Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 186: ,【Meja's Soul Stealing Volume】

Li Rui kicked Huang Juncai to the side, closed his eyes, and fell asleep, focusing his thoughts on the system panel.

"At the end of the battle, you defeated five hero-level units and won a brilliant victory, S-level evaluation, basic reward x 2."

"You gained 1648 (412×2×2) experience points."

"Complete the first daily victory mission and gain 20 experience points."

"You have upgraded!"

This is the first time that Li Rui has received an S-level evaluation on the Golden Dragon Cup, plus the [Golden Dragon] mission reward experience has doubled. This is a four-fold gap!

Sure enough, the previous opponents are too great, and even a dozen or five won't trigger the conditions for a brilliant victory.

In fact, the rest of the Yanying team is not strong, only Zhou Miaobai is a master.

This can also be seen from the side, how high the system evaluates her!

At least it is also determined that she is stronger than Li Rui at this stage, otherwise there will be no S-level evaluation.

With a sigh of breath, Li Rui turned his attention to the upgrade option.

"Upgrade equipment bar."

"Will a new blank equipment bar be opened?"


A mysterious force in the void permeates Li Rui's soul, and he can sense that a new void space is created.

"Purchase [Meja's Soul Stealing Volume]."

"Are you sure to buy [Meja's Soul Stealing Volume]? You need to consume 1200 gold coins."


The accumulated gold coins were exhausted in an instant, but Li Rui didn't feel the slightest pain, but was inexplicably excited.

The killing three-piece set is all set, and then you can do things crazy!

"Do you consume 50 points of basic rule fragments and passive rule of fusion casting system?"


The originally closed books on the equipment bar opened instantly, revealing the thick yellow parchment inside.

Endless power converges on the paper, and the brilliant golden light condenses above the pages of the book, forming a sun-like dazzling aperture.

【Meja's Soul Stealing Volume】 (Black Iron Rank)

+20 ability power

+200 mana

The only passive-[Fear]: The killing of enemy heroes over the steps can get the [Glory] effect, each layer [Glory] effect provides 4 spell power, can stack up to 30 layers, when you stack to 30 layers, get extra 10% cooling reduction.

(Each kill provides 2 tiers of [Honor] and assists provide 1 tier of [Honor].)

(The more two-tier kills provide 4 layers of glory, and the second-tier assists provide 2 layers of glory. The more third-tier kills 8 layers, the fourth assist, and the fourth-tier kills 16 layers.

(The equipment has reached the limit of the black iron level, the host needs to enter the next energy level to continue to improve.)

Seeing his fourth big piece slowly forming in the equipment bar, Li Rui gave a contented sigh.

The most cost-effective equipment is available, and there will be no such cheap things in the future.

However, it is just taking advantage of this accumulation period to go out and engage in things. According to their [League of Legends] power, it seems not difficult to hunt 30 black iron ranks.

With a plan in mind, Li Rui let go of the hollow god, and nourished the injured meridians with concussive energy.



A man curled up in the corner of the room, his body trembling uncontrollably, the doors and windows of the room were closed to death, and the light was dim.

There was only the sound of a man’s teeth colliding in the silent room, but any wind and grass could be heard from a distance, even if it was just the undetectable horn of the car.

There were heavy footsteps outside the house, and the man grabbed the quilt in his arms in horror, which seemed to bring him a sense of security.


The room door was violently opened, and a burly figure came in.

"Youngest! What are you doing?"

Seeing the figure in the corner at a glance, the burly man grabbed him.

"Big...Big Brother..."

After seeing the person coming, the man seemed to have found the backbone of his heart, and wowed with a cry.


With two slaps in his face, the burly man grabbed his collar and shook it wildly.

"Yao Sheng, you cheer up! What happened? What about your second brother?"

Yao Sheng's collapsed emotions had just calmed down, and he seemed to remember something horrible again, and his whole body trembled again.

"Second brother... Second brother was eaten! Second brother was eaten by bugs!"

The horrified scream was released from Yao Sheng's throat, and the big burly giggled.

"What bug? What's going on? What about the other brothers?"

"Dead! It's all dead! All were killed, the sky was full of blood, internal organs, and some people were all blown into powder!"

As if recalling the scene of **** at that time, Yao Sheng curled up in a group and shivered.

"What about... the goods?"

The burly brother asked hardly with the last hope.

"Goods? No, all gone!"

Yao Sheng wailed in despair.

The burly brother loosened his collar, his figure swayed, and he slowly fell on the sofa, as if he was ten years old.

After a long time, seeing Yao Sheng still howling, the burly big brother slapped his face again.

This time, it took real power to draw Yao Sheng's blood.

"Come on and calm down, what is going on, you will tell me from beginning to end!"

The burly man shouted furiously.

Since receiving Yao Sheng's inexplicable phone call, he has been rushing across the vast majority of the sky from West Xinjiang.

The result was news that years of hard work were ruined.

Obviously, they are the most elite brothers under the hand, and there are two black iron ranks leading the team. Why is it that the whole army has been wiped out?

Could it be the official transcendence?

No, the second brother has been walking in the rivers and lakes for many years, and the tricks are very bright. Who can provoke and who can't provoke him knowing that there will never be a scourge of death!

Listening to Yao Sheng's foreword without a sequel, the burly man's heart grew more irritable.

If it weren't for the only black iron step left under his hand, he really wanted to kick him to death!

"That is to say, the enemy has a man and a woman, and there is a sniper in the dark. The breath displayed is only the awakening level, but killing is like cutting melons and vegetables?"

"Yes Yes."

The burly man is even more Only using the power of the awakening order can kill so many people, it is definitely a superior of the higher order!

When did your own organization provoke this kind of gangster?

Isn't it just a few tons of white noodles?

Kill the chicken with a slaughter knife!

Just when the burly man was in deep thought, Yao Sheng suddenly shouted violently and hugged the man's thigh.

"They are coming! They are here to kill me, the boss saves me!"

"You calm down, this safe house is only known to our three brothers, nobody comes to kill you!"

Kicking this terrified younger brother aside, the burly man took out a cigarette anxiously, about to ignite, and suddenly an unknown hunch arose in his heart.

Indeed, this safe house is only known to three people, but only if the other party does not have any special tracking methods!


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