
The elegant and slender snake-shaped dragon body hovered around him, and hundreds of divine stars revolved happily around him. Just near the [Abyss Demon Web], the invisible divine power crushed layers of spider webs into powder.

[Hysteresis], [Confinement], [Darkness], [Dizziness], [Package], [Capture], [Entangling]...

The spider silk that emerged from the illusory concept of authority spread and grew, but before it got close to the golden dragon's body, it was melted by the eternally burning purple and golden flames of his body and vanished in smoke.

The golden dragon aloft overlooked the magic web, witty and brutal gaze penetrated the kingdom of God, and saw the evil spider **** queen at the bottom of the abyss.

"Rose, I have said that when the divine nature returns, I will surely kill you at the bottom of the [Abyss Demon Net], destroy your country, annihilate your seed, devour your origin, and leave you in despair. To death in fear!"

"Now that I am here, are you ready to accept the fate of death?"

The eyes met, and the endless sense of oppression shrouded Rose's spirit, giving him a desperate tremor of being stared at by natural enemies.

[Deadly Natural Enemy·Evil]

[Deadly natural enemy·God]

【Evil Spirit】

With the improvement of Li Rui's personality, the conceptual weapon that was originally too strong to be solved has been greatly improved.

Especially after reaping the concepts of [Fallen Council] and [Lord of Hell], the restraint power of these weapons has evolved to a point where even Li Rui himself is amazed!

After stacking the triple concept weapons, when facing the gods of the evil camp, he can completely regard himself as a higher level existence!

The cold and greedy dragon's pupils pierced through the darkness, [Radheran], one of the best old true gods in the secret realm, looked like an ant in the eyes of the golden dragon, and just the pressure of his gaze made Rose's will close to collapse.


The string that was so tight was suddenly broken, and the chaotic and crazy instincts dominated the soul, causing the spider **** queen who looked like a star to emit a twisted and twitching weird sharp smile.

"Come on, enter my cobweb, I am waiting for you at the bottom of the abyss!"

The harsh and piercing roar shook the void, and the giant spider queen's body quietly vanished and disappeared into the depths of the layers of spider webs.

Some subtle changes have taken place in the attributes of the entire kingdom of God, and a complicated and obscure "truth" is projected in the golden dragon's pupils.


The so-called [Abyss Demon Net] is actually an entity formed by the realization and expansion of this concept!

Once you step into it, your own existence will begin to be suppressed by the concept, and over time, this suppression will weaken more and more, until... the owner of the trap can easily swallow yourself...

Even Li Rui is not immune to this kind of conceptual suppression, because at the moment you step into the kingdom of God, no matter how powerful you are, you fall into a "trap" at the symbolic level.

Since falling into the "trap", then following the "logic", fatigue, weakness, depression, tension... and so on "facts" will also be realized one by one... completely ignoring the basic material rules!

Seeing the essence of [Abyss Demon Net] at a glance, Li Rui raised the corners of his mouth with disdain, and in a flash came up with a dozen ways to break the game.

The simplest and rude option is to rush in directly. It takes time for the [trap] to take effect. With the thickness of Li Rui’s [Spirit Shield] (deified magic resistance, distortion of the concept of resisting laws, logical tampering...), coupled with terrifying resistance Sex, a conceptual weapon reverse suppression...

It is estimated that it is more than enough to plow the [Abyss Demon Net] ten times!

The only risk is that Rose is playing hide-and-seek with him. If the time is too long, it is not 100% possible that the car will overturn.

Yes, but not necessary!

Looking around, Li Rui saw the divine congregation of Canruo stars in [Abyss Demon Net]. Those were the "vassals" that Rose had accumulated throughout her life.

Four true gods, seventeen demi-gods, thousands of angels, and countless creatures like the secret diamond and the original stone spider!

They are immortal in the kingdom of God, that is to say, in theory, every trace of their source quality can be squeezed out!

Even [Abyss Demon Net] itself is a rare source of divine nature!

What a precious and huge treasure is this?

Thanks to nature's selfless gift...

With a pious and grateful mood, the golden dragon, which is more majestic and huge than ordinary celestial bodies, entangles the gods, communicates with another "universe" in the dark, arrogantly and crudely "inserts" into the gap of the kingdom of God, and is firmly embedded together!


The plane channel opened, Li Rui grinned grimly, and a magnificent altar stood out of thin air, like an iron nail, firmly nailed in the coupling overlap area.

【Uniqueness·Star Traveler】—【Sacred Altar Tour】!

Unlike the cup of "cappuccino" in the game, the reality of [Sacred Altar Tour] is a miraculous manifestation that can truly suppress the causality of time and space. Even Li Rui can combine the projection of [Life Altar] with it to achieve super The strategic effect you can imagine!

An inspiration flashed in Jinlong's eyebrows, and a true and perfect figure instantly condensed in the center of [Sacred Altar Tour].

The perspectives of the true dragon posture and the humanoid posture are reflected in the spirit at the same time, Li Rui's mouth is slightly raised, and his hand reaches out to grab it, and between his fingers, there are cards that are evil, hideous, or cruel.


With a throw away, hundreds of cards turned into streamers and shot into the void, exploding into gilt particles covering the sky and the sun!

After just a few seconds, the silhouettes with auras like Yuanhai stood quietly in the void, like a loyal knight guarding the Golden Dragon.

"What kind of monsters are those...?!"

The gods who secretly observed the battlefield were blinded. The [skin] inherited some of Li Rui’s attributes has terrifying attributes comparable to true gods, but there is no corresponding personality. In the eyes of other high-level beings, they are like one A blazing sun, the radiant divine brilliance almost burns the eyes!

Huh huh~

Pillars of spiritual energy penetrate through time and space, condensing familiar figures on the [Sacred Altar Tour].

"This is [Abyss Demon Net]?"

With the [Xing Tian Axe] in his hand, Wang Lei came out more and more, looking at the bottomless evil space.

"The tampering of the underlying laws, UU reading dimension erosion is complete, you can now let it go."

Standing side by side with Wang Lei, Li Rui looked back at the teammates gearing up and smiled softly.

After the [Fallen Council] and [Lord of Hell] give away their heads, they made a lot of assists only, and the potential accumulated in their bodies was about to overflow, and they needed a "hearty" war. Its digestion and absorption!

Now, the formation of [Rune Universe] allows Li Rui to modify the underlying logic of the world according to his own preferences, and reproduce some classic effects in games.

For example...infinite resurrection in the spring...

So sleepy, sleeping (3[▓▓]

(End of this chapter)

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