the sound of water droplets, but it was more like howling and crying from far away.

"Sure enough, it's chaotic again..."

Looking at the only remaining signs in the hall, the disorderly arrangement of floors, Li Rui's eyes were cold.

"Where to go?"

"If Sister Jun is going to rescue the expert group, she should go to the deepest part of the seal and go down."

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