Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 133: , Juggernaut, stop him!

【Pioneer Blade】

   The hero releases all the power of the blade towards the front. If the vanguard blade hits the enemy hero, it will scatter toward the outer circle, forming an arrow-shaped blade cage.

Inflicts% spell power) magic damage on enemy heroes and large monsters and marks for 10 seconds. At the same time, within 5 seconds, huge magic energy will shuttle between the blade and iron curtain. Enemies that pass through the magic cage will receive% spell power) magic Damage and 90% slowdown effect, duration 1 second.

  When passing through the cage, if there is no mark on the enemy hero, he will be remarked.

  The scattered blades penetrated the bodies of several wounded people and opened several holes for them in an instant.

The survivors' heads were marked with invisible blades. Because of their concentrated positions, they were all imprisoned by arrow-shaped blades. The only gap, an elegant figure was like an arrow, with a boundless momentum. They lased.

   Blade impact!

   Blade impact!

   Blade impact!


  Ignored the two black iron masters headed, Luo Li seemed to be a streamer and instantly killed a circle in a group of Hello.

  At the same time, a sharp roar hit the crowd firmly.

   [Wild Scream] + [Dark Harvest]!


   The dark red energy exploded, and nine pieces of blood-red soul fragments entered Li Rui's heart and slowly merged with him.

   Deals 84 adaptive damage!

   Skill damage growth +9!

   Participate in the kill, reset the cooling time to 1.5 seconds.

  Li Rui slowly came out of the darkness, and his broken limb flew up into the sky, just at this moment Luo Li killed the last one, standing in front of him elegantly.

  After the clearing of the field, the cold wind blew the fallen leaves, and only four people remained in the scene to face off.

"who are you?"

   The speed of exceeding the limit of reaction makes the first two people unable to stop Luo Li's killing.

   Without compulsory control skills, Luo Li's threat in team battles is simply unparalleled.

   Apart from their anger in their hearts, there was more a trace of fear.

   Involuntarily close together, facing the two death-like enemies together.

  However, killing Matt's youth did not wait for Luo Li's answer. The snow-white blade shone brightly under the starlight. When the last drop of blood dripped from the tip of the knife, Li Rui gave Luo Li a light look.

   "I left you right, quick battle!"


  Taking advantage of the last few seconds of the mark, Luo Li again turned into an arrow.

  But she didn't rush directly to her goal, but first killed the monster-like Mr. Black.

   Blade impact!

   Watching Luo Li rushing towards him, Mr. Hei swelled up, and his figure rose again. His whole black robe was completely exploded, revealing the dark scales below.

  The green and black scales are thick and tough, and with strong defense, Luo Li feels that she has cut into the steel plate.


  The treasure knife fell on Mr. Black's arm, and the sound of gold and iron clashes rang through the wilderness.

  The blade that cut into the scales did not go too deep. Luo Li pulled hard, and the squeaky sparks bloomed in the night in the harsh friction.

   But it was just such a pull that he almost unloaded Mr. Hei's entire arm.


  After the pain, Mr. Hei made a sharp howl, and the other arm caught him fiercely towards Luo Li.

   But Luo Li did not love to fight, pulled out the sword, left a suspended blade, instantly turned into an arrow, and rushed towards the killing Matt young man.

  Huge palm caught an empty space, and Mr. Hei roared and chased toward Luo Li, but halfway along, his figure suddenly settled in place with the young man who killed Matt.

  Powerful magical energy penetrates through the air, and Luo Li controls the two blades to cover the two enemies in a straight line.

  【Biwing Double Blades】

   The hero throws a blade at one location, then casts the double blades again, and throws the second blade at another location. The magic energy contained in the two blades penetrates the air, inflicting 70 (+80% spell power) magic damage to enemies along the way and stunning them for 0.75 seconds. The double winged sword will also mark heroes and large monsters for 5 seconds.

   The blade mark that just disappeared was refreshed again. In less than one second, Luo Li used a sharp blade to kill back and forth between the two enemies.

   completely plays with them between the palms.

   The most terrifying thing is that she still has a cool blade impact in her hand, and she can shift support or hide at any time.

   In the bottom of my heart, praised Luo Li's battle is simply art.

  Li Rui estimated that her mana value also reached the bottom, and rushed towards Mr. Black, who was three meters high.


   The greasy monster was directly flew out by Li Rui's flying slamming, and fought two back and forth. The black man with a fleshy body and a miserable body was suppressed by Li Rui for a time.

   [Fear of Sting] + [Indestructible Grip]!


   deals 142 magical damage and 25 physical damage.


   Emerald green light that was invisible to the naked eye emerged from him, and was immediately sucked into his body along Li Rui's arm.

   Permanent health +3!

   punched Mr. Hei's face with fierce magical damage, which messed up his head and made him blind.

   The dark red light appeared on his body, beating like a heart.

  Li Rui's eyes lit up, and he raised his fists and slammed into his face again.

   [Fear of Sting] + [Indestructible Grip] + [Dark Harvest]!

  Inflicts 235 magical damage and 25 physical damage.

   Permanent health +3!

   Even more terrifying magical power blasted into his Black's eyes were blown out.

  'S strong desire to survive instead made him awake, and with a roar, he overturned Li Rui and fled towards the outside in a panic.

  However, with the blessing of [Relentless Hunter], Li Rui's speed is not weaker than him, and he is rushed towards Huang Juncai without any trace.

   "Jiansheng! Stop him!"

When    chased to a dark bush, Li Rui yelled at the bush deliberately, and Mr. Hei was agitated.


   There are people ambushing?

  The whole spirit was concentrated in the trees, and he did not find that the death sign was actually on the opposite side.


  Lingjue still played a role at the last moment. Mr. Hei twisted his body into a twist, and shunned a shot in the chest.

   But his waist seemed to be bitten by a monster, and a basketball-sized hole exploded in an instant.

   "Wdnmd! Individuals will hide bullets!"

   Hearing Huang Juncai's dissatisfied roar from the headset, Li Rui raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and walked slowly and alertly towards Mr. Hei.

   I don’t know if there is any way to die for this kind of monster, so it is better to be cautious.

   "Wait a minute, we can talk."

  Hei He was overturned on the ground by a powerful attack. Facing Li Rui's approach, he squirmed his body backwards and made a final struggle.

  :. :

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