Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 156: , Which of you? (For the leader [it turned out to be Tsing Yi] 1...

Everyone shook hands with each other one by one, and Li Rui found that one of the petite girls was gritting his teeth.

"Today I will beat you!"

Li Rui: "............"

After being silent for a while, he asked a little embarrassedly, "Which... who are you?"


Li Rui heard the crunching sound of his teeth, and there was a chill in his hand.

The little girl has bad blood, and her palms are cold.

Didn't hear who it was from the voice, Li Rui estimated that this person was not very familiar with him, did not mind, and walked to the next person shaking hands.

"We meet again!"

Li Rui: "............"

You know me too?

At this moment, Li Rui realized how painful face blindness was.

With a polite but embarrassing smile, Li Rui nodded gently.

"I said goodbye to the Golden Dragon Cup, now I have learned psionic body protection, your magic is useless to me!"

The last one I thought of was Zhao Hongxin at the 9th Middle School of Shudi, and then he spit blood in my voice...

Silently vomiting in his heart, Li Rui's smile continued on his face.

"By the way, Xiaoxue also awakened his ability, you have to be careful."

With a little flaunting emotion, the man let go of Li Rui.

But Li Rui didn't recognize who he was from beginning to end.

After the two parties saluted, the two teams retreated.

But the formation of the Nine-Tailed Fox today surprised everyone.

The captain who had swept everything in the past actually stood in the back row!

Next to him was Luo Li, an equally invincible deputy captain.

Instead, Huang Juncai, who was a long-range attacker, and two Dongying assistants stood in the forefront.

In their impressions, the two Dongying assistants seemed to have average strength in addition to picking human heads.

Would it be of special significance to use these three heads?


The two teams collided together, but to everyone's surprise, Li Rui and Luo Li really just stood behind to watch the show.

"What's going on? Is it watering?"

The explanation on the spot was a bit unclear, and the sentence of anti-counterfeiting almost blurted out.

While watching Huang Juncai stop the two opponents on the left and right, cooperate with Ando Aina and Yano General to be inseparable from the opposite battle, the other transcendent commentary can see a little clue.

"It should be training the resistance of the role players. The closer the Golden Dragon Cup is to the back, the more obvious the short board effect. The weakest point of the crash may be like a snowball, causing the entire team to collapse."

"Jiuwei Fox should want to use Datong Middle School to polish his shortcomings while his opponent is still not strong."

"That means they are confident enough to hit three or five?"

The on-site commentary took a deep breath, never seen such an arrogant team!

"Don't the nine-tailed fox captains often play five each in the first few games? What's strange about this?"

After hearing the words of the partner, the commentary only reacted... seems to be the reason?

If there is an invincible leader in the back, it is understandable to practice the behavior of the players with actual combat.

Anyway, why not train your teammates?

In the ring, people in Datong Middle School also noticed this phenomenon, and a trace of humiliation rose in their hearts.

What do you mean?

Are we not worthy of your captain's shot?

The only girl in the team was the most angry in the heart, waving his hands suddenly, releasing a cold wind blowing to Huang Juncai and the three people.

The gang wind containing cold energy swept across the three people, and the biting coldness entered the body, and their movements immediately became stiff.


Two daggers were opened by Ando Aina, and the boy who had just talked with Li Rui rushed out of the blockade of the three and went straight to Li Rui.

Reaching to stop Luo Li who was eager to try, Li Rui smiled and shook his head, stepping forward two steps.

He has already recognized who his opponent is. He Jianan, who he met in the Haidilao Cup before!

Li Rui left a deep impression with the bizarre movement of holding swords and the invincible [Feng Rui] ability.

Unexpectedly, I really met him at the Golden Dragon Cup, and it was indeed fate.

Knowing his identity, the little girl was just about to come out.

Jiang Xue, who was beaten by Li Rui in junior high school!

It was only for a while that I didn't expect to see it. She actually became an awakener.

Sure enough, after the Reiki recovered, the odds of ordinary people's awakening began to increase dramatically!

Just thinking, He Jianan's dagger hit him like a viper.


The dagger punctured the residual image, and He Jianan's pupil shrank suddenly.

A strong wind hit him from the side, and his subconscious bent arm blocked it.


Amidst the dull physical collision, He Jian'an stepped back three steps before he stood firm. A black fist mark on his arm surfaced under the protective gear, causing pain and cold sweat.

Sure enough, his 27-point physical attack power is not counted among the awakenings, plus the reduction of protective gear, even a crisp-skinned assassin can't be lost in a second.

Secretly deflated, Li Rui longed for the undigested 20 points of attack!

But He Jian'an opposite him was in a turbulent wave.

His attack power is stronger!

More importantly, why is he so fast?

The movement of Li Rui just pulled out an afterimage directly in his retina, which hit He Jianan, who was always confident in his own speed.

Li Rui was still "cumbersome" in the last game, why hasn't it changed so much in a while?

"We meet again."

The same line, but this time from Li Rui's mouth.

"I didn't let you wait too long?"

Holding the dagger in his hand, a trace of dignity appeared on He Jianan's face.

"Really not, you can see that you have made great progress."

Li Rui seemed to be chatting with an old friend, not caring about the other side of the ring.

Luo Li stood aside quietly and watched the fighting of Huang Juncai's people. It didn't mean to hit He Jianan at all.

"But your progress is even greater!"

Speaking of these words, He Jianan felt relieved suddenly, as if to put down a heavy burden.

It turned out...I knew long ago that I was not his opponent...

The video collected by the coach clearly recorded Li Rui's growth process, attack, speed, defense. He completely exceeded the level that a normal high school student should have and reached another state!

I just refused to believe it subconsciously, and followed his footsteps stubbornly. I don’t even know that he can see the taillights of his car!

With a wry smile in his He Jianan's eyes condensed with light, staring at Li Rui.

"Let me use my body to understand the gap between us!"

"as you wish."

Gently extended a hand to him, Li Rui made a gesture of invitation.

The aura visible to the naked eye spewed on the dagger, forming an illusory sharp light blade, and the slight tremor twisted the air, making a buzzing mumble.

He squatted slightly, and He Jian'an disappeared on the ring like a spring compressed to the extreme.

PS: I coded again until early in the morning, and some could not hold it up. Riwan was still too reluctant to handle the salted fish like me in the hand. Tomorrow I will hit Riwan again. It may be two days afterwards, everyone forgive me.

Finally, for my hard work, wouldn’t everyone encourage you to subscribe? (??°????????????????ω°???????????????????)


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