Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 193: ,public opinion

Clenching his fist, Li Rui sneered in his heart.


   At this moment, the sound of retching sounded in his ear, he turned his head to see, Luo Li was holding the trash can, and her face was buried.




"what happened?"


  Li Rui caressed her vest and frowned.




   "Oh, switching the storage space needs to consume the power of the soul, don't use it too often, otherwise it will cause headaches, nausea, and nausea."




  Gang violently, Luo Li lifted her runny face with tears in her nose, and shouted sorrowfully: "Why didn't you remind me before?"


   "Ah... I forgot... Didn't you ask me?"


  Li Rui touched the back of the head and smirked.


   "You go away... vomit..."


   Luo Li kicked Li Rui angrily, holding the trash can and buried her face again.


  Li Rui knew that she was justified, she gently patted the vest to give her a sigh of relief, and said good things in her mouth.


  After more than ten minutes, Luo Li gradually relieved her breath.


   "Yes, we still have a few games to end? In the end, it seems that we have arranged for the final battle of the Eastern Division?"


  Li Rui saw her face improve and found a wet towel to wipe off the "juice" on her face.


   "Do you still know the schedule?"


   Luo Li glared at him angrily, but still obediently raised his head to let him wipe his face.


   "Magic City No.1 star, old veteran team against noble dark horses, advertisements are overwhelming, and it is difficult to see them."


  Li Rui pinched her chin and wiped her fair face clean, and then nodded in satisfaction.


   "I heard people over there have opinions about you."


   "Why? I seem to have nothing to do with them?"


  Li Rui put away the towel, a little puzzled.


   "When you participated in the National Youth Championship before, you threw a player to play, and you forgot to forget it!"


   Wen Yan Li Rui frowned and remembered for a long time, but I was not impressed.


   There are a lot of opponents he falls and can't remember which one.


   "Their captain has spoken, and I will teach you a good lesson for your team members!"


   Luo Li said happily.


   "Whoever teaches who is not sure!"


  Li Rui smiled lightly, and didn't take it seriously.


   But it was this laugh, almost made him laugh at S9...... No, it was a laugh.


  Because of the same problem, there is another bunch of uncrowned kings interested.


  Because of this careless attitude, after a public interview day, various sensational headlines appeared in major media and sports news.


   "Eastern Division's biggest dark horse Hao Yan won the championship!"


   "Shock! The veteran strong school has been so humiliated!"


   "Excellent strength or embroidered pillow? Let's walk into the spiritual world of Captain Jiuwei Fox!"




   "Go into your paralysis, I'm still in science!"


  Looking at the news headlines on the website, Li Rui was so angry that he threw the phone out.


   "Ah! My phone!"


   Huang Juncai screamed and picked up his mobile phone distressedly.


   "The captain looks at it, reporter, why don't they do something to eat? Right?"


   Luo Li shrugged and chuckled.


   "Here is a small gossip website that says you are based on unspoken rules."


   Huang Juncai just picked up the phone and saw a new push, quietly joined up.




   snatched his cell phone and read it in ten lines at a glance, Luo Li was so angry that his head was smoking.


   Any other media also started a picture, the content all depends on the editor.


  This website is entirely based on Xiaobian brain patching, describing a Bi Chi who sells the flesh to the peak of life step by step.


  According to what they said, Luo Li had to go to the principal of Mingde Middle School and go to the cleaner, and all slept.


   In the end, they did not forget to pull back the hotspots, and understood the remarks on the star side as Luo Li provoked them, and the captains on both sides were jealous.


   "I'm going to kill them!"




   "Ah! My phone!"


  Huang Juncai's mobile phone flew out again, smashing a shallow hole in the wall.


   This time, all three cores of Jiuwei Fox fell silent, and the atmosphere in the conference room was unprecedentedly dignified.


It took a while for Li Rui to adjust his mind and said with relief: "People are popular, we were not well-known before. These lace news has nothing to do with us. You can follow the improvement of the Nine-Tailed Fox's record. Every action will be observed under a magnifying glass. From now careful."


   "Why? Why can they make rumors indiscriminately! I am so mad!"


   Luo Li pulled out the sword, the white light flashed, and the huge conference table instantly fell apart.


  Looking at her eyes were red, Li Rui hugged her shoulder in distress.


   "Make a mouthful of rumors, break the rumors and run away, but don't schools have external press officers? Let them handle this matter, this can already be blamed for defamation."


  Li Rui smiled coldly.


   These gossip websites really do not put the power of capital in their eyes, they can do everything for the eyes of bloggers.


  If other sports media reports about him can be said to be hot, then the gossip about Luo Li is just pouring dirty water to the school!


   Even Li Rui guessed that there were some black hands of other interest groups behind it.


   If the school does not take the thunder means to revenge, Li Rui will look down on the Mingde school director!


   Really regarded [Sakbas International Education Group] such a super chaebol as a Kitty cat?


   Sure enough, the next form development is the same as Li Rui guessed.


  【Sakbas Group】The headquarters has transferred a whole international lawyers group, there are nearly a hundred people, and it is clear that it is to kill chickens and monkeys, and give those folk media a warning.


  Can you rub the heat, splash dirty water? Sorry, see you in court!


   We have enough money, time and energy to fight with you for more than ten years.


  Drag you all!


   However, in some people's minds, some negative impressions have been fixed on Jiuwei Fox.


   The fans of Nine-Tailed Fox on the Internet are arguing with There are also countless bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods jumping out to rub the heat.


"Li Rui is a straw bag. Don't look at him as if he is acting omnipotently. Actually, because of his good luck, he hasn't encountered a strong team along the way. I really have to meet a star. This guy is absolutely unfolded. Come on."


   "That is, the low-end game is like a god, and it will be hit by a hammer at the national competition. Ha ha, I can do it with me!"


   "Is there really seen the Nine-Tailed Fox game upstairs? Is anyone crushing Captain Li Rui?"


   "That's the appearance, you see high-end statistics, Li Rui shrinks behind most of the nine-tailed fox competitions, the team contribution is 0, he will be the most active only when he abuses vegetables!"


   "So you are a "expert" that you haven't even seen in the game?"


   "Oh, what do you know? The human eye will deceive people, but the data will not deceive people!"





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