Smiling and waving his hands to everyone, Li Rui's figure flashed and disappeared into the cabin without warning.

Everyone at the scene twitched their eyebrows and looked at the direction he was leaving, with mixed emotions in their eyes.

"If it hadn't just disappeared under my nose, I wouldn't have noticed anyone using the Void Shuttle."

"There isn't even a trace of fluctuation, how did he do it?"

"Is this the authority of the void? It's really unpredictable!"

"No wonder he can feel the taste of the same Void God, it is estimated that he is really only one step away from becoming a god."

"But didn't he just break through to the original stone steps? It will take a long time for [Divine Transformation] alone?"

"Maybe [Zhonghua] has some secret method that can shorten this process. According to legend, they don't have that kind of elixir, and mortals can directly become gods and ascend in place!"

"Do you believe in this kind of urban legend?"

"[Zhonghua] Waidan party has a lot of records on this aspect, which is somewhat credible."

Seeing that the topic began to crooked, one of them frowned and interrupted.

"Wait, is your focus a bit crooked?"

"That's [Indestructible Dragon] Li Rui!"

"The strongest iron head in human history...No, Meat Shield Warrior? Don't you think his style is a bit strange!"

"Huh? What do you say..."

The breathing was stagnant, everyone looked at each other, their eyes gradually sharpened.

Yeah, isn't that guy a silly tank?

Why come and go without a trace now, like an assassin!

Confused and blinked, everyone couldn't help but focus on the two goddesses.

Grace and Sae Kazema looked at each other, and saw a trace of confusion in each other's eyes.

You have to ask Aya Kii about this kind of thing, what are we doing?


In the bizarre void dimension, Li Rui is like a swimming fish breaking through the void storm, returning to the real world from an invisible crack.

Coming to the back of the planet in just a few moments, Li Rui urged [Sting Sting·Don't Use] to the extreme, converging all energy fluctuations, submerging into the dark sea like an illusory ghost without splashing a drop of water.

Unfolding his spiritual consciousness, confirming that no eyes were "watching" himself, he quickly moved across the seabed and found a deep and dark canyon.

It has already surpassed the Mariana Trench. I wonder how deep it is below?

Suspended above the Grand Canyon under the sea, Li Rui stared into the abyss at his feet, thoughtfully.

A variety of strangely shaped deep-sea creatures swam past him, and among them were some extraordinary creatures with amazing abilities, but none of them found his existence.

After weighing it for a moment, Li Rui sank and slowly fell into the bottomless gap.

The huge water pressure is getting heavier and heavier, the sense of direction is gradually blurred, it is not clear whether it is floating or sinking, the dark, cold, and dead deep sea is empty, as if the soul is about to melt in this piece of nothingness!

After a long time, Li Rui's toes finally touched the land, and his vertical pupils glowing with purple light looked around, patrolling in the absolutely no light environment.

The viscous liquid is like molten steel, and every action requires hundreds of thousands of times of force. Even with Li Rui's physique, he can't help but feel his chest stuffy and don't want to stay in such an environment.

A gap was found under the straight "cliff", a ghostly shadow slipped in quietly, and soon reached the bottom of the gap.

Not deep enough!

Slowly straighten his arms, a ferocious giant claw quietly condensed following his will, like kneading tofu, grabbing the rock in front of him into pieces.

The scattered stones are collected in the [material warehouse], and the giant claws whose nails are higher than human beings are like shield machines, easily grabbing an oblique downward passage.

After another kilometer or two, Li Rui felt almost done, grasping with both hands, as if holding something, and then slowly and solemnly tore to both sides!


The dull sound of stratum fracture was shielded by the mysterious law, Li Rui forcibly tore the earth apart, opening a huge cave in the deepest part of the ocean.

When a hemispherical space wider than a square appeared in front of him, the five imaginary fingers slowly released.

The hemp is not round at all...

Looking around, Li Rui lightly frowned his eyebrows, and the rough and sharp bulges faded away silently, revealing a smooth stone wall that seemed to have been polished.

Nodding with satisfaction, he walked to the center of the cave and took out the many precious materials that had been prepared long ago from the [Material Warehouse].

Gold, silver, platinum...

Pieces of precious metals fell slowly to his feet, and as soon as they touched the ground, they melted and combined under the action of some mysterious force, wriggling like a living thing.

The hair-thin tentacles slowly extended, condensed into a mysterious and gorgeous magic circle, and grew rapidly toward the outer periphery.

The rock under Li Rui's feet began to slowly rise, the planar magic circle transformed into a three-dimensional, and soon a pyramid that looked like a gold and silver cast quietly "surfaced" out of the ground.

Nails cut the skin, a drop of golden blood dripped on the magic core at the top of the pyramid, the magnificent breath quickly spread, and the ubiquitous sea water quickly receded centered on Li Rui.

Mysterious and majestic power descended from the void, and Li Rui's blood with infinite energy spread to the entire pyramid along the core groove of the magic circle.

The white-gold energy torrent spreads in the lines, and the quaint and mysterious buildings begin to bloom with a slight brilliance, quickly draining the seawater in the entire space.

The fragments of the law in the system panel burned wildly, penetrating a long distance, and building a high-dimensional link for the entire altar.

"High-dimensional channels are established, laws are eroding..."

"The sanctuary was successfully constructed, and the system rules were solidified..."

The horrible surge of spells was constrained around the pyramid. A hot miniature "sun" rose from the groove at the top and hovered ten meters in the sky.

Under the rays of the "sun", the sea water seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, staying in the passage gently.


Breathing out a suffocating breath, Li Rui mentally moved, and an oval white light gate appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Crossing the void portal, in the next second, he has appeared in the familiar [Rune Land].

"Snake-ridden~ Aow~~"

Before he had time to speak, a black shadow stuck on his face, not only blocking his vision, but his limbs were tightly entangled by the sturdy snake tail.

"Come down!"

Bored in the two huge lumps of cellulite, Li Ruiwen said angrily.

"Do not!"

"Your chicken jiojio is gone."

"Ooo! No!!!"

Zhao Youxuan was so frightened that she slipped off Li Rui as if she had been stepped on her tail.

Without the burden of blocking his vision, Li Rui looked at the golden eggs in the "chicken coop" in the distance and the huge roasting lamp covering it, slowly turning his head to look at the moving snake, his eyes gradually sharpened.

Are you brooding a chicken?

The entire right arm seems to be overworked. It feels uncomfortable as soon as you put the mouse in a typing position. The muscles involved in the right cervical spine are all painful and sore. You must twist your hands into a deformed angle to be comfortable. Do you have any relief methods and tools? introduce?

If this continues, let alone repaying the debt. It is estimated that I will have to spare time to go to the hospital for physiotherapy. Where can I have so much time? -(′`」∠)--

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