Three pairs of bright eyes fixed on Li Rui, trying to peep from him to the desperate meme behind!

However, there was nothing in the dark eyes, and the cold and silent eyes only had greed and hunger.

The three of them shuddered together, feeling that Li Rui did not treat them as enemies, but as food!

Feeding on God, what a monster are you!

The three of them looked ugly and looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

After doing a game, all three knew that they could not take the loot with their fists, and they immediately retreated.

It's not worth fighting hard with these two monsters for a god's clothing and handguards!

"Indestructible True Dragon really deserves its reputation, but don't think you won, our real power has not yet..."

With a wave of Li Rui's hand, the surging wind interrupted Grace's words.

"Hurry up if you don't come out! I will definitely win if I kill you all!"

Li Rui walked slowly with the coercion that engulfed everything. It was like a tumbling of tens of meters across the mountain, and the three of them were breathless.

The three men's breath suddenly froze, their faces suffocated.

In particular, Grace’s silver teeth bite, and her teeth rattled, and she seemed to want to rush to nibble a piece of meat from Li Rui!

I am the archangel! Seraph blowing the Horn of Doomsday Judgement!

I don’t want face?

So many subordinates are watching!

I throw a ruthless word, you are going to die down a step!

Why is it so horizontal!

You won't find a girlfriend like this!

In the bottom of my heart, Li Rui was cursed silently, and all three were entangled in whether to fight another death.

At this time, the battle between several people has not only represented individuals, but the collision of civilization behind!

If all three of them can't beat "China"...

Um... The thing of luck is invisible and intangible, but at their stage, a symbolic event is likely to determine the situation in the next millennium!

Especially in the prologue chapter of the era of Reiki recovery, a seed buried at this time is likely to become a towering tree in the future!

Inexplicably, a sense of destiny that brought them together came up in the hearts of several people, but they felt a little awkward in the midst.

As if the script shouldn't be played like this, there seems to be something messy in it that makes an elegant and perfect stage mess up!

Looking at the two-story marauding worms, the three people suddenly realized their enlightenment.

If you remove this monster, the script will be harmonious!

Grace VS Bassett in the semi-finals, Siyaya VS Ayaki!

Finals Ayaki vs. Grace!

The four major civilizations in the decisive battle are fighting against the courts, and the final winner symbolizes that the extraordinary world of the new era is dominated by the civilization he belongs to!

But one more Li Rui has completely disrupted this pattern!

In the future... Will "China" be the only one?

Three hits and two hits won't win, this symbolism is too obvious!

Having figured this out, the three of them felt tight and felt really desperate!

Not for yourself, but for the civilization behind!

At this time, a piece of artifact has become insignificant, what they are fighting for is a little ethereal luck!

Feeling that the enemies in front of him rekindled their fighting spirit, Li Rui tilted his head in doubt.

Raising the hand knife, the giant phantom also lifted the front paw of the sickle covered with bone spurs, and suddenly waved forward!

[Fear of Sting] + [Sacrifice] + [New Moon]!


The tens of meters wide blades sealed all the space, and the three Graces were directly blown out.

As if there was a home run, the three of them almost jumped across the square, and then fell to the ground in awkwardness.

How did he become stronger again!

The three people were terrified, they could clearly feel the difference between Li Rui and the beginning of the fight!

Attack power increased by at least one third!

As for the blood volume, they can't find out, and naturally they have no way of knowing the real gap. They can only dimly feel that Li Rui's blood is still expanding!

Does he have no limit?

The three of them felt chills. The most terrifying thing was not that the enemy was stronger than you, but that they were stronger than you while still improving at a speed that they could not understand!

For the first time, the sense of despair that could not be seen in the taillights of the car appeared in the hearts of the three saints.

"Without real strength, there is no chance!"

Li Rui's eyes showed ridicule and anger, so that a bright halo appeared on Grace's head, but quickly extinguished under the suppression of the plane.

The remaining two of them looked at each other with a wry smile, as if feeling their destiny deflected in the unknown direction, and they had a sense of death in their hearts.

The ruler of the next millennium, His way will be paved with blood and bones!

But if you want to use our blood to pave the way to the highest, it depends on whether your fist is hard enough!

Crying in his heart, the two no longer have reservations, and the energy of their whole bodies is poured into the natal artifact.

Feeling the refusal in their hearts, Li Rui put away the tyranny in his eyes and took serious precautions.

But at this moment, the temple next to the square seemed to be unable to withstand repeated torture by several people, and began to slowly collapse and raise the sky of dust.

Li Rui frowned, feeling a little strange.

Although the destructive power of several of them is amazing, it is the awakening stage when they are in the sky. Under the premise that the battle range is centered on the square, the aftermath can destroy at most a few stone pillars, and it is impossible to shake the core structure of the temple!

Moreover, this is the temple of the true **** Poseidon!

How could it collapse so easily?

There was a faint wave of energy in the ruins. Li Rui was covered with a spirit. His eyes seemed to penetrate the mist and saw a dark red scary figure.


A pillar of blood-colored light rushed straight into the sky from the depths of the temple. The clouds were instantly dispelled. The sky was reddened by this blood-light, and the strange glazed crystal replaced the sky, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.

The earth trembles unnoticeably, and in the distance there is a horrified beast roar, a scene of the end of the world.

"what happened?"

"What it is?"

There were screams from the crowd, and some clever awakeners turned their heads and ran away. This battle is not a level they can touch!

The smoke gradually but the sight of sight surprised Li Rui and they were surprised.

An illusory scarlet giant nearly four meters high was suspended in the ruins of the temple, and the terrible soul threatened the audience.

All living awakeners kneeled to the ground involuntarily, and tremblingly grabbed the ground with their heads, daring not to look directly at the majestic and strange phantom.

Only a few people were able to stand at the scene, and Li Rui and others tacitly gave up the fight and surrounded the **** phantom firmly.


There was a cry in the distance. Luo Li's eyes shed tears of blood, the head under her fear, her legs shivering, and she knelt down.

Li Rui didn't hesitate to teleport to her, hugged and ran, until she was out of the range of the power of the Scarlet Shadow, Luo Li stopped and shivered slowly.

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