Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1227: , The true king

The dark red divine light attached to the wound, and the invisible blue and white arc flickered and wandered, melted and dissipated under the erosion of the divine nature, and turned into a silky light to drift into the universe!

Dozens of [Bright Archons] formed a large formation, and the surging platinum energy gathered together, but they still couldn't resist the slashing of the dark red giant axe.


The light of the axe flickered, and every raise of his hand brought a weird and ferocious wolf roar, the black armor warrior's movements became more and more violent, and the terrifying blood cloud began to gather around him!


The condensed nether energy turned into an electric arc whip and hit the enemy, but the opponent didn't seem to feel the pain at all, letting the thunder snake surge on the surface, one after another, with the heavy and cruel divine edge to tear the defense and annihilate it. Everything is alive!

"No, we can't stop this monster!"

"I hold him, you leap and leave, to deal with another Holy Spirit!"

"then you…"

"It doesn't matter, he is obviously the holy spirit of the warrior system. As long as I delay for a few seconds, I can escape with a leap, and he can't catch up with us!"

"Yes, we must keep the distance, no one is his opponent after getting close!"

After a brief contact, the celestial spirits from outside the galaxy also felt the pain of the earth's rough stones, and immediately came up with a countermeasure.

However, after entering the original stone steps, Wang Lei's [Eternal Immortal Infinite Tribulation] had a new evolution, and made up for his shortcomings through another form.

The celestial spirits have just dispersed the large array and are preparing to flee separately. The violent warriors' eyes lit up, and their bodies released violent golden red blood!

[Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity] The seventh level, solid!


As if a mountain range was pressing on the body, the originally fragile barrier of time and space instantly became as solid as a rock. The beacons in the distant space lost their senses. Dozens of [Bright Archon]'s two-dimensional aura shattered and were firmly "imcarged" In a prison composed of golden red blood and light.

From a conceptual level, to consolidate and suppress time and space, within the radiation range of [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], as long as Wang Lei's law cannot be torn apart, no one should think of space shuttle!

If you can't solve your own shortcomings of being cumbersome, then find a way to make the enemy more cumbersome than yourself!

Then rely on your rich experience to defeat them!

This is the biggest inspiration that Wang Lei got after being promoted!

The [Bright Archon], who can't travel through time and space at will, is originally not fast, and coupled with the suppression of [Eternal Immortality and Infinite Tribulation], it is impossible to escape the golden, red and **** light in a short period of time!

"Leave away!"

Acting decisively, a group of consuls scattered into the sky, each breaking out in a different direction.

In this way, although the enemy will kill several companions, people from other directions can escape safely!

After giving up the formation, the condensed nether energy scattered into a ball, watching them running away from their backs, Wang Lei grinned, the dark red giant axe in his hand slammed towards the enemy, and then he violently pulled it into his arms!


There was a stern wolf roar in the cold vacuum, and the illusory energy hook instantly entangled all [Light Archon], and then bounced back with irresistible force.

[Ruthless Iron Hand]!

The violent warriors are like gods and demons. A group of rough archons did not even resist. They were dragged in front of him by pure brute force, as if an ant had dragged back dozens of elephants!

The Nether Energy Shield hits the solid body protection gas, like a ball on the wall, causing visible deformation, and instantly bounces into the distance.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. By deliberate luck, he bounced them away. Wang Lei held the axe handle with both hands and slowly shook the axe behind him, his muscles all over like a giant python tumbling, grinning with a brutal bloodthirsty smile.

【Big Kill Quartet】!


The golden red light, thin as a cicada's wings, drew a stern arc, and the nether energy shield of a single [Bright Archon] could not resist such a cutting, and was instantly chopped into residual blood!

The scorching and tyrannical blood rushed through the meridians, and Wang Lei's pupils gradually turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Sensing that the energy accumulated in the body was enough, he took a deep breath and ignited the tyrannical blood in his heart.

[Blood Fury]!


The golden red divine blood light blooms from the heart, flowing crazily along the meridians, and the green veins violently violently all over the body, like an earthworm wriggling, the knotted muscles trembling crazily, and rippling like water.

Even if he was promoted to the original stone steps, Wang Lei was still a little uncomfortable with this force, his meridians were slightly stinging, and the terrifying dark red flame burned around him like the substance!

The violent divine power pushed up his desire for destruction, the blood sea eyes looked at the white light giant who was almost cut off, and his thick legs began to squat slightly.


Obviously, they are stepping on the void, but everyone feels that there is a real earth under his feet. The burly and brutal black armor warrior rises into the air and lifts the giant axe above his head in the "mid-air".

Time seemed to slow down at this moment. In the spiritual vision of everyone, they seemed to see a black sun bursting out with infinite black light, revealing an indescribable beauty of violence.

Looking up at the terrifying figure falling "slowly", whether the celestial spirits or human beings, there is an urge to kneel down and worship!

Is this... [God King]?

In [Bitter Journey], Augustine stared at the beautiful and brutal "picture scroll", UU reading involuntarily compared him with the **** king of Olympus.

But compared to Sae Kazema, this black armor warrior fits his image of [God King] more.

Powerful, ruthless, cruel, tyrannical, like the demon **** who brought killing to the world...

In the next moment, the dark axe light crashed down, and Xing Tian axe flashed along the center line of [Bright Archon]'s body, splitting it into two alive!

[Noxus Guillotine]!


The indescribable horrible impact crashed, and the unparalleled brutal breath shook the entire universe. The heart of the survivor at close range seemed to be pinched by someone, and only felt a tingling pain from the tail vertebrae to the heavenly spirit cover, and the whole body looked like skin. It's as paralyzed as overpower

Decrease bxwx.cO 汜. However, the cruel black sun did not stop killing, and before he was relieved, Wang Lei happily "jumped" one after another in their futile attacks and desperate eyes.

[Noxus Guillotine]!

[Noxus Guillotine]!

[Noxus Guillotine]!


boom! boom! boom! boom……

With an axe and a human head, the sound of continuous crit attacks spread throughout Xingyu, and there was a vaguely excited wolf roar!

Mi He Mi. With an extremely cruel attitude, the blood clouds around the black armor warrior's body became more and more dense. Even the friendly [Mechanical Cult] people saw this cruel picture, their facial features were all wrinkled together, as if that The axe chopped on himself, his face was painful.

Across hundreds of millions of kilometers, this sound of spiritual ripples seemed to shake the soul apart, and it was hard to imagine how desperate the real enemy faced him.

I like the infinite **** installed in the city, please collect it: () the infinite **** installed in the city is the fastest update.

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