After [Resilience] and [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], I seem to have stuck another bug...

With one hand propped on his chin, Li Rui's eyes were indifferent and hollow, savoring the "nutrition" drawn by each [Zhen Guo Zhilong].

[Dark Harvest], [Indestructible Grip], [Theft Omen], [Overgrowth]...

The super weakened version of the power of the runes has built a wonderful [rule armor] on them, arming them to the teeth from beginning to end!

However, except for a small part of the "nutrition" that was plundered and swallowed, it was deposited in their own bodies, and most of the rest gathered on Li Rui through an invisible network.

The violent divine flame is blazing, and the gurgling source quality is like endless fuel, pushing up various values ​​soaring wildly!

Even if he is a true **** and has reached the limit that the material world can withstand, Li Rui's power is still growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

As if... completely ignoring the limits set by the origin of the universe!

"Do you feel it? His power is expanding!"

"Not only him, but the petitioners under his, not petitioners, the power of the [subordinates] is also growing!"

"Thirty thousand [subordinate ministers]...If this continues, if they develop their potential to the limit, we may face 30,000 demigods, or even true gods!"

Thinking of the "beautiful" picture, the gods of Tianyu couldn't help their scalp numb.

"Calm down, most [subordinate ministers] can't reach the limit of divine nature, and there is a real potential to be promoted to [True God].

"Even if there is only one tenth, that is 3000 true gods!"

"The gods of our nine major camps of the Tianyu Crystal Wall system seem to be in the early 1,000s, right? The total is less than one-third of him?"

"No, this terrible situation must not be allowed to happen, we must break through the kingdom of [Dragon] before they grow up!"

"Yes, as long as we destroy the source of their power, we can easily crush these future true **** seeds to death!"

"But... that dragon may be an [old ruler]!"

"What about [the former ruler]? We have assembled most of the power of the Celestial Crystal Wall System, and no one can stop us except those [pillars] close to the source core!"

"So, don't think about preserving our strength anymore, we must end this battle of God as soon as possible! If we drag on, we really might be defeated by Him alone!"

Abandoning all fluke psychology, the gods of Tianyu began to mobilize the most elite forces, and even projected themselves onto the "battlefield."


[Skin], who is in charge of the artifact of the town, suddenly opened his eyes, either evil, or majestic, or cruel, or the boundless divine flame swelling, without showing weakness, facing the divine lord projection!


Representing the collision of the will of the supreme rulers on both sides, the illusory concept of emptiness distorts reality, and wipes out a blank nihility zone in the overlapping and coupling area of ​​the kingdom of God.

All life matter was melted, the plane channel violently oscillated, the coverage of the [Rune Universe] law was slightly compressed, and the "turf" captured in the early stage was vomited out in a blink of an eye.

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"If it is said that the complete [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] is directly connected to the **** seat and has no defect [Dao], then why is Wang Lei stuck in the golden rank and cannot advance?

"Perfection in theory does not mean that you can go smoothly in actual operation, imitating the transformation of the gods with the human spirit and physique. It is already harder to get a piece of the essence, not to mention the higher level of these two methods. , The more his state of existence needs to be closer to the gods, that is to say, from the moment Wang Lei awakens and practices [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation], he must pull his growth curve to the same height as the reincarnated gods!"

"The external conditions of qi, blood, true essence, and physique are enough to crush mortals, not to mention that the transformation of spirituality to divine nature is a long process, so Wang Lei is equivalent to racing against his own practice, once his growth curve is [ Eternally immortal and immeasurable calamities] beyond the need, his cultivation speed will only get slower and slower, and in the end it will be close to stagnation!"

Listening to Qin Hao's statement, Feng Hanran gradually narrowed his eyes, and a trace of doubt appeared in the depths of his pupils.

"Wait, the same is [Indestructible Dragon], why can Li Rui be able to advance the Secret Diamond?"

Qin Hao's breath stagnated and remained silent for a long time, before finally shaking his head with a wry smile.

"I don't know, but if I insist on explaining, it is that his growth surpasses the gods."

"This is impossible!"

Feng Hanran subconsciously exclaimed, but Li Rui's achievements over the years appeared in his mind instantly, frowning hesitantly.

Counting from the awakening level, Li Rui has almost a steady increase of one energy level a year. He originally thought it was a reduction in the difficulty of increasing extraordinary powers caused by aura recovery, but now it seems that even if there is no aura recovery, Li Rui has hundreds of years. Reading www. uukā will even give birth to a super genius for thousands of years.

Transcend the gods with mortal bodies. In history, such people generally have a common name-saint!

The mood was agitated, and Feng Hanran couldn't help flashing a bold thought in his mind.

Will Li Rui's name be the same as Li Dan, always engraved in the genes of [China], and even become the object of worship by certain gods?

"No matter how incredible the conclusion is, the reality is right in front of us. As the first [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] Advanced Secret Diamond, Li Rui has no one before and no one to come after. In this sense, we are closer to the true God than us."

"Wang Lei...Although he is talented and resolute, the long-term stagnation may have caused him to doubt himself."

"It may be this trace of self-doubt that opened a gap in his flawless state of mind and gave the power from the dark side of the universe a chance..."

Qin Hao sighed quietly, his face full of bitterness.

"But it seems that you are not surprised at all?"

Feng Hanran stared at his eyes closely, a faint divine light brewing in the clear eyes.

"He is a unicorn selected by our indestructible family, and it is also the common expectation of all of us. Dozens of secret realm resources are poured out on him alone, and we even hunt for mythical species for him..."

"But in the end, we still failed to help him make up for his "human" shortcomings. Massive resources were deposited in his body without the slightest progress. Presumably this self-blame is also important for his loss of control.

(End of this chapter)

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