The structure of the building is exactly the same as last time, but the precious metals used are of a higher grade.

In addition to civilian gold, silver and platinum, more of the spiritual materials of the extraordinary world.

In order to establish this permanent portal, not only Li Rui, but also Huang Juncai and Luo Li's contributions have been squeezed out.

If it weren't for the "stone pith" in the mysterious realm, Li Rui estimated that he could not get the materials together for a year or two!

Thousands of materials exuding surging spiritual energy are thrown into the groove in the center of the top platform.

The precious metal that was just delivered was scattered around the groove. Li Rui looked around and confirmed that there was no problem. Then he hugged his sister to the bottom of the pyramid.

"Good boy, don't run around here."


After pinching the face of sister Sue Dudu, Li Rui returned to the top of the tower, and the dim **** pattern on his left arm wriggled, condensing into a knife less than ten centimeters in length.

Looking at the "weapon" that cuts apples too short, Li Ruiman's head is black.

Blood Shenzhu suffered more trauma than he thought, and it took so long to recover to this degree.

However, it can barely be used...

The sharp blade cut the fingertips, and the thick blood slowly oozed out.




A drop of blood dripped on the spiritual material, the red breath spread rapidly, and a breeze began to blow in the enclosed underground space.

The mysterious and majestic power descended from the void. Li Rui's blood was like a magma, melting various materials in the groove quickly, and finally forming a white-gold high-temperature liquid.

The liquid spiritual material spreads along the lines in the groove to the entire pyramid, and the ordinary buildings made of reinforced concrete begin to bloom slightly.

The basic law fragments in the panel burned frantically, breaking through the dimensions and constructing a mysterious link for the entire altar.

With the last experience, Li Rui released his dragon spirit all the way, infecting the entire space with his own breath.

There was a great will in gaze, but after a little contact, he fell into silence again.

Li Rui let out a long sigh of relief, knowing that he had passed the most difficult level.

"High-dimensional channels are established, the rules are eroding..."

"The sanctuary was built successfully, and the system rules were solidified..."

The magnificent pyramid glowed with colorful light, and the precious metal deposited on the top melted quickly, spreading and flowing like spring water, and the beautiful metal color gradually covered the surface of the pyramid.

In the reserved tiny pipes, the white-gold liquid is like blood, and the powerful arcane torrent oscillates back and forth, resonating with the energy of heaven and earth.

Horrible magic surges lingered around the pyramid, and a small "sun" slowly rose from the central groove.

Ascending to the ceiling, the "sun" didn't stop, and it was embedded in the rock layer.

The wide underground space is like daylight, after a long time the "sun" gradually goes out, leaving a bright hemispherical crystal.

Looking at only six points of chaos on the system panel, Li Rui's face hurt.

But this is a necessary effort. The altar in reality is not like the spring in the game. It has invincible properties, and the material built on the rules of reality must be destroyed.

And the altar he built now is more like the base crystal in the game, the sun above is the defensive tower!

This "defense tower" is integrated with the base's attack and defense. Before destroying the base, it can cause massive "full screen" damage.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it will not actively attack unless someone wants to destroy the base, or Li Rui controls it with his mind!

Li stomped on the metal ground, feeling the solid touch from his feet, Li Rui nodded in satisfaction.

The structure of the pyramid has been completely changed, just like the crystal in the game, as long as it is not completely destroyed at once, it can absorb the energy of the void and slowly recover.

And its strength is surprisingly high. In the words of the game, it is double resistance and thick blood.

At least Li Rui, who has no artifacts, can't dismantle it.

"Brother! Brother, can I come up?"

There was a cry of excitement from my sister, and a pair of short legs hopped to climb more than two meters high.

Li Rui looked at her dumbly and smiled, and she hugged her up in a flash.

"Wow, it's amazing!"

Standing on the top of the tower, Li Wei looked up and down, from time to time crouched down to touch the golden floor under his feet.

The whole pyramid seems to be cast of pure gold, and every corner is inscribed with simple and mysterious runes.

The surge of spells visible to the naked eye flows in the runes, constantly attracting the energy in the world into it.

Letting her sister play around, Li Rui walked to the central groove and scratched her fingers again.

Only this time he did not let the blood drip, but raised his fingers flatly and slowly pressed towards the void.

Click Click~

The space at the fingertips began to twist and shatter, and a slight sweat appeared on Li Rui's forehead. It should be harder to take a **** without pressure than to go to the sky.

The fingers tremble slightly, the blood slowly dissolves in the void, and it seems to soften the indestructible time and space.

Finally, Li Rui's finger seemed to pierce something, and a white light suddenly bloomed at his fingertips.

When the pressure on the hand was relaxed, the white light quickly expanded to the size of the mouth of the bowl, and finally an oval door with a height of more than two meters was formed.

Opposite the door is the familiar and unfamiliar space-Rune Land!

"Ha ha ha ha, stupid Luo Li, you are not enough to fight me!"

A yellow fur came in and saw a pyramid that was more magnificent and brighter than before, and his eyes widened.

"Slot, can this thing be upgraded?"

"Brother Huang, we are here!"

Li Wei beckoned at the top of the pyramid and beckoned, Huang Juncai's eyes lit up, and smoke sprang up.

"Why did you come first? Didn't I ask you to call Luo Li?"

"I called, but didn't she just take a driver's license? Ha ha, an old driver like her who wouldn't know how to race with an old driver like me, I taught her to be a man on the spot!"

Huang Juncai's eyebrows twitched, and his face was full of pride.

"Rigor, what is this?"

After a while, he turned his attention to the elliptical portal and wondered.

"This is the teleportation of Runelands..."

"Huang Juncai! My old lady wouldn't be called Luo Li without cutting you into three today!"

A stern roar came from the channel ~ ~ interrupted Li Rui.

Before the person arrives, Li Rui can feel the murderous rush from the face.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Li Rui frowned and looked at Huang Juncai. Luo Li would never be so angry if he simply lost the car.

"Oh, it must have been annoyed after losing, Ruige, you have to do justice for me!"

Huang Juncai made an ugly smile, hiding behind Li Rui without a trace.

A golden lightning bolt shot at the top of the pyramid, and when he pulled out the sword, he would split it into Huang Juncai's head.



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