Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 182: , Forgive brothers and sisters

"Wait, can the treasure box open gold coins?"

Looking at the golden light mixed in the skin and the hero's fragments, Li Rui's eyes suddenly lit up.

System: "Any treasure chest has a certain chance to open other items, not limited to gold coins."

Not limited to gold coins?

What else can it develop? experience? Law fragments? expression? accessories?

Recalling the various gadgets in the game, Li Rui had a hint of anticipation.

But now 500 gold coins are a bit subtle for Li Rui. There is not much to say, not much to say. The key is that he does not have grids now, and he does not want to convert them into strength!

Looking at his more than 50% experience at level 21, Li Rui decided to take advantage of the next game and digest this gain as soon as possible.

After using the experience on the Golden Dragon Cup to upgrade to another level, you can immediately buy [Mega's Soul Stealing Volume].

When the time comes to put together a murderous three-piece suit, you can go out and do things!

Arranging the next plan clearly, Li Rui suppressed the excitement in his heart and started to operate [eternal immortality and infinite calamity].

290 points of undigested health value, coupled with the growth of [Time], it is estimated that it is difficult to completely digest and absorb them in three or four weeks!

Breathing lightly, qi and blood circulated, the sound of the surging wave surged back and forth in the room.


Early the next morning, Li Rui was awakened by a soft knock on the door, and when he looked up, a small head burrowed into the door.

"Brother, I'm hungry..."

"Oh, I'll cook immediately!"

Still unable to recognize her sister's face, Li Rui froze for a moment before reacting.

"What are you eating today?"

After Li Rui washed, Li Wei circled around him like a butterfly, his eyes staring at his every move, inseparable.

"Are you so hungry?"

Rubbing her head indulgently, Li Rui found the cake from the refrigerator and pad her belly first.

"Well, after practicing "Linglong Classics", I feel that the amount of food has become larger and I am often hungry."

Li Wei rubbed his belly and found no fat on it, so he was relieved.

With a move in Li Rui's heart, the speed of cooking ingredients in his hand accelerated a bit.

As the saying goes, poor culture and wealth, any cultivator needs to eat a lot in the early days to supplement the energy consumption of qi and blood.

That is to say, the productivity of modern society has increased by dozens or hundreds of times, otherwise it is impossible to afford such a number of extraordinary people.

According to some internal information given by Lei Ge, even now, some people deny the theory of Reiki recovery, thinking that it is the improvement of diet and medical conditions that has caused the surge in youth physical fitness, which has led to a surge in the awakening rate!

This has been a very mainstream view before, until more and more evidence points to reiki recovery, this factor is summarized as a secondary indirect effect!

But there is no doubt that if you want to practice fast, nutrition must keep up!

If you don’t eat enough, you still have to practice, that is, the empty boiler is empty, and eventually the body is empty, and the five organs are exhausted, which is about equal to chronic suicide!

This can be seen from the people around Li Rui.

Even Huang Juncai's food intake has increased a lot after awakening, but the training time is still short, the body looks a little thin, but compared to the previous appearance of the strong ash and smoke, it is now much healthier!

With a feeling of emotion in my heart, Li Rui saw a residual image on his hand. It was like four or five hands were operating at the same time on the chopping board, cutting vegetables, bacon, peeling... orderly.

Everything is like pressing the fast-forward button. When I was a child, the dishes of dozens of normal people filled the table, and the wonderful aroma filled the room, making Li Wei greedy.

"Get started."

"Long live brother!"

With a cheer, Li Wei picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and stuffed it into his mouth, suddenly groaning happily.

"Eat slowly, nobody will grab you."

With one hand holding his chin, Li Rui gently watched his sister gobbling, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It’s a blessing to eat, how good to raise white and tender, the skinny appearance of the past, he never wants to see it again in his life!

When Li Wei rolled his eyes, Li Rui swallowed the rest of the food into the abdomen with the wind and the clouds.

Since the empty stomach pouch, there is no leftovers left at home, and every dish of Chinese food is eaten clean!

After washing the dishes, Li Rui changed his clothes and prepared to go to school. Before leaving, he saw his sister lying on the sofa like a salted fish, giggling over his round belly.

Tapping on his head, Li Rui walked over and pressed her hand on her forehead.

"Upgrade equipment bar!"

"Purchase [Leviathan's A]."

"Does it consume 50 points of the basic law passive rule of fragment smelting casting system?"


The mysterious power poured down from the void, Li Weimu blinked inexplicably, seeming to perceive a powerful energy in his body.

"We will forgive siblings in the future!"

Rubbing his sister's head, Li Rui said jokingly.

"What is forgiving brother and sister?"

Li Wei's head was crooked and his face was confused.

"It's just a green light on me!"

After pinching the sister's cheek, Li Rui laughed and walked to the entrance to prepare to go out.

"By the way, Xiaowei, you fell asleep when you were in class last night. Today you will make up the two missed classes. I will check your homework when I come back at night."

Li Rui exhorted while changing shoes.

Li Wei's fish-like smirk gradually disappeared, staring at the door in disbelief, and tears began to accumulate in his eyes.


However, Li Rui didn't give her the chance to play coquettishly and pushed the door out, leaving only the footsteps of her leather shoes in the stairwell.

"Ooooo... I hate my brother..."

A pillow was thrown in the direction of the door.


"Captain Li Rui, Good Day."

At the Nine-Tailed Fox Training Hall, the pale-looking Ando Ai first saluted Li Rui.

"How has the injury recovered?"

"Training can be resumed, but it will take another week for the official game."

Ando Aina said unwillingly.

"Don't well."

Patting her shoulder for a few words of comfort, Li Rui immediately saw Yi Kaicheng with a gypsum hanging from his arm.


The two looked at each other, and Yi Kaicheng snorted and turned his head away.

Li Rui scratched his head and sighed in distress.

As the battle of the Golden Dragon Cup intensified, the opponent's level also rose in a straight line.

Except that Li Rui and Luo Li can still steadily outperform their opponents, the others have lost their absolute advantage.

All are awakeners of the same age, everyone is similar, who is afraid of who?

Under the fierce fighting, all teams began to have injuries one after another.

Li Rui, as the captain of the Nine-Tailed Fox, finally realized intuitively why the Golden Dragon Cup designed ten substitute places!


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