"The power of the curse has increased!"

"Although he was suppressed in the end, that guy must have been badly injured!"

"The self is split, and the greedy beast will eventually be swallowed by desire..."

"Unfortunately, he is still hiding in the depths of [Shenzhou Enchantment]. We can't take advantage of such a good opportunity."

"Don't worry, the power of [Desecration of Stone Tablets] is irreversible. The pollution has eroded most of the soul. Sooner or later, he will degenerate and twist, and maybe it will give [Zhonghua] a heavy blow."

Malicious whispers echoed in the dark temple, and the sticky and strange energy spread around, twisting the matter into an indescribable blasphemy little by little.

On the other side of the earth, all the top officials of Dongying are gathering in a closed conference room, shivering with excitement looking at the documents in their hands.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Wearing a traditional Eastern white kimono, Akiko Jingu sat in the main seat, looking around blankly.

"His Royal Highness, this is a rare opportunity in a thousand years!"

An old man in a black robe stood up excitedly, the blue veins on his excited neck twisted, his face was abnormally flushed.

"But the price is too high, not only to dig out our treasury reserves, but also to mobilize elite forces to participate in the expedition. At that time, we may even be stretched to suppress the manpower of the alien passage."

"Yes, the local defense line is so empty, what if [Chaos Angel] descends?"

Before Akiko Jingu could speak, an old and respectful minister immediately objected, and for a while, the meeting room was bustling like a vegetable market.

"Because of an illusory target that has been gathering heavy troops in the homeland? What if [Chaos Angel] does not come from beginning to end?"

"You are a fluke, once [Angel] landed, with our strategy going deeper, it would be a disaster for the country!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a brief silence in the conference room. Everyone's faces were like constipation, and their facial features were wrinkled into a ball.

That's right, Dongying's strategic depth is really pitiful, a strip of islands, no matter any point on the country, the coastline is "close at hand".

What's worse is that Tokyo, the capital, is just by the sea, and it's pretty cool to develop the economy at ordinary times. When it comes to threats from the ocean, it's Muggle in an instant.

In fact, privately, Akiko Jingu has quietly moved the command center to Kyoto.

Although it is not far from the coastline, there are Osaka and Nara in the front, and the back is surrounded by mountains. It can get a certain amount of reaction time.

"With the Pacific Rim Agreement, the problem of [Chaos Angels] should not be borne by our family. At that time, we only need to delay for a while, and the masters of PPDC will solve the problem!"

"Hehe, but we have to have enough strength to drag it until the reinforcements arrive. If most of the country is in ruins, even if they finally defeated [Angel], what's the use?"

A gloomy old man sneered, his tone full of mockery.

"Even if the country is reduced to rubble, we can get a new continent!"

Severely photographed the information in his hand on the table, the black robe old man stared at him without showing any weakness, bloodshot eyes in his excited eyes.

"There are no earthquakes, no tsunamis, no typhoons, all seasons are warm like spring, a full 4 million square kilometers of priority!"

The two sides looked at each other across the conference table. The black robe old man poked the satellite map on the table hard, suddenly calmed down, and said quietly with a bitterly chilling tone.

"I missed this opportunity, and the emperor will never stand up. You are all sinners!"

In the tense atmosphere, the yin-jie old man's eyes flickered slightly, and he fell into a long silence.

A fertile mainland, this is the dream of many generations of Dongying people willing to give their lives, but still elusive!

Once, they took advantage of the spiritual energy tide to fall into the lowest valley, gambled on the fate of the whole country, and stretched out their minions on the kind and terrifying [Heavenly Kingdom] who always pressed on their heads like a god.

It was fine at the beginning, but once it touched the opponent’s core territory, the nightmare-like shadows easily overwhelmed them, vividly and vividly educated them, what makes your uncle always your uncle...

After that, he was castrated by Omi's ghost animal, and the whole Dongying seemed to have his spine broken, and he could never find his previous spirit again.

More than 100 million people are crowded on the narrow archipelago like this, rolling in crazily in thousands of earthquakes, dozens of typhoons, and tsunamis every year.

After finally waiting for the spiritual energy to recover, the remaining few secret realms with development value have to be eaten by the seven gods. As a landlord, Dongying can only pick up the leftovers that others don't want. How aggrieved?

If this pressure continues, the whole nation will either pervert in silence or erupt in silence!

Look at the map, there is a dad on each side of the east and west, and there is a fur on top of his head...

Forget it, break out a hammer, and pervert in silence...

But in such a desperate situation, a fertile land of up to 4 million square kilometers was thrown in front of them. Even the yin old man himself, his heart was drooling, but greed was sensible. It's just suppressed.

That is to say [Mechanical God Religion]...No, the seven gods together can't swallow such a big cake, otherwise, how can there be a chance to get Dongying to participate in this gluttonous feast?

I really have to wait for the [Mechanical God Religion] to gain a foothold, and the Seven Gods will start to divide the cake, not to mention four million square kilometers, even four square kilometers will not be left!

The old guy Miyagawa Asahi is right, this is indeed a rare opportunity in a thousand years, and the window period is extremely short, almost fleeting!

Once the "shuttle" is missed, Dongying may only have the option of staying on the mainland islands forever, until it is completely swallowed by [Zhonghua]...

A trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, and the unwillingness and anger in the old man's chest gnawed his heart like a poisonous snake, forcing him to agree with the opinions of his political opponents!

"Miyagawa... you are right. This is indeed a rare opportunity in a thousand years, and it may be our last opportunity..."

Hearing that political opponents were softened, the black-robed old man showed surprise in his eyes. The two sides had fought for a lifetime. He had never seen the other side showing such a decadent look.


As soon as the conversation turned, the yin-jie old man cheered up and stared sternly at Jingu Qiuko who didn't say a word.

"His Royal Highness, I still insist on my opinion. The threat of [Chaos Angel] is like a thorn in the back. Moreover, even if we emptied the treasury and gathered the elite to support the front line, the final victor of the war may not be us humans!"

"The seven gods have enough confidence to withstand such a loss, but we don't have such a background!"

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