"It’s for your life. Although your blood is thick and high, but after all, the energy level is too low, it is difficult to resist the erosion of the high position."

Hearing the words, Li Rui flashed a terrifying **** ghost in his mind, nodding in agreement.

"This is indeed a weakness. Give me more."

"Do you think these runes are Chinese cabbage? Do you want more?"

Ma Xiaoyun laughed and scolded, slapping fiercely on Li Rui's vest.


As she said, she reached out and shook her hand, and a charm suspended above her head, and a soft white light bloomed.

There is such a "light bulb", Li Rui naturally does not need to burn qi and blood to illuminate, and turns off [sacrifice].

The two went down the winding stairs and felt more and more wrong.

Has this staircase also grown?

There are more than a dozen steps in the middle of the normal Z-shaped floor, which is great for more than two dozen steps, but Li Rui walked hundreds of steps before they came to the first corner.

"Second floor? Does this building have a negative first floor? Directly negative two?"

Li Rui jumped in the corner of his eyes and recalled the signboard, there was a negative first floor on it!

"Is it because the space is distorted, and the stairs go directly through the negative first floor?"

Ma Xiaoyun guessed.

"It's possible that the steps just now were too long, and the two-story building was barely passable."

Li Rui nodded, but always felt a little wrong.

"But why skip the negative first floor? Isn't the seal body on the negative third floor?"

"Maybe it moved. Let's go! Look at the third floor first, if not, we will sweep up layer by layer!"

Ma Xiaoyun's beautiful Danfeng eyes shone with cold light, her whole body bloomed, and crackling flashed out a tiny arc.

The two continued to go down, but the light of the spell above them seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, and the smaller the range, the more they walked.

The darkness was like a mist, and it was okay in the vicinity, but a little further away was a blur.

"The third floor should be here."

Looking at the 3F sign in the stairwell, Li Ruizheng was about to push open the emergency access door, but his actions suddenly stopped.

"Sister Jun..."


"How many floors are there in this building?"

"We retrieved the registration drawings before, and there are three floors in total."

"Where does this staircase lead to?"

Li Rui turned around, looking at the stairs that continued to spread down next to him, his face dignified.

Only then did Ma Xiaoyun notice that there was a staircase extending downward, and the bright spells floated down the stairs a few meters. The dark passage seemed to have no end, and nothing could be seen in the depths of the darkness.

A slightly undetectable wind blew down the stairs, and the faint laughter of children could be heard faintly.

"The sound is far and near, and you can't tell where you are."

Ma Xiaojun listened with his ear and shook his head.

"Forget it, don't worry about him, all problems can be solved when you find the seal!"

Li Rui pushed open the emergency access door and decided to come at his own pace.

But when the two entered the negative third floor, their steps froze.

Blinking eyes looked at each other, both of them saw a trace of helplessness in each other's eyes.

It really isn't that simple...

What was presented to the two was not an underground garage at all, but a wide corridor.

On the two sides of the corridor, there are two company nameplates. In the dim light, the miserable green of the emergency light plate shone on the faces of the two people, and the entire floor looked like a ghost.

"Hengxin Real Estate..."

Choosing one side at will and looking at the signboard at the front desk, Li Rui recalled the signboard he saw on the first floor.

It seems that the company where the third floor is located!

The upper and lower spaces are reversed?

Frowning his brow, Li Rui called on Ma Xiaoyun to explore inside.

The documents scattered all over the road showed how rushed the employees were when they left, the drinks and coffee fell to the ground, and they were stamped with footprints everywhere!

During a vigilant patrol, Li Rui inadvertently swept across the window, his eyes twitched, and patted Ma Xiaojun.

"Sister Jun."

"what happened?"


Looking at Li Rui's fingers, Ma Xiaoyun was also stunned.


Taking a breath, the two came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the scenery outside the window in disbelief.

The sky and earth are upside down, the sky is under the feet, but the earth is above the head!

There is only a cold and pale color in the world, without any living things, a dead silence!

A lonely and strange feeling broke into the hearts of the two, making them think they broke into the world of the dead!

Putting his face on the window, Li Ruiyun was extremely eye-conscious and could vaguely see the depths of the city shrouded in mist, with some huge and strange black shadows looming.


A deep weeping sound came from the depths of the company. Li Rui and Ma Xiaoyun looked at each other, and followed the voice alertly.

The more you walked in, the clearer your voice was, and both of them clearly heard that this was a woman crying.

Is it the missing survivor who escaped from the depths of the company?

There was a trace of excitement in Li Rui's eyes, and he wanted to know what happened when the incident happened!

Following the weeping sound to the deepest utility room, Li Rui nodded at Ma Xiaoyun, slowly holding the door handle.


The door opening sounds so abrupt in the dead space, Li Rui even has the illusion that it seems that the crunch spread throughout the building!


A woman in a staff uniform turned her back to Li Rui and wept slightly hidden in the depths of debris.

"Are you OK?"

Tensioned nerves approached carefully, Li Rui slowly transported [Sacrifice].

A faint blaze bloomed on the surface of the body, Ma Xiaoyun only felt that an electric heater was raised in front of him, and the cold air was instantly dispersed.

"I... fell..."

"What did you drop?"

Li Rui was no longer close to her position, watching her hair gradually become yellow and curly.

"I... mine... my eyes fell!"

Turning his head at a 180 degree that human physiology can't do, a terrible rotten face caught Li Rui's eyes.

All the facial features were corroded into pits, an eyeball fell outside, and the black holes were full of wriggling white maggots.


Without any boosting action, the woman pounced on Li Rui at a speed much faster than ordinary people. Her mouth opened like a snake, and her jaws tore into huge gaps. It seemed that she could see the internal organs in the chest cavity.


Sighing softly, although I was prepared for it, I was still a bit disappointed when I didn't find the survivor Li Rui.


A terrifying wave of fire spewed out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ instantly submerged the woman in midair.

"Abyss giant mouth looks better than you, don't come near me!"

Li Rui raised her eyebrows in disgust and didn't want to touch her with her hand. [Sacrifice] Full open!


As if a sun was blooming in the house, the woman's wailing wailing lasted for less than a few seconds, and quickly turned into a pile of coke.

"She should be the employee of the killed company. Instead of escaping with the big army when the change happened, she hid here."

When Li Rui took back the burning flames, Ma Xiaoyun entered the room curiously.

The air in the house is still more than tens of degrees, but it can be tolerated by the high-end extraordinary.


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