Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 122: , [Tiger Tiger Missile]

"Of course, your potential is endless!"

Touching his sister's head, Li Rui chuckled lightly.

"So, accept the new heritage."

"Are there new inheritances?"

"Yes, this time, you will become much stronger!"

Li Rui looked at his sister's eyes full of expectation.

Li Wei was promoted to level 4 in a row, leaving a lot of room for Li Rui to operate.

First of all, after this wave of fat, her gold coins have reached more than 400, enough to buy a small piece of equipment.

Originally, Li Rui wanted to give her priority to synthesize excitement + fanatics.

But in the end it was found that it was not possible without Lan, especially after she had the blood-adding skills herself, the blue volume was life for her.

And the negative effect brought about by [Life and Death Balance] made Li Rui not dare to buy her red crystal first.

Now her maximum health is only 18 points, she loses 5% every 24 hours, and the total is less than 1 point.

This point of blood loss can be offset by relying on the natural recovery of growth, at most slower development.

But once she digests a red crystal, her health will increase to nearly 170!

The flesh is flesh, but it loses nearly 9 hit points every day, which cannot be offset by the natural recovery of the body!

The healing and recovery effects provided by external forces will be reduced by 90%. 9 health points require 90 healing effects to offset, even if the bonus effect of [life balance] is counted, Li Rui estimates that it will be three levels of [Meow Dance Life] Hui] Only then can Li Wei milk her.

Among them, the blue volume is the key!

System: "Whether to open a blank equipment bar for teammates."


The energy in the void poured into Li Wei's body quietly.

But she seemed unaware, still rolling around beside Li Rui.

"Buy blue crystal."

A crystal clear crystal appeared in Li Wei's equipment column, as expected, she also needs to digest to be able to integrate these mana!

【Li Wei】

Race: Human

Energy Level: None (Spiritual Awakening)

Level: Level 7

Experience: 32/750

Health: 18/18

Mana: 1/9 [Undigested additional mana 250 points]

Armor: 1

Magic Resistance: 1

Attack Power: 1

Spell Power: 1

Gold coins: 79

Picking up her sister and letting her sit in front of her, Li Rui put her hand on her forehead.

The remaining three upgrade options, Li Rui did not hesitate to point to the hero skills.

【Tiger Tiger Missile】

The hero fires a magic missile, inflicting 1-40 (+30% of spell power) magic damage to the first enemy hit.

If the missile flies for more than 1 second, its damage is increased to 1-60 (+30% spell power), and the target is slowed down to 0-30%, and the slowdown effect is attenuated within 1 second.

Mana cost: According to hero output power (maximum 60 points)

When attached, the hero will launch a missile from the position of the attached friend, and can guide the missile's flight path through the spirit.

This is the main attack skill of Yomi. The damage is not high. The key is that the thief is difficult to control. The magic missiles that are released often do Brown sports, and they can't hit people at all.

I don’t know if it’s better to use spirit to guide the missile route...

In fact, Li Rui did not count on how crucial this skill played in actual combat. He only hoped that his sister’s combat contribution would be a little higher, more points of experience and gold coins.

What he really cares about is his core life-saving skills!

[Meow Dance Brilliance] (Level 3)

The hero regenerates 1-60 (+20% spell power) health, gains 1-35% movement speed, and decays within 15 seconds (with a maximum of 2 charges)

Minimum interval between two releases: 0.5 seconds

Mana cost: according to hero output power (maximum 75 points)

When attaching, attaching allies becomes the target of the skill.

(This skill has reached the limit of the black iron level, the host needs to enter the next energy level to continue to improve.)

Two levels in a row, the power of [Meow Dance Brilliance] began to appear gradually.

Coupled with Li Wei’s perverted [life balance] passive, Li Rui feels that her sister has initially revealed the potential of her god-level nanny!

A note of [Meow Dance Shenghui] is strengthened by [Life and Death Balance] to restore 114 health points, plus an increase of 66.5% movement speed within 15 seconds!

You know, Li Rui's current health is only more than 400 points!

Really facing a crisis situation, Li Wei was able to give him nearly 230 points of blood within 0.5 seconds!

Half of the blood instantly returns to full, the turtle becomes a cunning rabbit, can fight and escape, can attack and defend, and stand in an undefeated place. What a pervert!

Excited, Li Rui picked up her sister and took a slam!

"Wow! You bit me again, oh!"

With a howl, Li Wei jumped on his brother and made a mess.


The sunlight outside the window shone on the eyelids, and it worked for one night [Eternal and Unbroken], Li Rui slowly received the power and opened his eyes.

There was a slight hunger in his stomach, and he knew that the food he had stored was almost digested again.

Health: 448/448 [undigested extra life 61 points]

In one night, he not only recovered from his injuries, but also digested 7 additional health points.

After the greedy gluttony kills and restores life, coupled with the smell of blood, the internal injury that may have been lying for several days has become a minor injury.

Finally, through [eternal immortality and infinite robbery] to accelerate healing, Li Rui himself was a little surprised at the speed of recovery!

If you go on like this, he may become a super fatan who can't be beaten!

After getting up and washing, Li Rui came to the kitchen to prepare a big meal to fill her stomach.

As soon as he opened the lid, he froze.

A white and tender loli curled up inside, sleeping soundly.

"Xiaowei! How do you sleep in the pot?"

Li Rui's black head pulled her sister out of the pot, crying and laughing.

Fortunately, there is no hot pot, otherwise today there will be a dry pot Li Wei eat...

You should know that because of Li Rui’s own super meal, the kitchen utensils in their home are super-large versions for the canteen or the army.

A pot like a child's bath is used to fry large pot dishes.

Li Wei's body was originally quite petite, curled up inside without any constriction, and more importantly, she also covered the pot herself!

"Are you wrong? Sleeping in the pot?"

Waking up the sleepy sister, Li Rui pinched her small face.

"You don't let me sleep with you, sleeping here is more secure!"

After sobering, Li Wei felt aggrieved and opened his God has a sense of security, don't you panic when sleeping in the iron pan?

A ridiculous sense rose in his heart, Li Rui suddenly flashed.

Inheriting heroes will have an impact on the host's character!

The words of the system flashed through his mind.

No wonder her movements are more and more like kittens these days.

I like to roll around myself, and there is often a slight grunt in my throat, and my curiosity is stronger than before!

Li Rui hadn't paid attention to it before, thinking it was a child's cute nature, and didn't expect it to be the influence of the inheritance of heroes!

Looking at the twinkling twinkling eyes of her sister, Li Rui had a clear understanding in her heart.



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