Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1220: , Pry into the truth of the universe

"Oh oh oh oh oh, is this interstellar warfare? I'm on fire! I want to shoot something!"

Spirituality transforms into a complicated and gorgeous sci-fi armor, Huang Juncai jumps up and down excitedly, the energy core on his chest rotates and compresses, releasing a faint blue light.

"Go if you want, you can use the defense line protection of [Mechanical Cult]."

The ferocious and weird, like a strange worm of the ancient demon god, opened his mouth and glanced sideways at the eager trio.

Facing Li Rui's sight, Katavia nodded slightly, and formed a triangular formation with his younger sister and Huang Juncai according to the previously set tactics, escaped the cover of the void and cloud, and quietly moved towards the battlefield.

But soon after leaving the area where Li Rui and others were, Huang Juncai couldn't bear it, and the complex mechanical structure of his left arm was rotated and deformed, forming a giant energy cannon that was more than ten meters long.

"Eat my big eagle!"

With a roar of excitement, the condensed beam of light penetrated the battle line, instantly spanning a long distance and accurately hitting a gorgeous golden mothership.


The deification attack ignores the phantom energy shield and easily penetrates the armor, shooting in from the front of the mothership, and out of the stern, creating a transparent "tunnel."

After a few tenths of a second, the uncontrollable Nether Energy Crystal exploded, and the splendid exploding instantly tore the huge battleship to pieces.

"Who? Who is attacking?"

In the front-line command hall, [Mechanical God Cult] everyone's hearts shrank fiercely, watching the ultra-long-range sniper across the entire defense line in disbelief.

"The attack comes from behind us!"

"The unfamiliar divine spectrum, not a known friendly army!"

"The optical radar is capturing the target!"

After just a few seconds, three weird figures appeared on the central large screen.

Seeing the strange humanoid creature, everyone was stunned for an instant, and then quickly reacted, with irresistible joy in their eyes.

Could it be that they are the reinforcements of the [Secret Banquet Association]?

But soon, the radar scanned the energy level attributes of the three people, and the luster in everyone's eyes dimmed in an instant.

Except that the secret diamond long-range sniper is still useful, the remaining

Are you kidding me?

In this kind of all-out war involving two races, the Golden Tier can only be regarded as a stronger cannon fodder at best. With an AOE, you may not even know how to die!

At the other end of the starry sky, Augustine couldn't help but look back at Li Rui, with a hint of question in his eyes.

That's it?

Facing his weird gaze, Li Rui smiled and shook his head, and spoke lightly.

"Let the bullet fly for a while."

Knowing that he has more powerful back players, Augustine relaxed, and quietly checked the frontline data, curiously observing the three "avant-garde" reinforcements.




The leading Secret Diamond Order blasted a brilliant beam of light rhythmically, and every few seconds, a battleship in the Protoss fleet in the distance must be blown to pieces under his blow.

Upon closer inspection, Augustine's heart jumped, and he immediately put away his contempt, his eyes became solemn.

Secret Diamond Rank, attack deification?

How can it be?

Even an invincible genius like Li Rui only turned on his deified attributes after he advanced to the rough stone!

Could it be said that every member of the [Secret Banquet Association] is a peerless arrogant comparable to him?

Across most of the star field, Augustine's thinking spread along the quantum network, bringing all the first-hand data of the front line into his mind.

But the more you analyze, the more shocked the look in his eyes, and the dilated pupils are trembling with uncertainty.

can not read it!

The power, laws, and divinity in him are not the product of this universe, and the authority that he has revealed is even beyond his comprehension!

You know, even if it is the reincarnation of myths like Sae Kazama and Grace, Augustine is just respecting, not fearing.

Because their power Augustine is understandable!

Although he could not possess their power, he could implicitly analyze the endogenous principles and legal structure of their divine might.

And as long as he can analyze and understand, theoretically he can find ways to restrain himself, and even copy their power!

But in that weird Secret Diamond Step, he only saw the underlying magic structure that subverted the Three Views. Once he wanted a deeper analysis, there was only a distorted chaos, which made his persevering mind shaken and began to doubt life.

How can 1+1 be equal to 5?

What is that extra thing that appears out of thin air?

The rock-solid body began to tremble slightly, just a short time of prying, Augustine's round and unobstructed mood was torn open, and his wise eyes gradually became distorted.

"Ahem, don't'look directly' at him, you are staring at the truth at the bottom of the universe."

The soft words sounded like thunder in his ears, and Augustine shook his whole body and closed his eyes abruptly.

Forcing himself to seal the incomprehensible memory, he opened his eyes faintly after a long time, and a trace of fear flashed in his pupils.

"Your Excellency True Dragon, what the **** is that?"

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Augustine slowly turned his head and stared at Li Rui for an instant.

"Precision department, fatal legend."


Hearing the weird answer, Augustine blinked and cast a puzzled look.

However, Li Rui nodded his heart, smiled and shook his head.

Soul contract, is UU reading unspeakable?

Augustine reacted and looked away with regret.

However, after carefully chewing on the few words that Li Rui revealed, the information about the [Secret Banquet Association] in his mind gradually came together.

By the way, the [Secret Banquet Association] is also divided into factions. Wade Winston Wilson who invited Li Rui to join seems to have mentioned the [Witchcraft] faction!

However, their factions seem to have different research directions, not differences in political ideas.

So... every faction should represent an exploration of the truth of the universe!

Hmm...【Witchcraft】It's good to understand, but what exactly is 【Precision】?

Looking again at the figure who exploded the battleship across the sea of ​​stars, Augustine narrowed his eyes with understanding.

"Lord True Dragon, do you know what this person's name is?"

Feeling inexplicably that his path is similar to some of the concepts of [Mechanical Theology], Augustine couldn't help but feel a bit of enthusiasm.

If you get some inspiration from him...maybe you can get clues to transcend the gods!

Li Rui on the side stared at his profile with interest, and after a few seconds he spoke slowly.

"Very few people in the association use [real name], I only know that his code name is [Future Warrior]."

"Future Warrior?"

Whispering the name softly, Augustine engraved it deeply in his mind, and when he was ready to go back, he asked people to look for him on all planes.

I was cheated by the operating officer to participate in the challenge. Next month, there should be 50 fan titles. If you want to, you can participate in the event. My salted fish will try to stand up again.

I hope the company will be an individual next month and don't always work overtime. ∠(」∠)

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