
Pleasant swallowing sounds echoed in my mind, under the tall and magnificent dome, hundreds of protoss wearing gold armor shivered slightly, and a emotion that had been forgotten for many years rose in their souls-fear!

"I've seen the memories of Taisimon and Isler. What do you think should be done with them?"

There was silence in the empty and deep hall, and it took a long time for someone to speak slowly.

"It's not their fault. No one can do better in their place. Those monkeys... the Holy Spirit of human beings is too powerful, and the number is far beyond our imagination."

"But Isler didn't wait for the main force of Nerazim to arrive and started the war first. This is different from the plan!"

"The battle situation is ever-changing, and the front-line commander must adjust at any time."

"But his adjustment caused the entire army to be wiped out!"

"Then what's the use of waiting until Nerazim's main force arrives? It's just to make the monster eat a little more full!"

"The Dark Archons are good at mental attacks. Maybe they can find out their weaknesses!"

"Yes, the last time the Holy Spirit was severely injured under the power of Nerazim, it proves that the human race is flawed in the spiritual realm!"

"It's just a case, it has no reference value at all!"

"By the way, the captured prisoners have been [converted], just ask them to ask if they can."

Soon, human beings wearing Protoss-style accessories appeared at the bottom of the hall. They looked up at the archons who looked like gods in the sky, and their blood-red eyes revealed piety and fanaticism.

"Born for Al!"

With a low murmur in his mouth, the Protoss who overlooked them nodded in satisfaction, and the nerve cords in the back of the brain spread out substantial roots, slowly falling onto their heads.

Without any evasion, several people stared blankly at the Nether Energy roots falling on their heads, their blood-red pupils were full of enthusiasm.


Huge memories flowed into the spiritual network like a tide. From the moment they were born, until they stood in the temple of the [Highest Council], everything in between was unreservedly exposed to the eyes of the stars.

"Earth...Solar System...Milky Way..."

Discovering that human technology is more backward than imagined, the eyes of many celestial spirits shined, but they quickly frowned.

"The center of ten thousand realms...the corridor of time and space... the seven gods..."

"The Empire of China... The Holy See of Light... The Church of Mechanics... The Magic Council... The Dark Night... The Watch Foundation... The Primordial Covenant..."

"The goddess of war Athena... Gabriel the Seraph..."

"The eldest son of China...the strongest dragon...Li Rui..."

"And... [Secret Banquet Association]?!"

When seeing a primitive and weird race occupying such a wonderful planet and spreading its tentacles to the heavens and worlds, thick greed emerged in the hearts of all the star spirits.

But immediately, they were deeply shocked by the terrifying figures and legends in their memories.

Human technology is primitive and rough, but their high-end transcendents are scary!

At this time, the Protoss knew that it was only one of the seven major forces on the earth that was fighting against him, and it was only in the middle of the ranking, far from the strongest one!

The strongest [Chinese Empire] among them only sent one [Zhen Country Dragon], which played a decisive role in the war.

That terrible [Indestructible Dragon] is the invincible Holy Spirit who beat Fredward to a mental breakdown last time!

Integrating magnificence, holiness, evil, and cruelty into one, the behemoth figure with beautiful wings of light like a star is still deeply imprinted in the soul of every consul.

And such an [Indestructible True Dragon], there is actually one in [The Empire of China]!

What surprised them even more was that the [Secret Banquet Association], which even humans didn't know much about, revealed a frenzied and terrifying background.

If it weren't for them, the powerful Golden Fleet might have pushed mankind back to his hometown in the last war!

After carefully digesting the huge amount of information, the minds of the Protoss were in a mess, and they only felt that they had never seen such a strange race.

Say they are strong, right?

Their technology is quite primitive, and their overall strength is far inferior to Protoss.

But say they are weak?

The number of their holy spirit levels is simply appalling!

Swallowing the gods with the body of a mortal, the record of [the eldest son of China] made the vests of all the Protoss cool and their hairs stand up.

[God Eater], [Dragon of the End], [Behemoth that devours everything]...

When you know what kind of existence you are fighting against, even the arrogant son of El can't help but feel fear!

"Humans...maybe more terrifying existences than Zergs, and we must not go to war with them at the same time!"

"Cowardly! You are so scared!"

"For the glory of the sons of El, we must repel them!"

"Yes, because they are more terrifying than Zergs, we drove them back to their hometown even more, otherwise such a powerful race can stand firm in a place not far from the El star field, then we will never be able to sleep peacefully!"

"Second! We can tune in the elite fighting against Zergs, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will fight back the humans first!"

"Assemble all our strengths and crush them upright!"

"But... what about the holy spirits? We can't deal with them!"

There was a moment of silence in the parliament hall, and soon a faint voice spoke.

"Maybe... it's time to activate those forbidden weapons!"



"Ruijun, I'm back~"

The closed door suddenly opened, and after immersing himself in cultivating for a long time, Li Rui, who was relaxing on the earth, suddenly felt a familiar aura. As soon as he turned around, there was a scent of fragrant wind covering his face, and his entire cheek was plunged into an indescribable pile of white greasy fat.

"I have been walking for so long, do you miss me?"

After reuniting after a long absence, the excited Hannah teacher resorted to holding the man in his arms and killing Li Rui completely out of breath.

Patting Hannah's vest, finally pulling his head out of the next fat mass, Li Rui reluctantly raised a gentle smile to the pair of watery amethyst eyes.

"Welcome back."

"You haven't answered, think I don't!"

"miss you."

"How much do you think?"


I haven't seen him for a while, Teacher Hanna seems to have become particularly obsessed, holding Li Rui's neck and not letting go.


An unpleasant cough sounded in her ears, and Luo Li grabbed Hannah's arm and pulled it off Li Rui's neck, with a stiff smile on her face, tucking and hugging her.

"Uuuuu...Teacher, I miss you so much."

"Damn it, let me go."

"Uuuuu...Teacher, I love you."

"Don't break my hand!"

"Uuuuu... Teacher, don't go."

"Ah, don't you get around my legs!"

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