Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1293: God of machinery

"There is nothing worth it. I just took a crucial step in exploring the path of evolution. The path is wrong. After all, flesh and blood have their limits."

   Cold and ruthless mechanical eyes looked at Li Rui, and Wesley Qiao was condescending, without a trace of humanity in the language.

   "Isn't this the best proof of what you look like now?"

   "The strongest in history, with the strongest human body, but still can't escape the corruption of divine nature..."

   "If you can't even do anything, how can you expect other humans to survive the apocalypse?"

   The cold questioning sound penetrated into the eardrum, Li Rui wanted to say something but stopped, only feeling bitter and unable to speak.

   The acting skills are so good that he not only deceived the enemy, but also led his teammates into the ditch. What kind of magical plot is this horse riding?

   "Abandoning the human soul and body, what is the point of evolution?!"

   Unwilling to smash it, smash it, Li Rui still couldn't help but retort, but with the squirming and rotting half of his body, it seemed particularly unconvincing.

   "Abandoning primitive and backward life forms is the inevitable price of evolution. New humans will create a more glorious civilization and help us preserve the fire in the doomsday... After all... time is running out..."

   As he said, Wesley Joe slowly raised his head and looked at the magnificent divine magic circle in the sky.

   In the next second, the tall mechanical figure suddenly disappeared, and a light gold hexagonal force field with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers bloomed in the sky, spreading out translucent force field ripples like a tide.

   With the impact point as the center, the huge divinities oscillate with each other, spreading across the sky in the form of mechanical waves at extremely fast speeds.

   is as thin as a cicada's wings, but the golden force field wall spanning the sky slowly appears in front of everyone.


   "He... is this a god?"

   The howling wind blew her hair and hunted, Siwaya stared at the "human" shadow that slowly broke through the magic circle with one person's power, and her voice trembled slightly.

   "Similar to the unified life form of the will of civilization, the personification of science, the concretization of machinery, once the divinity returns, he is born!"

   let out a spit, Li Rui whispered a little heavy.

   The remaining few people reacted immediately, feeling a little in their hearts.

  The birth of the mechanical **** represents the demise of Wesley Joe!

   His soul cannot contain the power of the true god. The divine nature will melt human nature and erase his last trace of human imprint...

   By that time, there would be no Wesley Joe in the world!

   will be replaced by a cold, ruthless, powerful and majestic!


  The slender mechanical five-fingers rotate fiercely, and the invisible golden force field is folded like paper, reflecting the colorful light of a kaleidoscope.

   The terrifying divinity penetrated the magic circle, forcibly tore a crack straight through the core.

   The translucent force field crystallizes and solidifies the "channel", and the tiny figure slowly rises along the "shaft" under the protection of the hexagonal force field that surrounds the body.

   But the evil gods around seemed to be busy repairing the magic circle, and there was no room to stop him. Wesley Joe could only let Wesley Joe come to the dark and deep divine light.

   "If it is said that the whole body is directly connected to the **** seat, there is no defect, then why is Wang Lei stuck in the golden rank and cannot make progress?"

"Perfection in theory does not mean that you can also go smoothly in actual operation. Imitate the transformation of gods with human spirit and physique. It is already harder to get a piece of the essence, let alone the higher level of these two methods. , The more his state of existence needs to be closer to the gods, that is to say, from the moment Wang Lei awakens and cultivates, he must pull his growth curve to the same height as the reincarnated gods!"

"The external conditions of qi, blood, true essence, and physique are enough to crush mortals, not to mention that the transformation from spirituality to divinity is a long process, so Wang Lei is equivalent to racing against his own practice. Once his growth curve is Beyond the demand, his cultivation speed will only get slower and slower, and in the end it will be close to stagnation!"

   Listening to Qin Hao's statement, Feng Hanran gradually narrowed his eyes, and a trace of doubt appeared in the depths of his pupils.

   "Wait, do the same, why can Li Rui be able to advance the Secret Diamond?"

   Qin Hao's breath stagnated, and he was silent for a long time, before finally shook his head with a wry smile.

   "I don't know, but if I have to explain, it is that his growth surpasses the gods."

"This is impossible!"

   Feng Hanran subconsciously exclaimed, but Li Rui's achievements over the years appeared in his mind instantly, frowning hesitantly.

If you start from the level of awakening Li Rui has almost a steady increase of one energy level a year, originally thought that the difficulty of the extraordinary power increase caused by the rejuvenation of the aura is reduced, but now it seems that even if there is no aura, Li Rui It takes hundreds or even thousands of years to give birth to a super genius.

   Transcend the gods with a mortal body. In history, such people generally have a common name-saint!

   The mood was agitated, and Feng Hanran couldn't help flashing a bold thought in his mind.

   Will Li Rui’s name be the same as Li Dan, always engraved in his genes, and even become the object of worship by certain gods?

   "No matter how incredible the conclusion is, the reality is right in front of us. Li Rui, as the first person who specializes in advanced secret diamonds, has no one before or after. In a sense, he is closer to the true **** than we are."

   "And Wang Lei...Although he is exceptionally talented and mentally determined, the long-term stagnation may have made him self-doubt."

   "It may be this trace of self-doubt that opened a gap in his flawless state of mind and gave the power from the dark side of the universe a chance..."

   Qin Hao sighed quietly, his face full of bitterness.

   "But it seems that you are not surprised at all?"

   Feng Hanran stared closely at his eyes, a faint light brewing in his clear eyes.

   "He is the unicorn selected by our indestructible family, and it is also the common expectation of all of us. Dozens of secret realm resources are poured out on him alone, and we even hunt for mythical species for him..."

  " But in the end, we still failed to help him make up for his "human" shortcomings. Massive resources were deposited in his body without any progress. Presumably this self-blame is also

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