Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1279: , I am a swarm!

Afterwards, the twelve Asian gods arranged their armors, took a deep breath, and walked slowly into the hall.

   "Your Majesty True Dragon, foreign ministers please see you!"

   awkwardly imitating the etiquette of the people of the earth, the twelve sub-spirits knelt on the ground respectfully, and lightly pressed them to the ground with the gorgeous phantom gems between their brows.

   However, what greeted them was a long dead silence, and the twelve celestial spirits secretly exchanged telepathy, and made a soft call again.

   "Your Majesty True Dragon, foreign ministers please see you!"


   After a while, the celestial spirits who finally noticed something was wrong opened the door cautiously, and they were greeted by an empty palace.

   Where is the person?

  Are you so big?

   I searched the entire palace and found no sign of Li Rui. The Protoss finally confirmed that the terrifying Majesty has left...

   "Have you noticed the fluctuation of the void?"

"No, How about you?"

"I do not have either…"

   glanced at each other, a group of Asian gods swallowed, a bit of bitterness flashed in their eyes.

"The key is where can he go? This is still in the territory of the Zerg, and it is still several million light years away from the El star field. It is impossible for him to cross the void physically and return directly to the territory of the human race, right? "

   A dark archon shook his head in confusion, and the exquisite gold ornaments collided softly, making a sweet and crisp sound.

   You must know that even the dark templar who specializes in shuttles in the void can only travel in short distances at most.

   If you want to move across galaxies, you must either use a spacecraft or a teleportation array...

   Anyway, it is almost impossible to cross the star sea with the power of the physical body alone. This kind of power has exceeded the scope of their knowledge.

   "It seems that the human background is more terrifying than we thought..."

   A consul said quietly, following his words, all the stars reacted instantly, and couldn't help but shudder.

   If... the other party can really cross the universe physically, then the so-called strategic depth will have no meaning in his eyes!

   As long as he wants, he can come directly to the periphery of the planet El at any time, and at the point of the [Space-time Interference Generator], it can delay at most a few minutes...


   Thinking of the magnificent and evil dark sun suddenly blooming in the outer space of Al, all the stars felt cold behind their heads, and the chrysanthemum shook his head quickly.

   "We must never be an enemy of humans in the future!"

   "Nonsense, we are not stupid!"

   "But now the question is what should I do with [The Spear of Arden]? We scanned the battlefield and found no trace of it at all. It is likely that it was taken away by His Majesty Li Rui!"

   "Hey... Submit the credential to mankind, first repair the relationship between us as much as possible, and then ask the question on the sidelines."

   "With the mighty power of His Majesty Li Rui, we should not be greedy for [The Spear of Arden]. We pay a certain benefit, and it is estimated that we can still exchange it back."

   "It can only be so for the time being..."

   It’s impossible to grab it. You can only be a licking dog first. If you lick that great being happy, maybe people just throw the [Spear of Arden] back?

   Secretly exchanged their sights, the twelve sub-spirits nodded fiercely.

   lick the dog to the end, everything!



   The gorgeous Nether Energy Crystal smashed in his palm, Kerrigan stopped absorbing energy and looked into the universe dullly, shaking slightly involuntarily.

   Beside her, countless divine zombie worms panted, and they also solidified together, shaking and looking into the void.

In a short period of time, they crossed the long [Void Insect Path] and returned directly from the El Star Territory to the territory of the Swarm, but before they had been deep enough, a feeling of loneliness and despair that had never been felt filled the soul instantly , The icy chill almost completely freezes them.

   They... lost the most important part...

   It seemed that the soul and flesh and blood had been cut out, and a small part of the zerg went into madness, screamed harshly, and even attacked the surrounding companions indiscriminately.

  The attacked insect swarm did not resist at all, letting the crazy bloodthirsty "companion" tear it to pieces!

   The **** and brutal picture could not attract Kerrigan's attention at all. She still stared deeply into the void, crystal tears slowly falling down her cheeks.

   The swarms have lost their dominance... they have lost their meaning...

   The bright eyes gradually dimmed, and the aura of dying engulfed Kerrigan, causing her purple leather to slowly lose its luster.

   But the spirit of a certain part that is not part of the Zerg was gradually invigorated, Kerry was willing to have a faint joy in his heart, and a bright brilliance reunited in his pupils.

   The swarm has lost its master...I am free!

   The faintly distorted divinity surged all over the body, and the arthroplasty wings behind Kerrigan slowly extended and stretched, becoming more sharp and hideous!


   A spiteful and crazy roar sounded in the ears, and a irrational divine Hydralisk roared towards Kerrigan, and the sharp minions glowed with a pale green look down on poison.


   didn't turn his head at all, the blade-like bone wings flashed slightly, and the hydrangeas flying in the sky suddenly stagnated in the air, and then disintegrated into blood foam.

   "Since we have lost the master, then I am your new master!"

   slowly turned around, pure golden divine eyes swept across the wild, under the majestic and terrifying gaze, UU read www.uukanshu. Com's **** and crazy slaughterhouse solidified in an instant, all the zergs stared at her blankly, puzzled and pained in her pupils.


   A magnificent beam of divine light soared into the sky, Kerrigan unreservedly released his power, and the endless energy turned into a mysterious ripple that shook the universe, spreading and expanding to all dimensions!

   "I am the Queen of Blades, and I am the Swarm!"

   Forcibly builds a new spiritual link, a familiar sense of belonging is established in the minds of the divine Zergs around, the mad and ferocious insect pupils regain clarity, and slowly kneel and surrender towards the silhouette of the human form suspended in the air.



   A high-frequency concussion that resembled an insect's sound came into my mind, Li Rui turned around suddenly, gazing through the vast universe, as if seeing an evil silhouette rising up to the sky and swearing her authority to the whole world!


   In the dark, Li Rui understood the source of the ear-piercing noise, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a slight arc.

   Other Cerebrates may not surrender to her. The Swarm is in civil war, and the Protoss gets a respite, and the situation in the Outland is even more balanced...

   squinted his eyes, Li Rui stared deeply into the void, and then slowly retracted his gaze, leaving the alien battlefield completely behind his head, and his playful eyes gradually became cold and ferocious.

   It's time to solve the [Curse of God's Fall]!

  【Fallen Council】...The bill between us should be settled...Don't let me down...

   licked his lips, Li Rui smiled slyly.

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