Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 280: , [God Energy Loop]


A golden fire column erupted on the left arm, like a rocket launcher pushing the golden fist and the knife light together.

In the moment of contact, Li Rui concentrated all the destructive power on a point on the punch and released it, breaking the surface with a point, and easily smashing the knife into pieces.

The red lotus fire column erupted immediately submerged the three people, and the terrifying impact blasted them back and forth.

After looking at a certain state on his panel, Li Rui grinned happily and stomped his left foot on the ground.

【God Energy Circuit】

Skills, runes, equipment active attributes, etc. are all reduced by +10000% based on the host's own cooling.

He used to pinch his skills to death, because the cooling time was too long, and he didn't dare to use these killer tools until the last minute, but an unremarkable attribute of the artifact solved all his troubles.

Although it can't reach the terrible cooldown time in the game, putting tens of seconds into reality is completely infinite firepower!

The normal transcendental is to rub a big one in tens of seconds, while Li Rui puts a big one every tens of seconds!



Stimulate the energy of the earth to make the ground of the target area burst. After a short time of energy accumulation, throw the enemy into the air.

Deals 721 magical damage.

Volcano-like energy erupted into the sky, and three figures flew into the sky in embarrassment.

Feeling the surging energy in them, it seemed to condense the counterattack, Li Rui raised his mouth again.


A dull scream like a giant carnivore spewed out from Li Rui's mouth.

The onlookers first saw a circle of visible ripples spreading instantaneously. Before they could react, the head buzzed. The world seemed to be far away from them. No sound was heard, and their thinking was blank.

Loudly loud!

At this moment, they didn't hear Li Rui's roar at all, the world was silent, and the slightly weaker one was pushed down by the subsequent shock wave, and could not stand up no matter how struggling.

The awakeners in the distance are just the aftermath of the attack, while the three people close by have eaten this [Wild Scream].

The energy of terror hits them, and the energy circuit in the body falls apart under the impact of ripples. The invisible magic power interferes with their control, making them unable to gather a trace of divine power.


Seeing that in just a few tenths of a second, Li Rui raised his left arm high, a three- or four-meter long unreal light knife condensed in his hand, and a blazing flame burned all over him.

[Sacrifice] + [Fear of Sting] + [New Moon]


A knife swept out, like a thunder exploding on the ground, a golden red knife with a width of more than ten meters tore the sky, blasting the three people hundreds of meters away!

When they fell to the ground, they could no longer maintain their previous elegance and arrogance, and looked at Li Rui's eyes full of disbelief.

Li Rui did not retreat in a single step, and he easily drove the three men away. They could not accept this crushing gap!

Even if Li Rui crushed them with a higher order, Li Rui, just like them, is the awakening order. There is nothing more than an artifact gauntlet in his hand, but who has no artifact in their hands?

Since everyone is on the same starting line, why should you play three?

I, and even the incandescent angel, are the archangels standing at the top of heaven. I will sound the horn of the judgment of the last days to sweep away all the sins of the world, but I fell to the ground and could not beat a mortal?

Ok? ? ? ?

Grace Gabriel's beautiful facial features were crumpled and she was suspicious of life.

There are two other people who also doubt life. They both felt the terrible power of Li Rui from the previous attack.

Artifacts are just amplifiers of strength. They are confident that they have reached the apex in the Awakening Order, but Li Rui's blow gave them a vivid lesson.

The sky is not the end, there are stars and sea outside!

But the three of them are the top figures of all denominations, and the shaking in their hearts flashed away, and their eyes regained their perseverance.

They are not losers, admit that failure and temporary weakness will not destroy their confidence.

On the contrary, they will have a more powerful momentum to catch up and go beyond!

That is the pride that has accumulated in the bone marrow for thousands of years. It is the heart of the strong who believes that he can smooth or even surpass no matter how big the gap is!


Three bright divine lights rose into the sky, the golden and red flames on the square rippled, felt the surging energy they were about to expel, the excitement in Li Rui's eyes slowly converged, and stared at them seriously and expectantly!

The three divine lights of gold, white, and colorful are entangled, and they work together to press the golden flame.

For a time, the energy roared in the square, and the golden red flames flickered like a candle in the wind.

The strong wind hit Li Rui, pressing his chest into a dull, suddenly, there was a cool behind him, the endless ghost extended behind him, the inexplicable whistle roared from the depths of the darkness, full of death breath The ice crystals spread quickly, occupying half of the square in just a few seconds!

The clothes on Ling Xiyi's body fluttered with no wind, the purple and black energy was rolling, and there was no emotion in the cold and silent eyes, just like the devil coming out of hell.

She took a slight step forward and stood side by side with Li Rui. The breath of the two joined together and instantly back pressured back to fight against the other three!

The energy conflict between the two sides is annihilated, and the infinite destructive power is released on the square. The materialized spirit pressure distorts the material. With the five people as the center, the stone slabs on the ground are gradually crushed into gravel.

The onlookers backed away again and again, almost hiding at the edge of the square, which supported the aftermath of the diffusion.

immortal! They are all fairies!

With a spit in the mouth, most people are excited and frightened in their eyes, feeling that they can blow their lives for a lifetime!

Who says that it is difficult for the awakened to kill the enemy by stepping up

In this momentum, the God of Tu is enough!

Of course, they haven’t seen mythical creatures, but under the breath of the five people, even the temple can’t bear it began to slowly collapse. This battle is probably not far away even if it can’t kill the gods. !

And there are a small number of people in the crowd who have splendid eyes. They seem to see the shadow of their future from the people on the battlefield!

"Lying trough, Little Lizi's bunker, I really want to shoot a shot across!"

Huang Juncai's hands rubbed repeatedly on the North Star, and the excitement in his eyes almost overflowed, looking like he was about to move.

"Don't mess up!"


A hand knife was severely cut on his head. Luo Li, who was catching up behind, looked at Li Ruiwei's figure and her eyes were shining. She was also eager to try, but she knew that she could not fully release the power in the bloodline. She was not eligible to participate in this level. Of fighting!

Really nasty plane suppression!



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