Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1141: , A divine strike on the way is detected


Shocking ripples swept across the earth, Jingu Qiuzi, who was in a meeting, shook her shoulder, suddenly turned her head to look west, her eyes widened in horror.

Seeing the emperor and maiden who had always been calm and graceful, Tai Shan collapsed in front of her with such a frightened expression, everyone present had not reacted to it, and the world suddenly became "dark".

The incomprehensible black light penetrates all obstacles and obscures perception from the level of law, causing everyone to fall into short-term "blindness."

When the Qingming Festival was restored, a group of ministers found the emperor and her maiden foolishly standing by the window, looking into the sky with dignified faces.

"His Royal Highness, that is the direction of [Zhonghua], and a myth-level confrontation has occurred in the Shenzhou enchantment."

Huh huh~

Afterimages flickered in the conference room, and deep-breathed figures suddenly appeared behind Jingu Qiuzi, whispering in their ears.

"I know……"

With her back to the crowd, Jingu Qiuzi did not squint, looking at the black light tearing through the sky faintly.

"[Heavenly Slaughter Divine Sword]...In the field of [China], who can force you to use this trick?"

There was a subtle whisper in his mouth, and the expanding black light condensed and condensed in the eyes of Jingu Qiuzi, forming a straight ray into the universe.


Outside the atmosphere, a giant battleship with a body length of more than two kilometers was suspended in low-Earth orbit, and a stern alarm suddenly sounded in the leisurely command hall.

"Detecting the divine strike on the way, the Nether Energy Shield unfolds!"

He hadn't realized what had happened yet, Pang Ruoshan's battleship was like a flat boat in the tsunami, and was instantly thrown out of its original orbit.

The exploding black light and the nether energy shield sparked a brilliant light, but the figures in the command room tumbling and colliding back and forth were not in the mood to appreciate this beautiful scene.

They tried their best to stabilize their figure and pulled themselves back into their seats.

The battleship was still rolling frantically, and the entire command hall was like a washing machine rotating at high speed, making them dizzy.

"The attitude control system fails!"

"The Nether Energy Shield is overloaded!"

"Lingzi's armor melted!"

"We need to get out of the strike as soon as possible!"

The deputy on duty roared anxiously, and suddenly a figure flashed out of the empty command seat beside him.


Pressing a palm on the light screen, the huge flow of information is connected to the central brain, and the mysterious quantum link "melts" everyone on the battleship into one. The huge cold steel battleship seems to have life, and it "lives" in an instant!

"Enter the commander mode and start an extraordinary posture!"


The weird and magnificent senses were connected to the brain, and everyone in the battleship felt the heat and pain.

The shield oscillated and waved under the black light, the "skin" melted and cracked, and the furnace in the chest wailed overwhelmingly.

At this moment, they transcended the human life form, condensed into a collective will, and the battleship became their flesh!


With a Secret Diamond Rank commander as the core, the "neural network" jointly constructed by dozens of transcendents extends to every corner of the battleship, and the shaky phantom energy shield instantly soars, firmly preventing the black light from corroding.

The shadowless and invisible shield rippled densely under the agitation of the energy, and the blue light was set off to make the command hall dreamlike. Then everyone had the intention to observe this beautiful and magnificent scene, and they couldn't help but get goose bumps.

Behind this beauty is ruthless destruction!

Almost, they will be killed inexplicably!

Are we trimming on the home planet?

Why do you encounter this level of attack?

After fear, there was endless anger. Under the control of the commander, the battleship weighing tens of millions of tons disappeared in place like a phantom, instantly appearing tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"The short jump is complete!"

After escaping the attack range, they saw the full picture of the attack.

It was a beam of horn-shaped beam of light rising from the earth, with terrifying destruction energy traversing the universe, submerged into the depths of the icy starry sky!

"What's that stuff?"

"Asia, seems to be shot out of [China]?"

"It doesn't feel like an attack against us..."

The lively thoughts flowed in the quantum network, but at this moment, the infinitely expanding black light beam changed.

The external "bell mouth" slowly constricted, forming a "sharp sword" that seemed to have a solid body!

The coverage of the "slender" black sword light is not worth mentioning before, but its power makes everyone in the command room frightened.

It turns out... we were just swept by the tail of the typhoon, and now this condensed form is what it really looks like...

If it suddenly cuts down, maybe the moon will be peeled...

A terrifying picture appeared in his mind, and the crowd shook their heads quickly.

"The curvature of time and space changes abnormally, and the value of divine energy exceeds the observation range. It is recommended to descend into the atmosphere to avoid it!"

The intelligence of the brain is directly transmitted to the soul, and the commander is about to control the battleship to descend, but the black sword light in his sight disappears instantly, leaving only a clear atmospheric gap on the blue planet.

Through the circular cavity, they can even see the lights in the huge urban agglomeration!

"So...who got us poked?"

Seeing that the crisis seemed to be resolved, the adjutant breathed a sigh of relief and asked jokingly. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Ignoring the black humor of the adjutant, the commander stared at the planet under his feet and easily determined the source of the attack based on the outline of the coastline.

[China] Magic City!

"Complete the incident briefing and immediately synchronize it to the Quantum Network, so that it can send questions to [Zhonghua]."

Almost inexplicably blown by his own people, the commander suffocated his stomach, sharpened his molars severely, and his eyes flashed with a stern cold light.

No matter what, I have to fix the money for the overhaul of the battleship!

No, they even have to pay for the upgrade!

The palm of his hand subconsciously rubbed the cold metal, the commander's eyes were deep, and his eyes narrowed unpredictably.


"Another [Angel] has fallen."

"It was Li Rui who killed him."

"Why does he still maintain the fighting power to kill the gods?"

A rustling whisper echoed in the dark and deep temple, and suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"That black light... is the [Heavenly Slaughter Divine Sword], maybe he swung that sword out of his overdraft."

After a long time, there was a hesitant voice in the temple, but there was a trace of confusion hidden in the words.

To be reasonable, he should enter the dying moment even if he is not dead now, how can he kill an angel vigorously?

"Does [Zhonghua] help him wipe out the curse?"

"Impossible, even the power of [Desecration Stone Tablet] cannot be consumed by [Zhonghua], at best it can only delay its erosion."

"Indeed, although the speed is very slow, I can feel that the curse is still spreading."

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