Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 143: Self-abuse practice

Slowly clenching his fists, feeling the surging blood inside his body, Li Rui was a little excited.

Such a powerful qi and blood should be able to support the practice of [eternal immortality and infinite calamity] for a while?

Boom... Boom... Boom...

The beating of the heart gradually slows down, and every contraction injects hot blood mercury into the blood vessels.

Qi and blood scrub moisturizes every inch of meridians, musculoskeletal devours nutrients, and grows stronger.


The undetectable wave echoed faintly in the bedroom...


The brilliant sun shone on Li Rui's eyelids.

After a night of practice, the empty stomach pouch became empty again.

Slowly receiving power and opening his eyes, Li Rui looked at the eye panel and nodded in satisfaction.

Health: 614/614 [Undigested additional health 66 points]

According to this progress, the extra life can be fully digested in about 6 days!

The blood volume of a little yellow hair growing in 6 days, the further back, the more abnormal the growth of Li Rui!

To sum up a bit, Li Rui himself was shocked by the power of the system.

Not to mention the offensive spells, [Feast], [Indestructible Grip], [Overgrowth] this kind of rune skills that plundered his life chance to increase the upper limit of his own blood volume, put it in reality is too abnormal!

With a pretentious sigh, the smart terminal beside Li Rui suddenly vibrated.

"Hey, Lei."

"Yes, I have already asked for leave, and I can go at any time."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, Li Rui exhaled for a long time, his eyes glowing with excitement.

The King of Fighters competition has finally entered the next stage!

I don't know what kind of enemies can be encountered this time?

After cooking dozens of pounds of hot meals, Li Rui swept them away from his sister's numb eyes, leaving no soup.

Li Wei, who rolled her eyes, was dragged out and wandered around. After digesting, Li Rui arranged for her a lot of homework, and then locked herself in the bedroom.

After a night of cultivation, his physical meridians have been a little tired, but it just happened to be repaired [Chaotic Guiyuan Zihuang Tribulation]!

The body is tired and the soul is not tired. Two kinds of work practice can maximize his potential.

I don’t know who the opponent is this time and what his strength is, but there are still dozens of hours. He can seize the time to convert the potential data on the panel into actual combat power!

It's like going out and finding that the mobile phone has only 40% of the power. The data on the panel is not digested cleanly, and Li Rui, a mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, is hard to explode!

If it is not that the King of Fighters competition cannot be rescheduled, he will have to fully charge the "electricity" before going out!

One day passed by his non-stop practice, and when the sunlight came into the room the next day, Li Rui finally stopped his crazy "self-abuse" behavior.

No matter the body or the soul, Li Rui felt extremely weak.

He was like a squeezed sponge, and there was no more water in it.

Standing up on his knees, Li Rui suddenly turned black before falling to the bed.

Even if you open your eyes, you can only see a small point of sight. After a few seconds, the darkness in the sight slowly dissipated and returned to the normal range of vision. can't be done like this in the future...

Feeling as if his body had entered a state of lingering, Li Rui raised a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

That is, he is full of blood and blood, and the empty stomach sac continuously supplies him with nutrients.

Ordinary awakeners squeeze themselves like him, and it is estimated that they will be crippled even if they die, and damage the foundation of the road.

In the past dozens of hours, in addition to his cultivation, he was cooking and eating. He had eaten hundreds of pounds of food.

The warm current in the empty stomach pouch is like a gentle breeze, and the moisturizing matter nourishes his body and mind.

The squeezed sponge re-contacted the water, sucking every trace of nutrients greedily.

After lying on the bed for an hour, the weakness of the body and the weight of the soul slowly dissipated. Li Rui got up and made the last ingredients in the house into dishes, waking up her sister to eat this over-rich breakfast.


With a hiccup, Li Rui rinsed the dishes on the table and threw them into the dishwasher.

After eating a big meal, power returned to his body.

"Xiaowei, get in the car, brother takes you to the game!"

Patting his breast, Li Rui rarely jokes with his sister.


Li Weihua merged into Li Rui's body as a streamer, and a crisp voice sounded in Li Rui's mind.

"Brother, what game?"

"King of Fighters!"

"Are you in the new competition again?"

"This is not a normal game, forget it, you will know by then."

Shaking his head, Li Rui put on the mask of the concealer, and the vicious and vicious fear of the void appeared again in front of the world.

Carefully slipping out of the community, Li Rui took her sister to the port.

The magic is the world's largest shipping distribution center, cargo port is lively 24 hours.

But the place Wang Lei sent to Li Rui was a remote little port.

After arriving at the place, a gorgeous cruise ship came into view.

The part on the surface of the water is only three or four floors high, and the streamlined shape has the beauty of art and technology.

"This way!"

A familiar voice passed into Li Rui's ears.

Looking around, Wang Lei dumped him like a moving mountain.

An unclear and unclear momentum pressed on his heart and made him breathless.

Li Rui's eyes narrowed and looked at Wang Lei with some surprise.

In the past, he was too weak, and he was not even qualified to feel the power of Wang Lei.

After practicing [Chaotic Return to the Origin of Zihuang Tribulation], his spiritual growth has grown rapidly, and he can now vaguely perceive the hidden power of Wang Lei.

That is a manic tianwei like a volcano. Once it erupts, it may destroy the world!

Just when Li Rui was shocked by Wang Lei's power, Wang Lei's eyes were full of disbelief.

Damn it!

I haven't seen it in a few days, this kid has become a person, and his blood has almost doubled!

What is this growth rate?

It’s not that fast after eating Jinjila!

Because the two people have the same source of power and have a subtle interaction with each other, Wang Lei can accurately calculate Li Rui's growth rate.

After a little mental calculation, Wang Lei jumped uncontrollably.

Doesn’t it mean that Lao Tzu is born with divine is blood and blood extraordinary, is it the most suitable cultivator of [eternal immortality and infinite calamity]?

Why is the training speed of this product several times higher than mine? ?

Could it be that Lao Tzu practiced a fake [infinite immortality]?

Just when Wang Lei doubted his life, Li Rui smiled and greeted him.

"Brother Lei, long time no see."

Wang Lei reacted, nodded, and led him towards the cruise ship.

"Have you guys had any adventures recently?"

"Why ask?"

"Your qi and blood volume have exceeded the minimum level of the black iron level. Could it be what genius and treasure you eat?"



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