"In addition, if the spirit and body do not match, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced."

The shadow of the fanatic flashed in front of him, and the arc of Li Rui's mouth became even brighter.

No wonder he always feels that his spirit and body are very uncoordinated. Although he is very beautiful when charging, he is really embarrassed when he is caught and cut with a stick.

"In that case, as long as our damage to them exceeds a certain limit, then the scale of victory will immediately tilt towards us!"

Augustine's eyes lit up, but he reacted quickly and frowned slowly.

"But...correspondingly, as long as our kills are always within the enemy's tolerance, what is waiting for us is a steady stream of endless, endless waves of destruction like waves!"

As soon as Augustine finished speaking, Grace couldn't help but speak.

"Moreover, with the expansion of the enemy's size, this tolerance threshold will rise, the vanguard fleet will collide, then the main fleet will fight, and finally it will evolve into an all-out war between the two races!"

After a pause, a hint of helplessness appeared in her beautiful golden pupils.

"So... if you can get in touch with the negotiation, try to avoid going to the last step. After all, everyone knows that the situation on Earth is likely to come at any time. Other alien colonies also involve too much power. It is impossible to deploy manpower on a large scale to span more than 2 million light-years to open up a new front!"

After speaking, Grace stared at Augustine for a moment, and the atmosphere in the room gradually became solemn.

"Oh... we also want to negotiate and communicate, but they won't give it a chance at all!"

Augustine sighed bitterly and waved his hand softly. Numerous slap-sized screens appeared in the air out of thin air.

Each light screen recorded a cruel battle, some of them were in space, some were on land, some were in the forest, some were in the ocean...

But without exception, the friendly actions that try to contact and communicate, the response is a devastating attack.

Painful screams echoed in the room, and Li Rui slowly frowned.

I don’t even have the desire to communicate, so I really didn’t put us in my eyes...

Suddenly, a word flashed in his mind.

What is it to destroy you?

This is no longer contempt, it is a complete ignorance!

Perhaps, in the eyes of the other party, humans are no different from those primitive animals, and there is no need to communicate at all, just deal with them at will.

After all, no one will communicate and negotiate with the ant nest that appears at the door of the house...

Thinking of this, Li Rui finally understood why even Xing Lao's kind of self-cultivating people had a bad breath in his original words.

If you don't treat me as a human being, then don't blame me for using "weapons of mass destruction"!

"So far, more than 10,000 soldiers have died, and the battle damage ratio between the two sides is about 3 to 1, which means that we have killed more than 4,000 of them!"

"I thought it was enough to drag them to the negotiating table, but I didn't expect the other party's arrogance beyond imagination."

"It wasn't until we discovered the characteristics of the enemy's spiritual return that we didn't react. Maybe their losses were not as great as we thought, and they might even be unharmed. No wonder there was no sign of communication from beginning to end..."

Staring at the rapidly changing light screen, Augustine's faint words were like flames, igniting a rage in everyone's chest.

"Since they haven't felt the pain yet, I'll let them enjoy it, Your Excellency Augustine, can you give me a prisoner? It's better to be from the original stone steps."

Li Rui's eyebrows were smiling, but there was a trace of hideousness in his deep and secluded eyes, and the companion beside him felt a chill in the back of his neck inexplicably.

"There are not many prisoners in the original stone steps, plus you have captured only three in total. What do you want to do?"

Augustine's mind moved slightly, and the order was passed along the ubiquitous quantum network, and then he looked at Li Rui suspiciously.

"Test the limits of their spiritual return."

Without a detailed explanation, a Protoss sealed in the wall of the materialized force field soon rose from the cracked floor. The gold armor of the whole body was removed and replaced by a thick steel collar at the joints.

The sharp steel thorns inside the collar penetrated the bones and flesh, almost blocking all the energy flow of the opponent.

Seeing a group of unfamiliar enemies, the Protoss twisted the body subconsciously, and the surging psychic energy revolved in the body, and was instantly pulled away by the collar and transformed into a high-voltage thunder, which in turn electrocuted the opponent.

Without requesting to remove the imprisonment of the force field, Li Rui pointed directly at the Protoss in the air. The real enemy immediately melted into entangled particles, and Ruyan plunged into his fingertips like a forest.

[Reincarnation Desperate]!

At the same time, Li Rui disappeared from the sight of everyone without warning, leaving only a group of people staring at each other on the ground.

Without the feeling of teammates, they can't even see the illusory origin of fire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They only know that Li Rui completely disappeared from reality and entered another dimension!

And in the dark red and unknown spiritual desperation, losing the powerful force field imprisonment of the [Bitter Journey], the seal collar on the Protoss groaned, deformed and shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Adversity, you can hone true wisdom, a lowly race, feel our anger! Sarak-tun!"

The metal collar all over his body burst out loudly, and the tall celestial spirit spread his arms and slowly floated into the air. Accompanied by a magnificent and holy word, a terrifying spiritual storm swept the entire world.

Zi Zi Zi~~~

The power of the mind with ready-made thunderstorms tore through the space, cutting out countless hair-like cracks.

Bathed in a storm that could not be avoided, Li Rui's skin was cut into dense and fine wounds, as if he had been tortured by Ling Chi.

it hurts!

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui looked at the messy blood stains on the back of his hand and couldn't help but squeeze his mouth.

Sure enough... [Don't use] There is only one-tenth of the attributes left in the posture, and I am not much stronger than the ordinary stone steps, but I can't rely on it anymore.

With a move of thought, the pale golden transparent air enveloped the whole body, like a golden egg to isolate the storm, the small wounds on his body immediately began to gather and heal.

In the next instant, the faint golden light disappeared in place, and before the Protoss could react, a burst of irresistible power suddenly came from behind.


【Indestructible Grip】·Original Stone Steps

The emerald green invisible to the naked eye emerged from him, converging into water-like ripples and sucked into the body along Li Rui's arm.

Permanent health +100!

Chuck chuck~

Penetrating bones shattered continuously, and the tall celestial spirit resembled a monkey hit by a train frontally, and its spine broke into a strange shape, turning into a bolt of lightning to shoot towards the edge of the spiritual realm.

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